Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Dead Prez Interview on Sean Bell & 50 Shots
Dead Prez Interview on Sean Bell & 50 Shots
(Courtesy of Davey D)
We caught up with dead prez two days after the horrific Sean Bell verdict which acquitted the police officers who shot him 5o times. The group had just given a rousing performance in Amhearst, Mass and took time out to break down how we should be viewing things in the aftermath. Both M-1 and Stic said they weren't surprised by the verdict because America has a history of never administering justice to those they oppress.
We also caught up long time activist Rosa Clemente, Hip Hop Pioneer Popmaster Fabel and former Presidential candidate Jared Ball.
All of them offered up keen insight and overstanding to the Sean Bell situation and police terrorism..
We also premiered a new song from rapper Jasiri X about Sean Bell
Listen to Breakdown FM Interview by Clicking the link Below
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
During the Reagan administration, Education Secretary T. H. Bell put together a National Commission on Excellence in Education to address “the widespread public perception that something is seriously remiss in our educational system.”
The result of the commission's investigation, A Nation at Risk, reported that--
“The educational foundations of our society are presently being eroded by a rising tide of mediocrity that threatens our very future as a nation and as a people. If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war.”
And what has been done to stop that erosion? A nation's true priorities can be easily assessed by determining where it's people and government spend money; by the attention, time, and creative problem solving a people and its leadership give to an issue. By any assessment, our young people and their education is a low priority on our national agenda.Two recent op/ed pieces comment on the 25th anniversary of A Nation at Risk. The NCBLA does not necessarily agree with either of the essays, but we do encourage you to read and think about them; to email them to your friends, colleagues, and family; to use them as a catalyst for a broader discussion about our young people's, and our nation's future. Have we become so much of a "niche" society that we have forgotten that children, like adults, are integrated, not compartmentalized, beings? Have business interests had too strong a determining hand in shaping American education or not enough? How can we educate parents so that they understand their responsibilities in preparing their children for school, in providing a home atmosphere that values education and is conducive to learning? How can we help parents to help their kids? And in an age when every individual will not only have multiple jobs, but perhaps multiple careers, are we severely limiting our thinking and creatively problem solving because we confine "free" public education to servicing only the needs of citizens ages 5-18?
Edward B. Fiske writes this morning in The New York Times-
"....American education is in turmoil. Most troubling now are the numbers on educational attainment. One reason that the American economy was so dominant throughout the 20th century is that we provided more education to more citizens than other industrialized countries. 'A Nation at Risk' noted with pride that American schools 'now graduate 75 percent of our young people from high school.'
That figure has now dropped to less than 70 percent, and the United States, which used to lead the world in sending high school graduates on to higher education, has declined to fifth in the proportion of young adults who participate in higher education and is 16th out of 27 industrialized countries in the proportion who complete college, according to the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education."
In this week's Washington Post, George Will writes--"In 1964, SAT scores among college-bound students peaked. In 1965, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) codified confidence in the correlation between financial inputs and cognitive outputs in education. But in 1966, the Coleman report, the result of the largest social science project in history, reached a conclusion so "seismic" -- Moynihan's description -- that the government almost refused to publish it.
Released quietly on the Fourth of July weekend, the report concluded that the qualities of the families from which children come to school matter much more than money as predictors of schools' effectiveness. The crucial common denominator of problems of race and class -- fractured families -- would have to be faced."
Again, the NCBLA encourages you to read each essay and form your own opinion, and most importantly, to ACT. Write a letter to the editor in response to these two essays. Write to your congressman or senator and share your opinion, your priorities. Post a comment on a blog. Contact your political party and your presidential candidate. Attend a school committee meeting. VOTE!Read Mr. Fiske's essay at:
Read Mr. Wills essay at:
Newsweek Magazine must read "Nation at Risk" at:
Thursday, April 24, 2008
dead prez & Smif n Wessun
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Francisco 8 court hearing. Four of the SF 8 - Ray Boudreaux, Richard
Brown, Hank Jones and Francisco Torres - joined in leading chants
outside the 850 Bryant Street courthouse along with supporters from
all over the Bay Area and from other West Coast cities. The main
defense arguments focused on the prosecutors' request to conduct
"conditional exams" of 5 witnesses who are old and in poor health and
so may not be available at trial. There are legal bases for their
testifying in advance of the preliminary hearing and trial. But the
defense is arguing that they have full rights to court-ordered
discovery pertaining to these witnesses allowing them to prepare to
cross examine them – particularly exculpatory evidence. Judge Philip
Moscone seemed to indicate that the standards for these exams would
have to meet trial standards, and that he will address the related
discovery issues, but would not issue a written ruling until next
week's court hearing. Defense subpoenas make clear reference to
missing exculpatory evidence including "negative comparisons" of
latent prints by FBI fingerprint examiners from 1971 and 1975. "I
believe that the FBI has been deeply involved in the investigation of
the Ingleside murder," according to defense attorney Chuck Bourdon,
who represents Francisco Torres. Bourdon also thinks that all FBI
files "have not yet been provided." Several agencies made reports of
negative results over the years. The only positive identification of
any latent print (the same latent print) was made recently by an
'expert' that was previously disciplined for making false fingerprint
reports. Stuart Hanlon, representing Herman Bell in this case,
referenced his previous defense of Geronimo Ji-Jaga Pratt - a major
target of FBI's COINTELPRO program. Geronimo "was falsely imprisoned
for 27 years by the withholding of FBI exculpatory evidence," argued
Hanlon. "This request demanding full discovery and particularly FBI
evidence is more than reasonable in light of this history. This case
is no different," Hanlon pointed out. "The FBI and COINTELPRO are
relevant to this case as COINTELPRO is a continuum through today's
Phoenix Taskforce," argued Jalil Muntaqim's lawyer, Daro Inouye. The
Phoenix Taskforce is a multi-agency force that is difficult to
formally define. It is known that it includes the US Attorney, the
FBI, local police agencies including the SFPD, and the California
Department of Justice. It is the umbrella organization that has
reopened this case, empaneled various Grand Jury investigations and is
overall responsible for this 37-year old Panther prosecution. Dave
Druliner, the lead State prosecutor, replied to defense references to
COINTELPRO dismissively as "an aura that exists out there," and "just
something that the defense brings up from time to time." Apparently
congressional investigations revealing the illegality of the FBI's
COINTELPRO program in the 1970s are part of that aura. Next week's
hearing will also address requests from Herman Bell and Jalil Muntaqim
to be returned to New York State between now and the start of the
preliminary hearing in this case (likely to be scheduled for early
September), in order to pursue their parole hearings. Judge Moscone
indicated a willingness to agree to these requests if Herman and Jalil
were to waive their rights to be present at any interim hearings in
San Francisco. The next hearing in the San Francisco 8 case is
scheduled for Tuesday, April 29th at 9:30 am in Department 26, 3rd
floor, 850 Bryant Street.
_______________________________________________ Please support these
brothers by sending a donation. Make checks payable to CDHR/Agape and
mail to the address below or donate on line: Committee for the Defense of Human
Rights (CDHR) PO Box 90221 Pasadena, CA 91109 (415) 226-1120
"Clueless in America"
in the industrialized world,'
said Allan Golston, the president of U.S. programs for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In a discussion over lunch recently he described the situation as 'actually pretty scary, alarming.' ”
Bob Herbert's column ( in today's New York Times continues:
"Ignorance in the United States is not just bliss, it’s widespread. A recent survey of teenagers by the education advocacy group Common Core found that a quarter could not identify Adolf Hitler, a third did not know that the Bill of Rights guaranteed freedom of speech and religion, and fewer than half knew that the Civil War took place between 1850 and 1900."
Not only are literacy statistics nationwide very little improved, if at all, but historical literacy statistics, too, are dismal. That is why the National Children's Book and Literacy Alliance has created OUR WHITE HOUSE:LOOKING IN, LOOKING OUT, an incomparable collection of original poetry, nonfiction, essay, historical fiction, and art about American History using the White House as its unifying theme. Created for adults to share with the young people in their lives Our White House addresses both literacy and historical literacy, exciting young people ages 9-16 about our nation's rich heritage, inspiring them to read more. Our White House: Looking In, Looking Out, will be published September 9, 2008.
Mr. Herbert also writes:
" We don’t hear a great deal about education in the presidential campaign. It’s much too serious a topic to compete with such fun stuff as Hillary tossing back a shot of whiskey, or Barack rolling a gutter ball."
The NCBLA agrees and encourages you to write to your chosen presidential candidate to demand that issues related to education not only become part of the national election conversation, but that the candidates give voice to their ideas and solutions that address serious educational issues.
Contact your chosen candidates and your political party to insist that educational issues be taken as seriously as health and economic issues. Education is at the core of every problem we need to solve.
Contact Presidential candidates and national political parties:
Democratic Party website and contact info:
Republican Party website and contact info:
Presidential Candidates websites and contact information:
Hilary Clinton:
John McCain
Barack Obama
For more information go to the NCBLA activist pages at:
Monday, April 21, 2008
For Parents and Teachers
Why Don't Modern Poems Rhyme, Etc.Frequently asked questions about the business of verse.By Robert Pinsky
One of the modern maxims of good writing is "Show Don't Tell." In a recent blog posting former Poet Laureate Robert Pinsky does just that to explain modern poetryWell worth reading, informative and enjoyable at:
Robert Pinsky's latest book of poems is Jersey Rain.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Esteemed Arbuthnot Lecture: Don't Miss It!
If you can't get to the Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center in Madison, Wisconsin at 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 17 to hear David Macaulay give the 2008 May Hill Arbuthnot Honor Lecture-Don't worry!
You can watch it on a live video stream. Just go to-- There you will find all the information about the lecture and about the video stream hookup.
David Macaulay, renowned author and illustrator of books for young people and adults including Black and White, The Way Things Work, Castle, Cathedral, Mosque, Angelo, and Romantics, will give a lecture intriguingly entitled, "Thirteen Studios.
You can read more about the Arbuthnot Lecture on the American Library Association's website at:
This year's host is the South Central Library System in Madison, WI which helps libraries serve the public in Adams, Columbus, Dane, Green, Portage, Sauk and Wood counties.
They Wanna Know...WHY WE SAY FTP
Without accountability the very nature of what it means to preserve peace, justice and equality is called into question. It is a necessity for the people, for the community to hold the various police departments accountable since they have proved themselves incapable of doing so themselves.
Immortal Technique (Hip Hop Artist)
No one is safe when it comes to the terror tactics perpetrated by the police force on a national level. To some that statement may seem a bit harsh. However, a cursory glance at the historical context of the relationship between "The Police" and "The People" will make it plain. In fact, one doesn't really have to go back 500 years or even 40 years to see the excessive force, beatings, torture, false imprisonment, coercion and outright murder sponsored by those whose mission is supposed to be "to serve and protect".
On January 4, 2008, Tarika Wilson, 26, and her 1-year old son, Sincere Wilson were shot by SWAT Police in Lima, Ohio. The Police, who came to allegedly execute a drug warrant for Ms. Wilson's boyfriend, knew there were children in the house because of the toys in the yard, yet they still managed to shoot Tarika Wilson as she held her baby. Ms. Wilson, the mother of six children, ages 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8, was pronounced dead on the scene. One year old Sincere's arm was badly injured and at least one of his fingers was amputated as a result of his injuries. Cases like these have forced us to expose; as Brother Dhoruba would say, "the occupying militarized police and the armed counterinsurgency units masquerading as Street Crime Units, Anti-Gang Task Forces and Community Policing Units".
The People have become immune to the alarming number of murders committed by Police not only because they have been so frequent but, also because the actual aftermath of the murders have not been presented visually.
Why We Say FTP is a highly anticipated film written, produced and directed by Kalonji Changa and Vaunghn Saber. The Film sheds light on Police Terrorism, Political Prisoners as well as Cointelpro: past and present amongst other things. It brings life to the victims, of some you may have heard and others you may not. Why We Say FTP is not the typical "We hate the Police" film, but a film that from an intellectual perspective would even cause your Grandmother to say "I may not agree with the term FTP, but I understand why they use it".
Why We Say FTP is not just another run of the mill "conscious" documentary; it is a project that captures the heart and minds of everyday people. In the film you will find everyone from Freedom Fighters, Rappers and Politicians to the average Brother and Sister on the Block. The film's topics range from the CIA's role in pushing Cocaine into the streets, to the FBI's role in the East Coast-West Coast Black Panther riff and its relation to the so-called Tupac/Biggie conundrum. The goal of Why We Say FTP is not to capitalize off the suffering of the people, as so many so-called leaders do, but to educate and inspire on a mass level. Be on the look out for Why We Say FTP, coming soon on DVD.
For more information on Why We Say FTP go online to:
About the Producers:
Kalonji Changa is the Founder/National Chief Coordinator of the FTP Movement an Organization whose acronym stands for, amongst other things, Feed The People, Free The Prisoners and Fight The Power. Kalonji was also instrumental in the launching of the Cease Fire: Stop Police Terrorism Campaign. Cease Fire: Stop Police Terrorism is a National Crusade that amalgamated Community Organizers and the Hip Hop Community to tackle issues of Police Brutality. In addition to his effective organizing, Kalonji is also a talented revolutionary writer whose work has appeared in San Francisco Bay View, The Source and Frontline Magazine.
Vaunghn Saber is a producer/director/videographer/video editor who has worked with several individuals and organizations in the Metro Atlanta area. Vaunghn Saber is well known for his involvement with the recording group The Liuns Den as a music producer and from his videography works on the Crew Love DVD series with founder Taj Anwar. His collaborative efforts with Kalonji Changa on Why We Say FTP was to bring awareness to the general public, young and old, that this is something that people are faced with each and every day around the world. The people need to be enlightened that this is not something that happens by accident. Police are violating the rights of the people and are getting away with absolute murder. This project is aimed at exposing the corrupt system that is supposed to protect and serve as well as inform the people of their rights and how to protect themselves when placed in a situation regarding an encounter with the police.