HND 08: Hip Hop For Social Change Happily Natural focuses on social change, cultural awareness and holistic health & wellness. Since inception it has placed a specific focus on natural haircare, cultural heritage, social change and naturopathic medicine. Workshops are held annually on modalities for holistic healing, natural haircare & naturopathic medicine. Lectures on history, culture and heritage as it relates to Africans in America & throughout the Diapora are presented by scholars and community advocates of wide & diverse backgrounds. What is Happily Natural Day?Hosted annually through the collective efforts of a wide array of institutions, businesses and dedicated individuals; Happily Natural is a vehicle through which grassroots organizations, cultural activists and community advocates can network and interact in a festive atmosphere while promoting upliftment of the African community. During the festival, patrons are given the opportunity to interact with scholars, vendors & musicians. Community oriented poets & musicians, visual artists, and socially responsible business owners work together to inspire, illustrate and network to create cooperative socio-economic realities throughout the Diaspora. 2008 Happily Natural Highlights: Special Guest Lecturer: Ashra KwesiAshra Kwesi is a lecturer on ancient African history and religion. He reveals firsthand information from the temples, tombs and papyrus papers recorded when African people were teachers of the world. His compelling lectures are based on 27 years of historical expeditions in Africa, covering Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya and Ghana. 14 of those were spent as an apprentice to the renowned scholar, Dr. Yosef ben Jochannan. Brother Kwesi presents spirited, visually documented Power Point presentations designed to inspire and educate people of African descent. Socially Conscious Music - Mike Flo of RBG Family/People's Army: Chi-town born; ATL resident - dead prez affiliate, tag line: Consciousness Requires Action.
- Mello-D & Da Rados: Live Hip Hop Band with raw energy and relevant lyrics
- Tislam the Great: Baltimore Hip Hop from the Nation of Gods & Earths
- And More to Come
Informative Workshops - Ayo Handy Kendi: The Power of Breath
- Kalonji Changa: Now-Intelpro: the continuation of Cointelpro
- Iyapiphany : Building the Black Family
- Myra Ceasar of Tea-Co: The Healing Properties of Tea
- And More to Come
The Happily Natural Hip Hop SummitThe Happily Natural Hip-Hop Summit is a dynamic educational opportunity for youth, community leaders, government officials and industry professionals. The summit will include a film screening, a panel discussion and entertainment aimed at engaging youth in issues of community improvement. Looking for Visionaries: Happily Natural Street Team Happily Natural Day is coming and we're looking for a few energetic people to join our street team! We need street team members to help us spread the word by passing out fliers and reposting this message all over the Internet! If you'd like to pass out fliers and generally spread the word, we'd like to thank you with a spot on the guest list for the festival after - party and some Happily Natural Day merchandise! It's soooo easy to spread the word: - @ concerts, @ parties , @ other festivals Some of the benefits are: -meet new people, little commitment, get into events free, it's lots of fun! I mean who wouldn't want to: -build your resume; support the movement; GET ON THE GUEST LIST! Just email me with your first and last name, mailing address and phone number. We would really love your help! I'll look forward to hearing from you, Brother Manifest Street Team Manager Support Our Sponsors      CONTACT US TO SEE YOUR LOGO HERE!! CREW LOVE HOSTED BY TAJ ANWAR @ HAPPILY NATURAL Crew Love @ Happily Natural Day: stay tuned for updates regarding the CREW LOVE invasion. email us to sponsor the event visit the website: VENDORS & SPONSORS WANTED Happily Natural Day is Pro-Black without Apology. For that reason we will not allow ourselves to be pimped by corporations. We get no money from alcohol, cigarettes, THAT WOULD BE OXYMORONIC. Due to living in a white supremacist system, sponsorships for programming that will sincerly and overtly seek to improve the Black Community, we look for support from black people first to keep the energy of black power fueling this effort. We refuse to dilute the message so we can get crumbs from masters table. If you believe in what we are doing, sponsor us. Be a vendor. It is the only way we can continue to bring you the programming that we need. Vendor Fees (per day): Pay Online $100.00: Merchandise - 10 x 8 space $150.00: Food - 10 x 10 black power | no apology |
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