Although Republicans are still pretending that the Democrats got one over on them on the recent health care reform, they know that the insurance corporations help draft the legislation and that their proposed surgery to repeal the reform will leave the corporate benefits from the legislation in place and leave the senators themselves with the only government sponsored (socialist) health care coverage of any kind. Matt Lockshin, Campaign Manager for Credo Action applauds Sen Chuck Schumer's challenger that (Republican) senators that want to repeal any (social) health benefits for the American people, first decline their own:
"For two years, GOP leaders in Congress fought tooth and nail to oppose health care reform. They did their best to keep tens of millions without coverage, decrying any effort to help citizens as "socialist," "fascist" or some other equally baffling "ist." Incredibly, now that they are the majority, their first act will be to vote to repeal health care reform that gives affordable care to 32 million Americans. And yet, when it comes to their own coverage, Republicans in Congress are not only using government-sponsored health care, they even whined about having had to wait for it.1 As the Republicans are gearing up to appease Tea Party extremists and vote to repeal health care reform for Americans who need it, Senator Chuck Schumer is calling the GOP on their hypocrisy, and calling on them to give up their government-sponsored health care: "It was a central value to us when we passed health care, and a central value to the American people, that members of Congress should get the same health care as everyone else. It seems unfair that house Republicans want to deprive middle-class Americans of the same health care as members of Congress but to keep it for themselves." "Will Eric Cantor urge every Republican who is going to be for repeal to not take government health care themselves and to drop their existing health care?"2 We think he should, and applaud Schumer for his challenge." 1John Marshall, Talking Points Memo — November 15, 2010 2Huffington Post, January 4, 2011

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