Thursday, June 16, 2011

NewsOne: "I've Held My Tongue On Obama And Herman Cain But Only Cain Pisses Me Off - Despite Him Not Holding An Elective Office"

"Keep Your Enemy On Trial So You Don't Have To Indict Your Friend".
I can't say that I was the one who discovered this phenomenon that is the dominate force in Progressive-Fundamentalist and 'Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chasing" circles but it is abundantly clear to anyone who dares take a transparent look at their M.O. that this is the way they rationalize their convictions.

From the NewsOne article:

Gerren Keith Gaynor: Herman Cain, For The Sake Of Black America, Pipe Down!

  • I have reluctantly held my tongue on Herman Cain for quite some time now, but enough is enough. 
  • The “contender” for U.S. president is a comical Republican presidential candidate, and a disgrace to the Black community.
I have told everyone before that the proper way to analyze a "BQ.P.F.R.C." is to go beyond what he is "OFFENDED BY" and instead consider what he SHOULD BE offended by but remains in "complicit silence" over because of the gravitational pull of 'congregational unity" that is enforced with.

Mr Gaynor was not compelled to "be offended" over the streaming evidence of crisis WITHIN the Black community as governed by individuals who, unlike Herman Cain - have actually held elective offices and got the balance of the "Black Equal Ballots" from Black people.

Herman Cain

Barack Obama
POWER Over Black People Herman Cain has never held an elective office before.  The only influence that he has ever had over the Black Community was his ability to set policy for the Kansas City Federal Reserve bank as a commissioner on the board.

Mr Cain ran for US Senator for Georgia but never made it out of the Republican Party.  Since Black people do not vote for Republicans in general - Mr Cain has never had the balance of Black people invest their "Equal Black Ballots" into the HOPE that this investment would change their fortunes in life and society.
Barack Obama was a State Senator in Illinois, receiving the balance of the "Equal Black Ballots" who invested in him.   The same is he case when he because a US Senator from Illinois and late the President of the United States
The Ability To Fuse The "Black Community Uplift Consciousness" With The American Political Domain Herman Cain is considered a "Tea Party Favorite".  If we listen to the various Black Progressive-Fundamentals communication channels that PURPORT to represent the "Best Interests" of the Black Community but, in truth, are indistinguishable from that which can be heard on MSNBC (The Black Progressive-Agenda Network) or Media Matters one can understand that Mr Cain does indeed influence a fusion but from the standpoint of a NEGATIVE, repulsive-magnetic force upon the Progressive Sensibilities due to his affiliations In 2008 Candidate Barack Obama managed to do what no other man prior to him did:  Trigger the wholesale and unrepentant FUSION between the "Black Community Consciousness" & "Racial Uplift Motion" in to the American Political Domain via the Democratic Party.

With all due respect - the two legs of the Black Community Consciousness was opened wide as it yielded itself to the notion that with Obama as President Of The United States - this would have a substantial thrust for the interests of Black people and would finally force the White people who did not respect the ability of Black people to yield to this higher authority.

To fail to measure President Obama by noting how much the BLACK RACIAL SERVICES MACHINE was COMPROMISED - yielding all notions of DEFENDING ITS HONOR as a separate and distinct entity from that of a BLACK MAN who is operating inside the AMERICAN POLITICAL DOMAIN is the fundamental molestation of what the great Malcolm X was attempting to warn our people against.
"Black Silence" Around Each Man Though the author of the NewOne piece claims that he has been "silent" about Mr Cain - the truth is that the "Obama Fist Bump Black Press" has written more openly critical articles in 6 months against this "Pizza Man" who holds no elective office than they have against the sitting President Of The United States in 2.5 years that he has been in office. President Obama is to be credited.  With the "JingOism" that was created in the wake of his election he was able to take down the fortress of the "Smiley-West Machine" that had brought us "The State Of The Black Union" convention each year.

They made the mistake of attempting to establish a TRANSPARENT framework for the appraisal of THIS President yet were surprised when the JingOists made it clear that they had no intention of promoting their own "Black Permanent Interests" above their PRIMARY INTERESTS:  Defending President Obama Against Attack - Both Right-Wing And Unattached Progressive

The SILENCE that Obama and the JingOists have enforced - has, for the first time in our history as a people produced the sounds of Black people openly debating the practicality of being heard openly criticizing the President of the United States and thus "Speak Truth To Power" was put into an escrow box.
How Does Black America Heal After Each Respective Man Exits The Stage? For Herman Cain this will be an easy task.  He will likely return back to his Atlanta based radio show and continue to do motivational speeches for (mostly White) business groups.  He will be entered into a hall that houses the pictures of:
  • Clarence Thomas
  • Condi Rice
  • Michael Steele

The challenge for Black America after 4 or 8 years of the Obama Presidency will be the question of how the INTERNAL institutional integrity within our community can be fortified so that it is never compromised again.

With the key social indicators related to the "Black Permanent Interests" having been stagnant or even eroded - few elements of proof that the ORGANIC COMPETENCY within our community ranks having been augmented - the challenge for those of us who actually believe Malcolm X's warnings about the "American Political Football Game" to be sage advice will be the massive effort to get Black people to actually VALUE OUR OWNSELVES and the "vital statistics" attributes that bear this out.

It is far too easy at this point to be sold by a "Charismatic Leader" or be compelled into action as a Threat is dangled in front of our faces - causing us to curl up in the Raciall Defensive Position.

If all of this fails to convince you just remember:

  • Herman Cain cannot be elected in any "Majority Black District" in America - let alone being reelected when he presides over a 16.2% Black unemployment rate.
  • Herman Cain has never bombed an African Nation using the full military might of the US Armed Forces Command - not triggering protests by Black Americans
  • Herman Cain was never in the command of agents working for the United States government who shot an unarmed terrorist in the face because he made an "aggressive move" ,  instead of bringing him into face "justice" for his actions - No protests were seen but if the domestic police did the same they'd take to the streets
  • Herman Cain has never promoted a man who lead a failed school system which has 87% Black and Minority students and despite graduating only 52.1% of them - have him take over the national education policy as a "Mission Accomplished, Job Well Done. We Know How Difficult It Is To Educate Blacks"
    • When he develops a national policy to "Return the USA to the #1 spot for college graduation - the Black skeptics are not drawn to ask "IS HE INCLUDING US IN THIS NUMBER?  What evidence can we infer from Chicago Public Schools that this is his intention to include us?"
  • Herman Cain is not a member of a Political Machine that has millions of "Black Equal Ballots" invested in it with the HOPES that this exchange of the valuable currency of "The Black Equal Ballot" and the "Black Consciousness Sentiment" would be enough to provide the community uplift that the embedded confidence men within our community have sold us on

Indeed Mr Cain has POWER over Black people.  It comes through his affiliation with the forces that can trigger Black people  to avoid our focus on what MATTERS THE MOST WITHIN and instead fight the racially defensive posture that will be needed for Obama to receive 90%+ of the Black vote REGARDLESS of how the key performance indicators (KPIs) for the Black community look in 2012.

The challenge is not go get Black people to not vote for Obama.
Instead it is to convince the masses about
  1. What can be accomplished through voting
  2. What needs to be done by improved "Human Resource Management" at the local level
  3. Preventing the Embedded Confidence Men into compelling our people on the notion that one domain can lead to success in the other. 
Today's conditions that are their "Mission Accomplished" state in our communities exposes that they are damned liars.


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