Thursday, June 16, 2011

Two People Shot On MLK Blvd In Atlanta. Fear Not This Is Not As Significant Of A "Slap In The Face To The Black Community" As Was The Placement Of A Civil War Placard On This Same Sacred Street Closer To Downtown Atlanta

"Ralph if I would have known that our people would act this way on the streets named after
you, Joe Boone and Joe Lowery, I would have personally seen  to it that my  lieutenants took a vow  to ignore lifting ME up on a monument and instead focus on lifting up  the people's CONSCIOUSNESS as they are given a purpose now that they are free.  Just wait until they blanket the "Mission Accomplished cities with the "Presidential Obama Blvds" as the cross streets that intersect those which honor me are  renamed for little more than symbolic purposes. "

2 Shot At Atlanta Apartment Complex On MLK Dr

I stated previously on this blog that I would be willing to go along with a "Zero Tolerance Enforcement" of RESPECT for the landmarks named after all of "our heroes".

Point A: The location in downtown Atlanta where the Georgia NAACP opposed the placement of a commemorative Civil War Marker to remember the place where General Sherman's troops started to burn down Atlanta. The placement of this marker was said to be a "slap in the face to Black people" as it opened the wounds of slavery which our backs (and minds) have not yet healed from.

Point B: The place further down Martin Luther King Dr where two people were shot. I can confidently say that this was not a "Tea Party Militia attack" for there would be a "Fight The Power"/ "THEY Can't Do This To Us" rally in place already.

Shamefully we must accept that since the "placement of our heroes on street signs" as advocated by Civil Rights Pharisee Rev Joseph Lowery and others as a means of motivating Black people to stop killing each other as they see their oppressors being honored has FAILED. There is no means of making a people respect themselves by such an inducement. This dignity must come from a more functional and deliberate internal, organic uplift.

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Two people were shot Thursday at an apartment complex in southwest Atlanta. The incident took place around 10:20 a.m. at the Hugos Park apartments on Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, near Fulton Industrial Boulevard.

Atlanta Police spokeswoman Kim Jones said the victims were a man and a woman who appeared to be in their mid-20s.

"The female sustained what appeared a medium-range shotgun blast to her back, and one of the projectiles struck her in the ear," Jones said. "The male victim sustained a similar range blast to his face and chest areas."

She said the victims were "coherent and alert" and were taken to Grady Memorial Hospital.

"Preliminary reports indicate that these shootings may be domestic related, the result of a relationship between the alleged perpetrator and the female victim," Jones said.

Justin Alexander, a resident of the apartments, felt police could have prevented the incident.

"I heard a lot of commotion and I came outside to see what was going on and the police were out here ... there was a lot of folks talking about shooting each other back and forth and talking negative about the police, and [the police] jumped in their car and left, and they really shot each other. I guess the police didn't take it serious ... if they had done their job when they first got out here, wouldn't be no need for the street to be blocked off ... the police didn't want to do their job."

Asked if he thought the shooting was gang related, Anderson quipped, "It's stupidity related."

Anderson said such incidents are common in the area. "All the time ... it's not good around here; it's a very dangerous environment. ... This is every day, same thing every day, shooting, stabbing, robbing, setting stuff on fire, busting windows out, everything. It's the worst thing I've ever been around in my life."

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