In the convergence of:
- A Black mother who was charged with vehicular homicide of her own child as she crossed a busy street in the middle of the block and a drunk driver struck and killed the child - a mass community show of support converted what was sure to be jail time into probation for the grieving mother. The gathering of the activists proved to be a "self-chumming" event showing the "Strength and honor of Black people to change the mind of a 'White judge' who was going to throw her in jail" (paraphrased quote from a caller)
- The Black Unemployment Rate
- The concerns over the US Debt situation
- The Atlanta School Cheating Crisis
The result of all of this was a massive "The Black Community NEEDS TO" forum where all agreed that:
- WE NEED TO support Black owned businesses
- WE NEED TO create our own jobs
- WE NEED TO manage the affairs in our own community because the police are not equipped to do so
- WE NEED TO provide tutoring and guidance to your Black students so they can learn in school
- WE NEED TO support our elected leadership so they can defend our interests in hostile environments
From this "We Need To" session I was forced to note that this very common point of thinking has been the operating agenda for the Black community for decades and decades. In fact the "Black Racial Services Machine" that I keep referring to was indeed founded after a mass gathering of "Black leaders" who resolved to make more effective use of our valuable community resources for the purposes of obtaining improved outcomes.
The 2-D Graph / Time Line - A Foundational Management Tool For The Protection Of The Interests of The Black Community
Before I get into my review of the NPR interview with the NAACP and the National Urban League - it is important to introduce a key construct
To the left is a standard management tool.
On the X axis is a time series.
On the Y axis a number of different measures can appear. In this particular post the measurement of the intensity of our "Investment Of Black Power Resources" into the "American Political Domain.
The Y axis is categorized into the 4 segments of governance - including "The Black Community".
I have stated previously - in my observations of those who work to manipulate the resources of the Black Community - walking into a debate with them with only your mouth (your arguments) you will never out-debate them. They know how to throw out indictments and put the onus on you:
- "What have YOU done for Black people?"
- "Where were YOU when we were getting beat up by the police?"
- "Show me YOUR better plan before we agree to stop marking on our plan (that we were just heard grieving about as being insufficient)"
On MSNBC ("The UN-FOX-Biased Biased Network) we often hear the slam against Conservatives being "anti-science" because they are so doggedly entrenched into their ideology. It is clear, however that those who doggedly avoid seeking to MEASURE the forces that they say are bearing down upon the Black community (threatening to return us to slavery) are of this same spirit of non-science in favor of non-sense.
By not submitting to a model - in which the forces that bear down upon the Black community are put into their proper PROPORTION - they are able to claim the presence of "Racism(!!!)" and the acceptance that racism is present is sufficient to dismiss their culpability in our present aggrieved state.
The other force, besides the oppressive force of "racism" (or the stagnating force of "corporate abandonment") are the affirmative INVESTMENTS that the Black Community was compelled to make as we accepted the quid pro quo promises by the "Black Racial Services Machine" in support of our "Community Development Consciousness".
It is my contention that if the Black Rank & File do not enforce the INTEGRITY of our institutions and resources that are put at play - we are going to get PLAYED. I believe that the NAACP and National Urban League - in their present form are PLAYING THE BLACK COMMUNITY. The primary means by which they are allow to get over is the absence of:
- A Time Line
- The Lack Of A Video Tape In Which Their Community Development Plan Is Reviewed For Its Efficacy
Both of these are necessary tools in the protection of the Black Community Interests from usurpation
The NAACP, NUL And Other Black Racial Services Machine Must Be Forced To Submit To Constructs Which Protect The Core Black Community Interests From Usurpation From Failed Schemes
The graph above shows the implementation of the plan by which the outcomes within the Black Community were to be improved as "The Black Community placed favorable people into seats of power, to control the institutions within our community, electing Democrats, to advance favorable public policy for the benefit of the Black Community." This more or less models the "Black Progressive Agenda" that was voiced in 1968 after the death of Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr.
This plan was first implemented in a large scale in 1968 as the mayoral elections in Cleveland took place. The same Black institutions that had been driving for "Civil Rights" began to carry political campaign signs on behalf of Carl Stokes.
As with the recent comments made by radio talk show host Tom Joyner the "Black Racial Pride" in seeing "First Black (Progressive)" in office can be used to compel our people to "Vote Our Race". Despite the attempts to suppress this sentiment among White people in 2008 - Joyner and other embedded operatives are not about to ask Black people to "disarm" in this manner" - regardless of the data indicating the state of our community as the plan from 1968 has run its course.
The other day my "racial consciousness eye" shed a tear as I heard a person on the radio argue that our Black children in school TODAY are still suffering from the after-effects of SLAVERY in our schools. This despite the fact that "favorable people" run the schools and the larger community within which they reside.
It is clear - that absence some CONSTRAINT - they are going to keep selling past infractions as present indictments - compelling Black people to look past the incompetence of some of the people who have been invested in - and instead SELLING US on the importance of fighting the present fight that is in front of us.
Chart Description
BLACK COMMUNITY Level - The "Black Community Development Consciousness" - our quest to improve the conditions within as we are positioned to interact with more leverage to the greater community. The other elements of the chart is an approximation of how our community consciousness has been fused to the "American Political Domain" - compelling us to continue the investment of this valuable resource along with the "Equal Black Ballot"
MUNICIPAL Level - The struggle to insert "favorable people" into power over the key local institutions (mayor's office & executive/administrative staff, city council, police & fire departments, public school systems) has been most dramatic at the municipal level. "Black (Democratic) voting blocks" are most effectively leveraged in the domain with such closed quarters.
STATE Level - As the population of Black people is diluted into a greater whole - the need for "Joint Venture Partnerships" and coalitions was seen as necessary to achieve the favorable policy goals that are common among the individual Progressive-leaning groups. The relatively small group of Black state representatives and state senators needed these partnerships to advance the stated (progressive) interests of the Black community
FEDERAL Level - At the federal level the use of coalitions and caucuses are vital. Blacks are only 13% of the population. The Democratic Party and the "special interest groups" that seek to influence elected officials are vital. The "Labor" coalition and various "Social Justice" partners that supported "redistributive economics" were seen as partners.
As time passed the "Black Agenda" was forced to yield into a more generic "Progressive/Left-Wing" agenda.
(Not the next passage has no bias applied. I am reporting the stated facts based on their announced plans).
In listening to the NAACP and "The Leadership Conference On Civil Rights" over the past few years - they have affirmed their expansion into "Immigration/Hispanic Rights" and "Gay Rights" and "Abortion Rights". I have previously analyzed this as evidence of compromised "Black Interests" for the sake of "Progressive outcomes". In truth the historic Black Civil Rights organizations are "freed up" to support the activism in these other venues because so much of the "low hanging fruit" of unchecked racism on Black people has been picked. TODAY WE ARE OPERATING IN A PURE IDEOLOGICAL/POLITICAL DISTRIBUTION.
(Note: Just as the incident of a murder does not prove that this is a "murderous nation" - the example of an incident of racism against Black people does not prove that this is a "racist nation". The measure of RACISM in America must be based upon the proportion of these hateful actions are left unchecked by the government, by the non-governmental institutions (businesses and clubs) and by groups of individuals in the society). Failing to apply such discipline to the issue merely allows those who are seeking to make mischief with our raw sentiments on the subject due to history to continuously have their way. The cost is that our community will never implement a more functionally effective governance model).
Analysis: Why Michelle Martin Failed To Apply The Proper Constraints Upon The "Hijackers Of Black Congregational Unity" In Her Interview With The NAACP And NUL
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