Showing posts with label Nazis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nazis. Show all posts

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Tempelhof Preserved

Berlin has been in the throes of a heated debate and local referenda about the fate of Tempelhof, the world’s first truly modern airport and the only part of Hitler / Speer’s masterplan for “Germania” to be completed. The imposing main structure of Tempelhof Airport finally ceased operations at the end of 2008 as part of the process that will eventually see Schönefeld take over as Berlin’s sole commercial airport. Once the focus of the famous airlift to save Berlin from the clutches of communism after World War II, Tempelhof airport has been transformed from "the mother of all airports" into a public park. Indeed as many ex- Communists from the East now form the majority on the city council defenders of Tempelhof have suggested they wanted it closed down as the potent symbol of the Luftbrücke, the airlift which broke the Soviet blockade of Berlin.


Eighteen months after ceasing aviation operations, fabled Tempelhof airport in the heart of Berlin re-opened on Saturday as the German capital's largest public park. Formerly one of the 20 largest buildings in the world, the hangars now hosts occasional fairs and festivals, such as the DMY International Design Festival, Bread & Butter, whilst the rest of the airport grounds are being transformed—courtesy of a whopping 60 million euro government scheme—into Tempelhof Park.

Plan of Tempelhof

The historic airstrip, once described by star architect Norman Foster as "the mother of all airports," underwent a clean-up to transform the 380-hectare (950-acre) aviation hub into an expansive urban oasis. Although roughly the size of Central Park in New York, Tempelhof Park does not boast the hills, dales, ponds or leafy copses of its American counterpart. Instead, it presents open vistas of treeless, but breathtaking expanses, otherwise unheard of in an urban environment. The old airport terminal is still intact, but the typical aeronautic paraphernalia - the landing lights, signals and other gear - have been removed.

Proposed redevelopment

Although the airport had been operation in some for over 80 years, it is the absolutely huge scale and striking form of the terminal building, conceived by German architect Ernst Sagebiel between 1934-1936 (based on Albert Speer’s masterplan), that resonates with visitors seeing it for the first time. The audacity of the 50+ metre cantilevered roof arc over the terminal and the clarity of the functional diagram are still, despite of any Nazi undertones, to be applauded architecturally. Tempelhof is the forerunner and exemplar of today’s super-sized terminal buildings designed by Foster, Piano and Rogers’s et al. Hugh Pearman points out:

“(Tempelhof) was designed to last until the year 2000. Somewhat surprisingly, it has. It is the only major airport in the world to have remained virtually unchanged over more than 60 years. What can it teach us? “

The airport was iconic for a number of reasons – not the least of which was it’s intended position as an international gateway in Speer’s masterplan of Welthauptstadt Germainia – it was also one of the world’s largest buildings (for a while), in 1927 it became the first airport with an underground railway station, and was the hub during the Berlin Airlift.

After years of debate Berliners voted in a referendum held in Berlin, on April 27, 2008 to finally close down this historic airfield. However, Tempelhof will remain the effective monument to the Berlin Airlift of 1948-1949.

In June 1948 the Soviet Union made an attempt to take control of the whole of Berlin by cutting off surface rail and street access to and from the western part of the city. If successful this action would have resulted in effectively starving out over 2 million Berliners of food supplies. The US Truman administration’s reaction to the Blockade was to provide a daily airlift by the Allies to ensure that food and supplies continued to reach Berliners living in the western Sector. More than 5,000 tons of supplies were delivered daily. The “Airbridge” lasted until September 1949 when the Soviet government finally lifted the blockade. Popular stories about “raisin-bombers” and the ‘Chocolate Pilot’ are still told to children today.

For many Berliners, especially the older generation, Tempelhof remains a symbol of freedom and belongs to Berlin as much as the Brandenburg Gate. Even Germany’s conservative Chancellor, Angela Merkel, pointed out that “to many people and me personally this airport with the Airlift Memorial is a symbol of the city’s history”.

The airport was built by the National Socialists between 1936 and 1941 by Ernst Sagebiel, in typical Nazi monumental style, complete with carved eagles at the entrance and a roof constructed to hold an audience of 100,000 people watching military parades and air shows. Sagebiel was listed twice in the Guinness Book of Records for his architectural feats which included the Former Air Ministry as the largest office building in Europe. Tempelhof was designed to become the largest air travel terminal of its day, replacing the building that had stood on this site since 1923.

But the bulldozers aren't finished with Tempelhof just yet. Starting in 2013, the new park will undergo a four-year, 60-million-euro ($48 million) facelift to become the home of the 2017 International Garden Exhibition. By then, it should look a lot more like its storied New York counterpart. Let’s hope that the project respects the unique contribution of this site to transport, to history and being built by fascists through the Berlin Airlift to the freedom enjoyed in Europe today.

For updated info on the campaign to preserve Tempelhof and obtain UNESCO heritage status for the site see;

For the story of the closure of Tempelhof see;

For more on Architecture and Design see ArchiBlogs in the Blog sidebar.

Tempelhof Preserved

Berlin has been in the throes of a heated debate and local referenda about the fate of Tempelhof, the world’s first truly modern airport and the only part of Hitler / Speer’s masterplan for “Germania” to be completed. The imposing main structure of Tempelhof Airport finally ceased operations at the end of 2008 as part of the process that will eventually see Schönefeld take over as Berlin’s sole commercial airport. Once the focus of the famous airlift to save Berlin from the clutches of communism after World War II, Tempelhof airport has been transformed from "the mother of all airports" into a public park. Indeed as many ex- Communists from the East now form the majority on the city council defenders of Tempelhof have suggested they wanted it closed down as the potent symbol of the Luftbrücke, the airlift which broke the Soviet blockade of Berlin.


Eighteen months after ceasing aviation operations, fabled Tempelhof airport in the heart of Berlin re-opened on Saturday as the German capital's largest public park. Formerly one of the 20 largest buildings in the world, the hangars now hosts occasional fairs and festivals, such as the DMY International Design Festival, Bread & Butter, whilst the rest of the airport grounds are being transformed—courtesy of a whopping 60 million euro government scheme—into Tempelhof Park.

Plan of Tempelhof

The historic airstrip, once described by star architect Norman Foster as "the mother of all airports," underwent a clean-up to transform the 380-hectare (950-acre) aviation hub into an expansive urban oasis. Although roughly the size of Central Park in New York, Tempelhof Park does not boast the hills, dales, ponds or leafy copses of its American counterpart. Instead, it presents open vistas of treeless, but breathtaking expanses, otherwise unheard of in an urban environment. The old airport terminal is still intact, but the typical aeronautic paraphernalia - the landing lights, signals and other gear - have been removed.

Proposed redevelopment

Although the airport had been operation in some for over 80 years, it is the absolutely huge scale and striking form of the terminal building, conceived by German architect Ernst Sagebiel between 1934-1936 (based on Albert Speer’s masterplan), that resonates with visitors seeing it for the first time. The audacity of the 50+ metre cantilevered roof arc over the terminal and the clarity of the functional diagram are still, despite of any Nazi undertones, to be applauded architecturally. Tempelhof is the forerunner and exemplar of today’s super-sized terminal buildings designed by Foster, Piano and Rogers’s et al. Hugh Pearman points out:

“(Tempelhof) was designed to last until the year 2000. Somewhat surprisingly, it has. It is the only major airport in the world to have remained virtually unchanged over more than 60 years. What can it teach us? “

The airport was iconic for a number of reasons – not the least of which was it’s intended position as an international gateway in Speer’s masterplan of Welthauptstadt Germainia – it was also one of the world’s largest buildings (for a while), in 1927 it became the first airport with an underground railway station, and was the hub during the Berlin Airlift.

After years of debate Berliners voted in a referendum held in Berlin, on April 27, 2008 to finally close down this historic airfield. However, Tempelhof will remain the effective monument to the Berlin Airlift of 1948-1949.

In June 1948 the Soviet Union made an attempt to take control of the whole of Berlin by cutting off surface rail and street access to and from the western part of the city. If successful this action would have resulted in effectively starving out over 2 million Berliners of food supplies. The US Truman administration’s reaction to the Blockade was to provide a daily airlift by the Allies to ensure that food and supplies continued to reach Berliners living in the western Sector. More than 5,000 tons of supplies were delivered daily. The “Airbridge” lasted until September 1949 when the Soviet government finally lifted the blockade. Popular stories about “raisin-bombers” and the ‘Chocolate Pilot’ are still told to children today.

For many Berliners, especially the older generation, Tempelhof remains a symbol of freedom and belongs to Berlin as much as the Brandenburg Gate. Even Germany’s conservative Chancellor, Angela Merkel, pointed out that “to many people and me personally this airport with the Airlift Memorial is a symbol of the city’s history”.

The airport was built by the National Socialists between 1936 and 1941 by Ernst Sagebiel, in typical Nazi monumental style, complete with carved eagles at the entrance and a roof constructed to hold an audience of 100,000 people watching military parades and air shows. Sagebiel was listed twice in the Guinness Book of Records for his architectural feats which included the Former Air Ministry as the largest office building in Europe. Tempelhof was designed to become the largest air travel terminal of its day, replacing the building that had stood on this site since 1923.

But the bulldozers aren't finished with Tempelhof just yet. Starting in 2013, the new park will undergo a four-year, 60-million-euro ($48 million) facelift to become the home of the 2017 International Garden Exhibition. By then, it should look a lot more like its storied New York counterpart. Let’s hope that the project respects the unique contribution of this site to transport, to history and being built by fascists through the Berlin Airlift to the freedom enjoyed in Europe today.

For updated info on the campaign to preserve Tempelhof and obtain UNESCO heritage status for the site see;

For the story of the closure of Tempelhof see;

For more on Architecture and Design see ArchiBlogs in the Blog sidebar.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Arbeit Macht Frei

For people the world over, few relics have come to symbolise the Nazi Holocaust more than the infamous wrought-iron sign straddling the entrance to the Auschwitz death camp, bearing the cynical words Arbeit Macht Frei - "Work sets you free". The gate itself was constructed under German orders by Polish political prisoners who had arrived in late 1940 and early 1941.

Its construction was part of a general overhaul of the camp, which included replacing temporary barbed wire with high-voltage fencing and concrete posts. The 5m (16ft) sign was made by prisoners in the metalworking detail under Jan Liwacz, a master blacksmith. It is believed that, in an act of defiance which went unnoticed, the prisoners reversed the B in Arbeit, giving it the appearance of being upside down.

Arbeit Macht Frei

The phrase Arbeit Macht Frei itself was coined by the 19th Century linguist, ethnologist and author Lorenz Diefenbach. The Nazis latched on to it and a sign bearing the inscription appeared at the Dachau concentration camp, set up by Heinrich Himmler in 1933 to use dissidents as slave labour. The phrase later became part of the Nazis' deception for the real use of the concentrations camps. Ultimately for most the freedom referred to could only be achieved in death.

Now, in an act of gross disrespect the sign was stolen, apparently for financial gain last week. The 90lb bronze sign, which topped the main entrance gate at the memorial site, has since been found in northern Poland following a nationwide hunt. It had been broken into three pieces. Five men, aged between 25 and 39, were arrested and taken to the southern city of Kraków, the nearest main city to Auschwitz, for questioning. The sign, which translates to "work sets you free" was stolen before dawn on Friday. The theft prompted international outrage.

Andrzej Rokita, the local police chief in Krakow - where the men were being questioned - said the theft had been financially motivated, and it remained unclear whether it was carried out to order. "From the information we have, none of the five belong to a neo-Nazi group nor hold such ideas," Rokita said of the suspects.

Many people seem not to understand why the theft of this simple sign is an act of desecration. More than one million people, mostly Jews, died at the Auschwitz camp, which Nazi Germany built in occupied Poland during the Second World War. Auschwitz - Birkenau is both the grave and memorial for over a million people who were cruelly murdered by the racist Nazi State. The Nuremburg race laws of 1935 established beyond doubt the racist nature of the Nazi State and its fellow travellers. Before being murdered by industrial means in batches of up to 800 and their looted bodies being incinerated in grotesque crematoria the victims at Auschwitz were robbed of their dignity and identity, their names were not even recorded. The Auschwitz Memorial Museum cries defiance at the racists and says these people must be remembered, had names and their lives were important.

As Winston Churchill said in 1944 when the scale of the genocide at Auschwitz became clear;

"There is no doubt this is the most horrible crime ever committed in the whole history of the world, and it has been done by scientific machinery by nominally civilised men in the name of a great State and one of the leading races of Europe.”

That is why our testament to their memory is important and every act of desecration and denial is a twisted attempt to justify the murder of the innocent; Jew, Pole, Russian, Czech, Homosexual, Gypsy, Hungarian, Socialist, Jehovah’s Witness and many more. Men, old people, women and children.

Birkenau Barracks

We must not allow their memory to be insulted. Remember the Shoah and respect the memory of the victims.

For a fuller account of Auschwitz-Birkenau see;

Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum

For some idea of what has been lost see;

Jewish Kraków

Jewish Prague

Jewish Kos

Gate of Death, Birkenau

Arbeit Macht Frei

For people the world over, few relics have come to symbolise the Nazi Holocaust more than the infamous wrought-iron sign straddling the entrance to the Auschwitz death camp, bearing the cynical words Arbeit Macht Frei - "Work sets you free". The gate itself was constructed under German orders by Polish political prisoners who had arrived in late 1940 and early 1941.

Its construction was part of a general overhaul of the camp, which included replacing temporary barbed wire with high-voltage fencing and concrete posts. The 5m (16ft) sign was made by prisoners in the metalworking detail under Jan Liwacz, a master blacksmith. It is believed that, in an act of defiance which went unnoticed, the prisoners reversed the B in Arbeit, giving it the appearance of being upside down.

Arbeit Macht Frei

The phrase Arbeit Macht Frei itself was coined by the 19th Century linguist, ethnologist and author Lorenz Diefenbach. The Nazis latched on to it and a sign bearing the inscription appeared at the Dachau concentration camp, set up by Heinrich Himmler in 1933 to use dissidents as slave labour. The phrase later became part of the Nazis' deception for the real use of the concentrations camps. Ultimately for most the freedom referred to could only be achieved in death.

Now, in an act of gross disrespect the sign was stolen, apparently for financial gain last week. The 90lb bronze sign, which topped the main entrance gate at the memorial site, has since been found in northern Poland following a nationwide hunt. It had been broken into three pieces. Five men, aged between 25 and 39, were arrested and taken to the southern city of Kraków, the nearest main city to Auschwitz, for questioning. The sign, which translates to "work sets you free" was stolen before dawn on Friday. The theft prompted international outrage.

Andrzej Rokita, the local police chief in Krakow - where the men were being questioned - said the theft had been financially motivated, and it remained unclear whether it was carried out to order. "From the information we have, none of the five belong to a neo-Nazi group nor hold such ideas," Rokita said of the suspects.

Many people seem not to understand why the theft of this simple sign is an act of desecration. More than one million people, mostly Jews, died at the Auschwitz camp, which Nazi Germany built in occupied Poland during the Second World War. Auschwitz - Birkenau is both the grave and memorial for over a million people who were cruelly murdered by the racist Nazi State. The Nuremburg race laws of 1935 established beyond doubt the racist nature of the Nazi State and its fellow travellers. Before being murdered by industrial means in batches of up to 800 and their looted bodies being incinerated in grotesque crematoria the victims at Auschwitz were robbed of their dignity and identity, their names were not even recorded. The Auschwitz Memorial Museum cries defiance at the racists and says these people must be remembered, had names and their lives were important.

As Winston Churchill said in 1944 when the scale of the genocide at Auschwitz became clear;

"There is no doubt this is the most horrible crime ever committed in the whole history of the world, and it has been done by scientific machinery by nominally civilised men in the name of a great State and one of the leading races of Europe.”

That is why our testament to their memory is important and every act of desecration and denial is a twisted attempt to justify the murder of the innocent; Jew, Pole, Russian, Czech, Homosexual, Gypsy, Hungarian, Socialist, Jehovah’s Witness and many more. Men, old people, women and children.

Birkenau Barracks

We must not allow their memory to be insulted. Remember the Shoah and respect the memory of the victims.

For a fuller account of Auschwitz-Birkenau see;

Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum

For some idea of what has been lost see;

Jewish Kraków

Jewish Prague

Jewish Kos

Gate of Death, Birkenau

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Swiss go Cuckoo

Posters of the far-right Swiss People's Party depicting a woman wearing a burqa against a background of a Swiss flag with several minarets. It reads in French 'Stop - Yes to the ban on minarets'

Switzerland’s popular democracy with the right to call referenda looked far less attractive today as it descended into racism and intolerance. The country voted to ban the construction of new minarets, in a surprise result certain to embarrass the neutral government and which the justice minister said could affect Swiss exports and tourism. The Swiss news agency ATS and other media said about 57.5 percent of voters and all but four of the 26 cantons approved the proposal in the nationwide referendum, which was backed by the right-wing Swiss People's Party (SVP).

The government and parliament had rejected the initiative as violating the Swiss constitution, freedom of religion and the country's cherished tradition of tolerance. The government had said a ban could "serve the interests of extremist circles". "Muslims in Switzerland are able to practise their religion alone or in community with others and live according to their beliefs just as before," it said in a statement. Justice Minister Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf said the outcome of the vote reflected a fear of Islamic fundamentalism, but the ban was "not a feasible means of countering extremist tendencies".

A group of politicians from the SVP, the country's biggest party, and the conservative Federal Democratic Union gathered enough signatures to force the referendum on the initiative. Its campaign poster showed the Swiss flag covered in missile-like minarets and the portrait of a woman covered with a black chador and veil associated with strict Islam.

This is not the SVP’s first run at a deliberately racist campaign. In 2007 it launched a poster campaign depicting three white sheep standing on the Swiss flag, with one craftily kicking away a black sheep, which was plastered on to billboards, into newspapers and posted to every home in a direct mailshot. The poster was, according to the United Nations, the sinister symbol of the rise of a new racism and xenophobia in a country where one in four, like the black sheep in the poster, are now foreign immigrants to this peaceful, prosperous and stable economy with low unemployment and a per capita GDP larger than that of other Western economies.

This latest referendum is a disgrace in a state which found no problem in being bankers to the Nazis and handling stolen goods from around the world generally. Let's go the whole hog and bar steeples, roadside shrines, crosses on the skyline and Stars of David on Synagogue windows? Still, Switzerland’s Cantons were the result of vicious sectarian warfare? This should serve as a warning that the world is still building barriers and stigmatising people based on race and religion. It is surely the mark of a mature and confident society that it welcomes diversity and the contribution of different cultures to enriching society for everybody? It seems the cuckoos in Switzerland are not just in the clocks.

The Swiss go Cuckoo

Posters of the far-right Swiss People's Party depicting a woman wearing a burqa against a background of a Swiss flag with several minarets. It reads in French 'Stop - Yes to the ban on minarets'

Switzerland’s popular democracy with the right to call referenda looked far less attractive today as it descended into racism and intolerance. The country voted to ban the construction of new minarets, in a surprise result certain to embarrass the neutral government and which the justice minister said could affect Swiss exports and tourism. The Swiss news agency ATS and other media said about 57.5 percent of voters and all but four of the 26 cantons approved the proposal in the nationwide referendum, which was backed by the right-wing Swiss People's Party (SVP).

The government and parliament had rejected the initiative as violating the Swiss constitution, freedom of religion and the country's cherished tradition of tolerance. The government had said a ban could "serve the interests of extremist circles". "Muslims in Switzerland are able to practise their religion alone or in community with others and live according to their beliefs just as before," it said in a statement. Justice Minister Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf said the outcome of the vote reflected a fear of Islamic fundamentalism, but the ban was "not a feasible means of countering extremist tendencies".

A group of politicians from the SVP, the country's biggest party, and the conservative Federal Democratic Union gathered enough signatures to force the referendum on the initiative. Its campaign poster showed the Swiss flag covered in missile-like minarets and the portrait of a woman covered with a black chador and veil associated with strict Islam.

This is not the SVP’s first run at a deliberately racist campaign. In 2007 it launched a poster campaign depicting three white sheep standing on the Swiss flag, with one craftily kicking away a black sheep, which was plastered on to billboards, into newspapers and posted to every home in a direct mailshot. The poster was, according to the United Nations, the sinister symbol of the rise of a new racism and xenophobia in a country where one in four, like the black sheep in the poster, are now foreign immigrants to this peaceful, prosperous and stable economy with low unemployment and a per capita GDP larger than that of other Western economies.

This latest referendum is a disgrace in a state which found no problem in being bankers to the Nazis and handling stolen goods from around the world generally. Let's go the whole hog and bar steeples, roadside shrines, crosses on the skyline and Stars of David on Synagogue windows? Still, Switzerland’s Cantons were the result of vicious sectarian warfare? This should serve as a warning that the world is still building barriers and stigmatising people based on race and religion. It is surely the mark of a mature and confident society that it welcomes diversity and the contribution of different cultures to enriching society for everybody? It seems the cuckoos in Switzerland are not just in the clocks.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

BBC gives fascists a national platform

I'm deeply ashamed that the BBC’s Question Time has given a platform to the BNP's Nick Griffin, a fascist thug with serious form, a holocaust denier and a convicted racist masquerading as a democratic politician. Is that why we pay, under pain of imprisonment, a TV tax out of money which is already taxed? Tonight the BBC lost any moral justification for a licence fee.

I have no problem with debating with the BNP and don't underestimate the common sense of the British people. Indeed history shows they have an adversion to extremism. However I am deeply uncomfortable with that debate being on a publicly funded broadcaster in a context where the BNP are treated as being equivalent to mainstream political parties.

London MPs today led a furious backlash against the BBC for inviting the BNP onto Question Time. Diane Abbott accused the Corporation of "accepting that violent fascism is somehow part of the political mainstream". The Labour MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington said it was a "chilling idea" for black, Asian and Jewish communities that the far-Right party could be treated in such a manner. Five other London MPs have launched a Commons campaign condemning the BBC. Pop stars, writers and union members also joined the public outcry.

Jerry Dammers, founder of The Specials, attacked the BBC as naive. His words were echoed by the former children's laureate Michael Rosen who said people had a right not to hear the BNP. They were speaking at an emergency public rally held by Unite Against Fascism in central London. Mr Dammers said: "The BNP are hiding their true identity as Nazis and fascists and the BBC are allowing themselves to be used for that purpose."

Kawsar Zaman, from the Muslim Council of Britain, said: "It's a really sad day for the BBC; it's a sad day in my opinion for this country." They spoke out as BBC director general Mark Thompson defended the decision to have BNP leader Nick Griffin on Question Time. He said that the Corporation had a "central principle of impartiality" which it would only override if the Government demanded a broadcasting ban as Margaret Thatcher did in the Eighties for Sinn Fein. "The case against inviting the BNP to appear on Question Time is a case for censorship," he said. He denied that the decision was based in any way on a wish to appear controversial.

Concerns are only likely to be fuelled by the delight of the BNP at the platform it is being given. "Thank you Auntie," said Mr Griffin in an interview with The Times.

Not in my name.

BBC gives fascists a national platform

I'm deeply ashamed that the BBC’s Question Time has given a platform to the BNP's Nick Griffin, a fascist thug with serious form, a holocaust denier and a convicted racist masquerading as a democratic politician. Is that why we pay, under pain of imprisonment, a TV tax out of money which is already taxed? Tonight the BBC lost any moral justification for a licence fee.

I have no problem with debating with the BNP and don't underestimate the common sense of the British people. Indeed history shows they have an adversion to extremism. However I am deeply uncomfortable with that debate being on a publicly funded broadcaster in a context where the BNP are treated as being equivalent to mainstream political parties.

London MPs today led a furious backlash against the BBC for inviting the BNP onto Question Time. Diane Abbott accused the Corporation of "accepting that violent fascism is somehow part of the political mainstream". The Labour MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington said it was a "chilling idea" for black, Asian and Jewish communities that the far-Right party could be treated in such a manner. Five other London MPs have launched a Commons campaign condemning the BBC. Pop stars, writers and union members also joined the public outcry.

Jerry Dammers, founder of The Specials, attacked the BBC as naive. His words were echoed by the former children's laureate Michael Rosen who said people had a right not to hear the BNP. They were speaking at an emergency public rally held by Unite Against Fascism in central London. Mr Dammers said: "The BNP are hiding their true identity as Nazis and fascists and the BBC are allowing themselves to be used for that purpose."

Kawsar Zaman, from the Muslim Council of Britain, said: "It's a really sad day for the BBC; it's a sad day in my opinion for this country." They spoke out as BBC director general Mark Thompson defended the decision to have BNP leader Nick Griffin on Question Time. He said that the Corporation had a "central principle of impartiality" which it would only override if the Government demanded a broadcasting ban as Margaret Thatcher did in the Eighties for Sinn Fein. "The case against inviting the BNP to appear on Question Time is a case for censorship," he said. He denied that the decision was based in any way on a wish to appear controversial.

Concerns are only likely to be fuelled by the delight of the BNP at the platform it is being given. "Thank you Auntie," said Mr Griffin in an interview with The Times.

Not in my name.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Jewish Kos

“The Holy Synagogue of the Jewish Community of Kos, 16th Century – 1944)”

Holocaust Memorial, Rhodes

Kos is one of the most popular tourist islands of the Dodecanese. Geographically speaking it is very close the Asia Minor and therefore a significant commercial and cultural center. At a comparatively early period Jews are mentioned among the population of Kos; and under Alexander the Great and the Egyptian Ptolemies (from 336 B.C.) the town developed into one of the great Jewish centres in the Ægean. Josephus ("Ant." xiv. 7, § 2) quotes Strabo to the effect that Mithridates sent to Kos to fetch the gold deposited there by Queen Cleopatra and "800 talents belonging to the Jews." Jews of Kos are mentioned at the time of Antiochus VII., Sidetes, Kos being one of the islands to which the rescript of the Roman consul Lucius was sent (139 B.C.; I Macc. xv. 23). It appears probable that in course of time the Jews became the chief bankers in the island, and that they took charge, at a certain rate of interest, of the large sums of money owned by the temples.

In the sacrificial tablet of the Temple of Adrasteia and Nemesis, they are mentioned (lines 17, 18) as πάντες ὑπὸ τ[ων τρα]πεζειτῶν ή ἄλλως (Herzog, "Critische Forschungen," p. 35). This inscription is of the first century B.C. Rayet ("Mémoire sur l'Ile de Kos," p. 80) thinks that the 800 talents ($960,000) deposited by Cleopatra were held by these Jewish τραπεζήται; but of this there is no evidence (Paton and Hicks, "Inscriptions of Cos," p. xxxviii.). In 49 B.C. the Koans are reminded by the consul Caius Fannius to obey the decree of the Roman Senate and to allow safe passage to Jewish pilgrims travelling to Jerusalem (Josephus, l.c. xiv. 10, § 15). Herod is said to have provided an annual stipend for the benefit of prize-winners in the athletic games (Josephus, "B. J." i. 21, § 11); and a statue was erected there to his son Herod the Tetrarch ("C. I. G." 2502). The epigrammatist Meleager, who was living at Kos about 95 B.C., complains of having been abandoned by his mistress for a Jew (Epigram No. 83, in "Anthologia Græca," v. 160).

1945, Jewish women from Rhodes who survived the Holocaust

According to Josephus, Kos had a Jewish community as early as the Second Temple. According to ch. Maccabees I (15.23), Jews had been living on the island since 142 B.C. In 49 B.C., under the Roman rule, the residents of the island were ordered by Governor Fanios to respect the decree of the Government and permit the safe passage of Jewish pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem. The first Greek Jew known by name was "Moschos, son of Moschion the Jew", a slave identified in an inscription dated approximately 300 - 250 B.C. found in Oropos, a small coastal town between Athens and Boeotia. It could be assumed that as a result of frequent Jewish movement through Greece a Jewish Community was eventually established. This community is believed to have grown further after the Hasmonean uprising (142 B.C.) when many Jews were sold into slavery in Greece.

In the early Christian era, the fact that Paul the Apostle, upon his arrival in Greece, preached in the Jewish Synagogues in Athens, Corinth, Veria, Kavala (Philipus) gives proof of the existence of many Jewish Communities in this Country. So it will be readily understood that Jewry and the Greek lands have a very close and long standing connection and their histories are intertwined.

Kos town today, Crusader Castle of Neratzia

The visitors to Kos should not miss the view of the port from the Citadel which dominates the area and was built by the Knights of St. John in 1314. It is not known whether Jews continued to live at Kos from Roman times down to the conquest of the island by the Knights of Rhodes in 1315. Under the rule of the knights, however, Jews were banished (1502) from the island (Coronelli, "Isola di Rhodi," p. 180) and transported to Nice, in accordance with the decree promulgated by Pierre d'Aubusson, grand master of the Hospitallers of St. John. It is not definitely known whether the Jews returned from Nice to Kos a year after their banishment, i.e., during or after the conquest of the island by the Turks but Jews returned in 1523, protected by the Caliph as “People of the Book”.

But, according to a document, now at Rhodes, containing some notes on the administration of the community of Rhodes, the community of Kos was in 1685 dependent on that of Rhodes, paying to the latter a tax collected from eighteen persons whose names are mentioned in the document. The amount of the tax, which was paid up to 1870, indicates probably that the community was not very large and had no chief rabbi, but was under the direct control of the chief rabbi of Rhodes.

The Synagogue of Kos at 4, Alexandrou Diakou Street

In 1747 Eliezer Tarsia covered financially for the construction of a small but impressive synagogue that even after his death was preserved with the income from a neighbouring house and two shops he bequeathed. In 1850, 40 families lived in Kos, but were reduced to 25 in 1872. The Jews of Kos exported grapes and raisins and were also involved in metal and clothing trade. In 1901 Kos only had 10 Jewish families who were involved mainly in commerce. The members of the Community lived in harmony and spoke Greek, Turkish and Judeo-Spanish. The Community grew significantly during the Greek-Turkish War between 1918-1922, as refugees came from Asia Minor and particularly from Smyrna.

In 1933 Kos was shook by a very strong earthquake. As a result many human lives were lost. Important monuments, including the synagogue, were ruined. Immediately after the destruction of the old synagogue a new one was built very close to the port. It exists up to this day and is located on 4, Alexandrou Diakou Street. The synagogue served the religious needs of the 140 members of the Jewish Community. When Italy surrendered in 1943, the islands of the Dodecanese were occupied by the Germans. The members of the Jewish Community of Kos were arrested and their properties were seized.

Plaque commemorating the holocaust victims from Rhodes

Jewish schoolgirls Rhodes 1930's

On July 22, 1944, the Jews from Kos and Rhodes were crowded on three cargo ships which went to the port of Piraeus. Once there, they were forced onto cattle trains and were deported to Auschwitz. During the Holocaust, all members of the Jewish Community of Kos perished. Only one person survived the Holocaust and returned to the island.

This was not the first episode of persecution. As Kos changed hands like a shuttlecock between opposing armies, so, too, did the fate of the community. Between 1306-1522 all Jews were expelled twice under the rule of the Knights of St. John, to return again after the invasion by Suleiman the Magnificent in 1523. The Knights' imposing Castle still commands the Harbour.

There was a Blood Libel in 1850, under Ottoman occupation, but the Colonel in charge, Ramiz Bey, established Jewish innocence. As we shall see, this is not the only example of a Turkish individual defending Jewish persecution. War again, this time between Greece and Turkey, 1918-1923, led to an increase in population as Jews fled from Izmir. Their number reached 160 by 1939.

Italian troops invaded Kos in 1912, and the outbreak of World War 11 reinforced their presence. Such had been their tight control of administration and the policy of 'Latinisation', that even in 1944 all Birth, Death and Marriage certificates were in Italian. Looking at the ominous red stripe on the documents for every Jew made one realize how far back the community had been in peril. The region suffered great hardship, hunger, and bombardment by the allies between 1940 and 1943. War brings out the very worst in Man but perversely, occasionally, the best of spirit. Food supplies to the community were at starvation levels. Observing their plight, the new commandant of the region in July 1942, Admiral I. Campione, enforced fair distribution of food regardless of fascist dictates.

Alexander Angel a young Jewish boy on Rhodes wearing the star of David in 1943. Jews on Rhodes were not required to wear the yellow star and he is wearing it as an innocent gesture of pride. He was murdered in Auschwitz in 1944

On 3 September 1943, the Italians surrendered. There was much rejoicing but fate played a cruel hand. The rescuing British forces were out numbered by the Nazis who occupied the Island on the 3 October 1943 (an interesting account of the campaign by the British Caithness regiment is at:


There were brave acts of Greek resistance throughout the occupation, and after writing a courageous condemnation of persecution, the Archbishop of Athens, Damaskinos, was threatened with the firing squad by the Nazi General Strop. Another example of indomitable spirit can be seen across the harbour in Pothia where a number of citizens bravely painted their houses blue and white, the colours of the banned Greek Flag.

Memorial to the Jews of Rhodes and Kos, Jewish Cemetery, Rhodes

The Nazi response to such things was demonstrated shortly after their arrival. They impressed their might by hanging non- Jewish patriots, Elias Kapiris and George Zoumpoulikos, and the same fate befell Theokritos Kostoglou, Anezoula Patakou and Stamatia Peri in April 1945.

For the Jewish community, all that had been feared throughout the war came to be on July 23, 1944. A few days earlier two senior Nazi officers met with the elders of the community with instructions that listed Jews were to congregate in the harbour. Despite the issue for Rhodes and Kos of some 42 exit visas by the Turkish Consul, Salahattin Ulkemen, an act recorded in his honour at Yad Vashem, three small cargo boats transported some 2000 souls from the islands to Piraeus.

The president of the Central Jewish Council of Greece, Moisis Constantinis (R) presents on July 24, 2008 in Rhodes an award to Mehmet Ülkümen (L), son of Selahattin Ulkumen, a Turkish consul general on the island who in 1944 saved 40 Jews from being deported to Nazi concentration camps.

First hand accounts of the bestiality of the eight day boat journey and the subsequent 13 day train journey, where those who died were unceremoniously thrown off, can be found in 'The Juderia: A Holocaust Survivor's Tribute to the Jewish Community of Rhodes' (Laura Vardon, Prager, 1999) and 'The Jewish Martyrs of Rhodes and Kos' (Hiskia M. Franco, Harper Collins, Zimbabwe 1997).

In the nine months before the War in Europe had ended, nine in every ten of those deported from Rhodes and Kos had died. Of the 140 deportees from Kos, 137 perished. The Jewish population of this once small but proud community now stands at three, the children of the late Moshe Menasce. Survivors do return but it is not easy - 'I fear so much I would hear the whispers of my people in the streets' (Laura Vardon, p.166)

Auschwitz-Birkenau - The "Judenrampe" where the "selections" for the gas chambers took place. 80% were killed when they arrived

Today only the Synagogue remains on the island. It is easily recognized due to the Star of David on the gates. It is now used as a Municipal Cultural Center. There is a monument inside the door listing the names of the 140 Jews from Kos whose lives were destroyed in this pointless act of evil by the racist Nazi State in the dying days of WW11. There are two Jewish cemeteries at Kos. One very old one, situated on the seashore at Cape Sable, is no longer used. The other, more in the interior of the island, contains over one hundred tombs, the earliest dating from 1715. Following are the names of the chief families in 1901: Romano, Capelluto, Angel, Tarica, Gabaï, Couriel, Benveniste, Coenca, Alhadef, Mir, Pisante, Habib, Abzaradel, Franco, Finz, Ergas; the most prominent among these families being those of Tarica, Alhadef, and Franco. The last-named was engaged especially in exporting raisins, the chief product of the island, and had connections at the principal centres of commerce of Europe. Later on Jews from Salonica came every year to the markets of Kos to buy the products of the island.

La Juderia, Rhodes

1946 photo of the President of the Jewish Community laying a wreath at the fountain in La Juderia

The evil of the Shoah always shocks but the memorial plaque on the outside of the Synagogue is stark;

The only redeeming feature of this tragedy, other than the Jews from Rhodes who escaped to Turkey, is that for the first two decades of Italian rule more than 2,000 Rodian Jews emigrated on Italian passports and their descendants keep the memory of this cultured and unique community alive. In 1941 2,000 Jews lived in Rhodes. They had four synagogues. "Shalom" Synagogue, on the junction between Dosiadou and Simiou Streets, as well as the ancient Jewish cemetery, survived World War II. "Shalom" synagogue was originally built in the 12th century, was destroyed during the war between the Turks and the Knights Templar and was rebuilt in the 15th century. Only 150 of them survived. Today the Community is comprised of about 40 people.

Bimah of the Synagogue of Rhodes

On June 2002, a Holocaust Monument was unveiled in the Jewish Martyrs Square, in the old town of Rhodes, in memory of the Jews of the island who perished during the Holocaust.

The “Square of the Martyred Jews” (known in Greek as “Martyron Evreon”), is located in the heart of the former Jewish Quarter of Rhodes Town. The present park area of the square was originally an area of Jewish homes and small shops. However, the area was bombed during World War II, and in its place was established a small park and square. The present fountain ornamented with three seahorses replaced a previous fountain that was destroyed during World War II.

As well as Greek this unique community spoke Ladino and French. Ladino is a Romance language derived from Old Spanish. As a Jewish language, it is influenced heavily by Hebrew and Aramaic, but also Arabic, Turkish and to a lesser extent Greek and other languages where Sephardic expellees settled around the world, primarily throughout the Ottoman Empire. Like most other Jewish languages besides Hebrew, Judaeo-Spanish is in serious danger of language extinction because most native speakers today are elderly, many of whom had immigrated to Israel where the language has not been transmitted to their children or grandchildren.

It is worthwhile visiting the website of The Jewish Museum of Rhodes to learn more about this unique community and culture;

And the wonderful resource of the Jewish Museum of Greece which I have relied on in compiling this piece;

During World War II, when Greece was occupied by Nazi Germany, 86% of the Greek Jews perished owing to enemy actions, extermination and execution, and in many cities where prosperous Jewish Communities existed, only a few individuals remained. Out of 77.377 Greek Jews, only 10.000 survived the Holocaust. Those who survived the War owe their lives to the help of their Christian compatriots. Several joined the Resistance or the Greek Army in the Middle East. On Rhodes and Kos the evil was emphasised and made more poignant by the drama of the deportations to the Auschwitz happening so late in the war, the Jews being protected under Italian Occupation and no doubt the false relief felt when the islands were taken by the British before the Germans invaded.

Standing in front of the stark reminder of these racist murders on the front of the Synagogue in Kos you can only recall the words of the Holocaust survivor Abel Hertzberg:

"There were not six million Jews murdered; there was one murder, six million times."

Remember the Shoah and respect the memory of the victims.

“in the world which will be renewed”

“בְּעָלְמָא דְהוּא עָתִיד לְאִתְחַדָּתָא”

See also;

Auschwitz - Birkenau

Muslim Kos

Jewish Cemetery, Kos