At the end of Exquisite Corpse Adventure Episode 10, our determined heroes Nancy and Joe are forced to part ways for the first time in their lives--Nancy must search for Baby Max and Joe must search for the key. "We can't just walk away, or we'll never find our true parents," declares Joe.
In Episode 11 author and illustrator Steven Kellogg chooses to follow Joe's path. Here's an excerpt:
"Joe had never felt so alone and, indeed, he had never been so alone! He swam steadily out to sea, but inside he was shaken, confused, and distressed knowing that his twin sister Nancy, his devoted companion, his best friend since birth, and the only family he had ever known, might be in trouble!"
Read the complete episode and see Mr. Kellogg's sparkling illustration at Read.gov!
Steven Kellogg admits to having loved picture books since he was a child. Regarding the art of the picture book, Kellogg states, "The picture book is an art form that is designed specifically for children, but I feel that it can be appreciated and enjoyed by all ages. For centuries a distinguished tradition of illustrated books and manuscripts has existed of which the picture book is a part. It is a synthesis of literature and the visual arts, and the relationship of the written word and the picture is its essence. I am fascinated by the ways in which the picture book can borrow and combine diverse elements from other art forms to achieve startling and moving effects. The turning page, for example, gives the illustrator the chance to utilize the elements of surprise to advance the movement of the story, and to deepen the involvement of the viewer in much the same way that the theatrical director uses the revolving stages or the rising curtain between the scenes and acts of a play."
You can learn more about Steven Kellogg, his inspirations, characters, and books on his website.
Watch a video interview with Steven Kellogg on Reading Rockets.
And don't forget to check out Kellogg's treasures at your local library or bookstore:

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