Imagine the shock innocent commuters got this dreary Monday morning to be greeted at Marylebone by the couple of the moment Big Willie and Kate “Party Plan” Middleton giving out chocolates for Valentines Day!
Well they were entirely passable look a likes but the “Railway Eye” Blog (thank you for the photo) gives them the “Piss poor PR” award on the grounds that Chiltern Railways owners are German, it being run by DBahn or German State Railways to you and me. Can’t see the problem myself as in the immortal words of the late Dame Barbara Cartland “They are all Germans! That’s why the Royal Family didn’t understand Diana, because they are Germans!” The Great Pink Dame was Diana’s step-Grandmother, in itself a strange concept.

The Great Pink Dame

Wills and Kate, for real

Wills and Kate, not for real
For my part I would have been more impressed if Chiltern applied some Germanic rigour to their maintenance, particularly on the ropey 165 Stock, and I had not been delayed getting into Marylebone by “unit failure”, again!
No doubt there will be much more Royal Guffitis between now and Friday April 29th as the Royal Propaganda machine and its fellow travellers gets into “God Bless you Ma’am “mode with every inconsequential detail puffed up for posterity. No doubt the low point will be when the leaders of the ConDem Coalition Dave “Common Man” Cameron and Nick Clog take time off from Nation Breaking to jointly broadcast that they are sharing “The Joy of the Nation!” However now one has an invitation one will have no truck with such proletarian rabble that should be transported to the colonies without delay for one is now different. One is invited!

This lifelike (sic) stand-up cardboard cut out can be yours for £9.95. Avoid disappointment - don't delay!
If you require an emergency injection of Royal Nausea yourself you can buy a life size Wills and Kate cut-out or even a Royal Comic Book from the site below, one of many such tasteful outfits.In deference to the sensitivities of my regular Blogistas, this will be my first and last post on the "Great Event."
See also the story of "The Great Day"

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