Memo to the Metropolitan Police; The Right to Protest does not equal the Right to be Kettled. Perhaps it is timely to remind Lib Dems and other members of the Coalition of Opportunism who are pushing relentlessly the politics of dispossession and driving the country into stagnation what at the 2009 Lib Dem conference their then Justice spokesman David Howarth said:
"The ugly scenes of police aggression and intimidation witnessed at the G20 protests and the Kingsnorth demonstrations were a national disgrace. Tactics like baton charges, the seizure of personal property and the kettling of protestors for hours on end are fundamentally wrong. They are a threat to democratic rights; they cause distress and injury, increase tension, provoke reaction and damage the reputation of the police.

These tactics must change. The police must recognise the democratic right to protest and put the protection of the public first at all times."
The tactic is not actually legal. Almost every other European court that has examined the tactic has found that it cannot be justified - the police cannot legally detain hundreds or thousands of people indefinitely without probable cause. Only in the UK have the courts found that the ancient right to freedom from arrest without cause can be sacrificed in the name of "public safety." Thus, no legal standards apply - the police have and will kettle pregnant women, children, the sick, and the elderly for extended periods without access to basic necessities. No courts have shown a willingness to stop them so far.

We have reached a point in the UK where the police can do almost whatever they like, and even the Law Lords will not stop them. There is currently an application pending at the ECHR; perhaps our EU neighbours will save us from this abuse of power.

Remember, Dear Protestors, that the Police who are paid out of our taxes to protect us and to respect our right to protest at the TUC Rally against the cuts in London tomorrow are not like us. They will start their day under the quaint “Spanish Practices” agreed with the Police Federation with “Operational Feeding.” This will be the notorious “999 Breakfast”, many will be on triple time for working “Rostered Rest Days” which are agreed 9 months in advance and all will be entitled to have overtime calculated from the NOTIONAL time they clock on at their usual “Nick” to the NOTIONAL time they get back to their usual “Nick.”
Cuts or No Cuts, many of them will double their salary through a combination of overtime and restrictive practices. That is why “ordinary coppers” who claim they can’t live on their salaries are fighting through the thuggish Police Federation to protect their Redneck Rights to holiday homes in Spain / Florida and their Harley Davidson’s. It’s only right ‘innit that they are compensated for the abuse they get and are not forced to take kickbacks from the News of the World and former colleagues in “Security” for leaking confidential information?

To those taking part in the TUC March against the Cuts tomorrow there are two sources of advice to help you stay safe – Below is the Police’s own advice and then there is a new mobile app called SUKEY.
Here is what the Police say
“Containment will be very much a tactic of last resort. If it does become necessary, again we have responded to feedback, and now have a dedicated Chief Inspector to ensure the swift dispersal of innocent and vulnerable people and to ensure the needs of those contained are considered. We will communicate with those inside the containment via Twitter, as well as face to face communications with officers at the scene.
The MPS Twitter account @CO11MetPolice will be running for fast time communication updating information about the march, and responding to enquiries as appropriate. Leaflets will be handed out on the day of the march, and we will make use of dot matrix signs on the route. Our website has a dedicated page for the march and will be updated with information, including the route of the March, road closures and questions and answers on what to expect on the day.
We have launched a texting service; to register text the word police to 83123, for updates throughout the 26th March. We will be making use of Bluetooth technology, please switch yours on. Officers have already been out meeting and speaking with businesses and local communities affected by the route on the 26th.”

What is SUKEY?
To keep peaceful protesters informed with live protest information that will assist them in avoiding injury, in keeping clear of trouble spots and in avoiding unnecessary detention. The application suite gives maximum information to those participating in a demonstration so that they can make informed decisions, as well as to those following externally who may be concerned about friends and family.
It should make full use of the crowd in gathering information which is then analysed and handed back to the crowd.
If you find yourself in the unfortunate position of being detained here is a survival guide from a Police Officer!

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