An Afghan child burned in a NATO bomb attack |
Except in purely self-defense situations, war is the answer to nothing.
Thanks in large part to our self-censoring media, we never really see the horrors of war and have not had a war on our soil in a century and a half.
I went to Google Images and looked up "civilian casualties." Permit me to share some of what I found. This is the horror we should not only not turn away from, we should actively do as much as we can to purge it from the planet forever. In nearly every situation that results in war -- including Libya -- there are other alternatives. It is not an either/or question.
All of these images are of civilians. Many were caused by the forces of the U.S. and its allies. But we aren't the only warmongers, that's for sure. We just happen to be top of the heap these days.
Iraq | | | | | |
Afghanistan | | | |
Bosnia | | | |
Hiroshima | | | |
Iraq | | | |
Dresden (WWII) |
Korea (Korean War) |
Afghanistan | | | | | | |
How was your day?Take care,
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