Hurrah for . . . .

There are a number of periodicals that service professionals in the world of children's literature, but only few media outlets can directly reach parents, guardians, family members, and the general public like The New York Times can, spreading the good news about great books for children and teens. Because of reduced advertising revenues, many newspapers have very limited coverage of the young people's publishing world, so The New York Times extending that coverage is, in fact, an act of generous public service!
We want kids to be lifelong readers. Creating life long readers means that all kids need to know how to read, and need to have ready access to great books, both entertaining and informative, that will excite them about reading and inspire them to read more. Many parents have no idea what books to buy for their kids, and unlike children's books professionals, have no idea where to find that information. If all our newspapers, local and national, would follow The New York Times example and feature more articles about great new books for kids, many more parents would be informed borrowers and buyers of books in libraries and book stores. And when parents are more informed about entertaining books and interesting information books, our kids reading experiences will be greatly enriched, and their education skills greatly enhanced.
The NCBLA applauds The New York Times for its continuing coverage of young people's books, highlighting new books, new authors, new illustrators. Thank you New York Times editors and York Times Book Review editors! And thank you NYT Children's Book Editor Pamela Paul!!!!
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