Thank you for a wonderful show that you put on tonight.
You have helped me tremendously in both testing out and tweaking the model that I have of "What Makes The Black Community's Progressive Political Consciousness Work?"
In as much as I was able to largely predict your talking points - my model is very much so accurate. As I hear you encapsulate more of our present condition into the narrative that you speak - I also have to expand my set of variables in my model.
The Young Black Conservative Christian Republican Who Wrote The Letter To Bev Smith
Ms Smith - I am happy that you held the letter written to you by the self-proclaimed young, Black conservative Republican until Dr Ron Daniels came on your show.
When I hear his track of argument I cringed. I knew EXACTLY what Dr Daniels was going to pounce upon and he did so indeed.
"Why do you call all who oppose Obama racists? The Republican party:
- Gave us the first Black Secretary of State - Gen Colin Powell
- The first Black Supreme Court Justice - Clarence Thomas
- The GOP gave Michael Steele the helm of their party
Once you corrected him that it was Thurgood Marshall who was the first Black Supreme Court Justice and he was appointed by Johnson, a Democrat.
Then Smith jumped and asked "So What - if they stand against the interests of Black people?"
Dr Daniels - unlike the Young Black Conservative Christian Republican - I AM NOT trying to get you or any other Blacks into the Republican Party. This was the key tether that lead to the young man's peril.
MY AGENDA - is to prevent "Embedded Confidence Men Like You And Bev Smith" from having UNCHECKED access to our "Black Racial Consciousness Nucleus" - able to molest it as you choose.
You both talk the talk about "Race First" but the truth is that this is merely a ploy to draw people in and then promote Progressive-Fundamentalism and then hope via the Democratic Party success.
The proper challenge upon you, Dr Daniels is to turn the tables.
I notice that you keep arguing that Conservative Republicans are seeking to DENY Black people from having our glory. With this position you are in a "can't lose" disposition. What is the COST of Black people following your ever (progressive) word when you offer all net BENEFIT than what we have today.
I choose to show you the "dark-matter" twin brother that is equally true but more POWERFUL.
The Democratic Party Has A Storehouse Of "Equal Black Ballots" And "Fused Black Community Consciousness" - WHO ARE THE "BLACK COMMUNITY'S INVESTMENT ADVISERS" That Are Guarding Our Interests And Degrading The Rating Of These Investments?
The Key "Black Possession" Of The REPUBLICAN PARTY | The Key "Black Possession" Of The DEMOCRATIC PARTY |
The Primary Agent Of REPULSION Upon Which The Black Progressive-Fundamentalist IDEOLOGICAL UNITY ENFORCEMENT Efforts Are Based Upon | A 50 Year Large Pile Of "Equal Black Votes" And "Fused Black Racial Consciousness" |
Dr Daniels - the reason why this reversal that you must be confided to is because it forces you to note the COSTS that are born upon the back of Black people via your agency for Progressive-Fundamentalism and Democratic Party theory.
Your Contradictions In Policy And Activism
At the prompting of one of the callers you called for a "REVOLUTION" as a means of dislodging the CORPORATE CAPITALISTIC system from its present grip upon this nation.
Please note that earlier you talked about your support for "University Health Care" (or more accurately "Multiple Tax Payer Paid Health Care".
The problem is, Dr Daniels - as you are holding a conversation with Bev Smith - she is not going to point out the fatal contradiction of your rhetoric.
As a nation we are all on pins and needles - seeing of the US House is going to agree to allow the rise in the US Federal Debt limit to increase. At risk are SOCIAL SECURITY checks.
Think about it for a second Dr Daniels.
Does this vote trigger more GOLD to be dug up from the ground and stored in Fort Knox?
Does it double our national productive capacity?
NO - it merely allows more of our FIAT CURRENCY to be printed, along with new US Treasury Bonds. In short, Dr Daniels - in order for those Social Security checks to be cut for the next several years - these Treasuries must be purchased on the CAPITAL MARKET - thus extending the credit to the United States.
You can't possibly be gunning for a "Revolution".
The least likely Negro to engage in a REVOLUTION is the Dependent Negro who:
- Knows that his "check" would be interrupted if his check issuer is interrupted
- Knows that with the void of his benefactor - HE would have to step into this role as producer or "credit creator"
- Knows that he has failed to develop the technical skills and SCALE and expertise to:
- Provide Health Care services
- Provide Financial services
- Manage a complete legal system
The Republicans Have Done NOTHING To Provide For The Uplift Of Black People
Again, Dr Daniels - it is clear that your version of a "good politician" is one who has a PROGRESSIVE ideology.
It is stunning that you are able to cherry pick on the "Liberal Republicans" that have "HELPED" Black people over time - yet as we look at the powerful MACHINE of Democrats that:
- Control Every Institution within the Black Community
- Has its scaffolding projecting out of the Black community - up through every tier of government - including the White House
- Have Fused the BLACK COMMUNITY CONSCIOUSNESS in with this machine as the primary means of our racial development
How is it that - in your mind - the evidence of the LOSS OF "LIBERAL REPUBLICANS" identifies our ENEMY - than you can be made to see that those FORCES WHO HAVE DOMINATE CONTROL OVER OUR INSTITUTIONS - after having the Balance of Black People to YIELD THEIR EQUAL BLACK BALLOTS after believing in the HOPE that the Embedded Confidence Men have sold our people?
Your line of thinking ensures that Black people will continue to engage in a STRUGGLE - that is - in truth a STRUGGLE to affix PROGRESSIVISM and the DEMOCRATIC PARTY in as a permanent fixture.
You know as I do, Dr Daniels that this supposed "Black Increase" is merely a RESIDUAL CONSEQUENCE of the entrenchment of PROGRESSIVISM - your real goal.
Am I wrong, Dr Daniels to do my tour of the "Mission Accomplished Progressive Cities" in which I appraise the condition of our people - as a means of making an inference of the likelihood that your scheme is going to work in the future?
- Chicago - Had an exodus of 128,000 Black people in the past 10 years
- Detroit - Despite presiding over the collapse of this once great city - the machine was not tossed out - despite the clear damage done to Black people
- Newark - Despite them both seeking the mantle of "Progressive Democrats" - the transition from Mayor Sharpe James over to Mayor Cory Booker did not trigger PUNISHMENT of the forces that had "failed Black people" -as the frequent rhetoric claims we do
Dr Daniels - both you and Progressive Political Preacher Rev Al Sharpton put forth the history by which "WHITE PEOPLE WERE CHECKED VIA LAW FROM OPPRESSING BLACK PEOPLE IN AN UNMITIGATED MANNER" as the primary benefit of the "Black Struggle" and which serves as the basis of your undying loyalty to PROGRESSIVE-FUNDAMENTALISM.
You promote "Justice Thurgood Marshall" and spit upon "Justice Clarence Thomas" - as you use CIVIL RIGHTS as your key point of appraisal.
Dr Daniels - it is nothing more than the will of the prevailing Black Progressive consciousness to DENY that the "Street Pirate Social Justice Violators" assaults upon Black people today are not CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATIONS.
If we apply Justice Thurgood Marshall's theories to our condition today - his spirit of "Justice Thurgood Marshall Justice" would have us putting the SYSTEM ON TRIAL as the explanation as to why our would be "pillars of our community" have instead been allowed to fester into "Street Pirate Social Justice Violators" - their primary attack victims being OURSELVES.
If Justice Marshall were alive today he would epitomize the leftist views of Prof Michelle Alexander and "The New Jim Crow Movement". This confidence scheme forces Black people to look at even the BLACKEST Progressive political district, looking past the entire establishment machine that the majority of Black people VOTED FOR and were happy when the "First Black Police Chief" - who locks 'em up, "First Black District Attorney who prosecutes them", "First Black Judge who throws the book at him", "First Black Sheriff who detains him" are all involved in the RACIST SCHEME to destroy Black people.
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Dr Daniels you are a very intelligent man. (You don't need one ounce of my affirmation - I am sure).
I am forced to believe that you are more KNOWLEDGEABLE about what you are doing than is the average loudmouthed Embedded Confidence man - who is merely in it for the good feelings that signs of power and influence bring to their ego.
Ultimately your main flaw is that you have committed yourself to a METHODOLOGY.
PROGRESSIVISM and CONSERVATISM are METHODOLOGIES that purport to take you to a certain end. They do not define an END.
I challenge you to lay out one single possible way that by investing in Progressive outcomes in this nation who's economic future has never been more in question (I am not talking about NOW - I am talking about the actuarial charts at the year 2042 and beyond) do you plan to erect a PROGRESSIVE TAKE OVER yet be so light on notions of ORGANIC COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT for our people?
This is your primary weakness, sir.
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