The news that the White Republican governor of Georgia plans to move Blacks who are pawns in the "Prison Industrial Complex", back toward this eventual end appears to be serving that same purpose.
The Grio: Georgia Governor Proposes That Ex-Cons Pick Fruit And Cotton Instead Of Immigrants
I will state affirmatively - no need to do the research that might say otherwise: THERE IS NO COTTON FARMER IN GEORGIA IN 2001 THAT USES HAND PICKED COTTON - (with the exception of those who might be on some 'organic farming kick).
In the United States it is simply not possible to remain competitive in the COTTON business as one competes against those who make use of large farming combines that do the work of 50 laborers.
John Deere 7455 Cotton Picker |
Let's follow their logic.
The recent crackdown on illegal immigrant farm workers is all a part of a grand scheme.
Initially the strike against the crack down was that the EMPLOYERS who were exploiting this cheap labor should face sanction. They lead these desperate souls into this nation with promises of good living, only to have them laboring in the field for subpar wages.
Now that the framework for immigrant labor control has been passed by the Georgia State Legislature and INDEED there is a shortage of fruit and vegetable pickers - some farmers have seen their ripe produce wither in the field, with no one willing to suffer through the hot sun and pick the produce.
Enter the conspiracy theorists.
Now keep in mind - in the midst of 16.2% Black unemployment and attacks on the "Jim Crow Criminal Justice system" and the business community who discriminates against those who have a criminal record but has served their time. These operatives stand STRONGEST when they have an INDICTMENT in hand. "The conditions which lead to high Black male unemployment is the execution of a strategy to destroy Black people" they can be heard saying.
Of course - when it comes to actual job creation - despite decades of handing over their "Equal Black Ballots" to those who made promises to fight the corporate exploiters and capitalist polluters, making them yield in the name of "Social Justice" and grant everyone an equal opportunity to make a buck - their growth in POWER has not translated to a marked increase in ORGANIC job growth in the areas that they have domineering control.
Enter the suggestion of the Republican Governor - who stepped in it with his suggestions of offering these field working jobs to ex-cons.
With the state of consciousness that many of our people have the word "Ex Con" means "BLACK" - just as:
- Crack
- Welfare
- Food Stamps
- Housing Project
- The Least Of These
are code words for Black people. Some know their position in the back of the bus. Today they justify their preference because the air conditioning unit for the bus blows coldest in the rear.
The Condition Of Black People In The "Equal Black Ballot Harvesting Orchards" Is Highly Correlated To The Usurpation At Hand
During this debate - few people are going to bring up the condition of education for the Black inmate class. Most are high school drop outs. Too many are functionally illiterate.
Despite the protests that there should be jobs created that tap into a greater use of their intellect - the truth is that the key HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTIONS that the prevailing Black Racial Services Machine (and their joint venture partners) have taken over have FAILED to put forth a governance model that can lead our people into a track where more of us have access to these higher value jobs.
When the indictment of "Social Justice" upon the government meets the need for the PEOPLE to regulate the human resources in their own communities - so that a more effective result might be obtained - this is the fatal point of confluence that imperils our people today.
It is far easier to say "This is a RACIST nation. Look at all that we have done to live the American dream and there still remains a grand gap between the races". This places the indictment upon the nation but it absolves the key operatives who misappropriated the consciousness of the masses for short term political and ideological gain. They WON but the Black community suffer a NET LOSS.
The other day I talked about how Dr Claude Anderson's grand vision of having Blacks corner the vertical market of the wholesale fishing industry. The evidence of this vision's state can be seen via the number of Korean owned (operated) fried fish joints in Black communities around metro Atlanta. This shows evidence in the lack of acumen in turning ideas and rhetoric into fully OPERATIONALIZED plans
In the most recent issue of Time Magazine - there is a visionary article which details how farming is one of the most profitable careers to be had today.
If you want to become rich, Jim Rogers, investment whiz, best-selling author and one of Wall Street's towering personalities, has this advice: Become a farmer. Food prices have been high recently. Some have questioned how long that can continue. Not Rogers. He predicts that farming incomes will rise dramatically in the next few decades, faster than those in most other industries — even Wall Street. The essence of his argument is this: We don't need more bankers. What we need are more farmers. The invisible hand will do its magic. "The world has got a serious food problem," says Rogers. "The only real way to solve it is to draw more people back to agriculture."
It's been decades since the American heartland has been a money pump and longer since farming was a major source of employment. Old rural towns have emptied as families — and the U.S. — have moved on. Technology, service jobs and finance have been the basis of the economy since at least the 1980s. Farming became the economic equivalent of a protected species — supported by a mix of government handouts, lax regulation (agriculture is one of the few industries shielded from certain child-labor laws) and charity concerts.
Read more:,9171,2080767,00.html#ixzz1RLD4xFNk
What explains the gross GAP between the reality as reported by Time Magazine as to the opportunities in farming and the vision of CREEPING SLAVERY that is being propagated in the "LampBlacked Yellow Journalist Press"? The answer is the AGENDA that each are bound to.
A few weeks ago there was a list published of the top 10 jobs for Blacks that included an index of inferiority - regarding how much lower a Black person can expect to be paid as contrasted by a White male. In the world that I live in - I receive messages detailing the Top 10 technical skills that are in demand right now and see how those who possess the necessary skills can ride the wave of demand for their service. The brown skinned India/Paki natives with these skills are filling the gap that the conditioned blindness that the racially protective hood affords my own people in relation to these jobs.
Ultimately the operatives in the "LampBlacked Yellow Journalist Press" realize that the Black community is not going to link its own fate to the molestations of our Black Community Consciousness that are obviously
Who Is Going To Provide For These "Least Of Least Of These" In The Horn Of Africa?
What aspect of the slave based usurpation of our community power will position the American Black to fill this market void that gets filmed for our consumption?
You probably do not have the Flash Player (Get Adobe Flash Player Here) installed for your browser or the video files are misplaced on your server! |
Just as I figure that the FRAUD has reached its logical end - as the VICTORY that they have hoisted upon us has turned out to be a "bill of goods".......the ENEMIES of a FULLY ACTUALIZED BLACK COMMUNITY where our GROUND GAME is unified with our PERMANENT INTERESTS strike back with even more wicked antics intending to retain their bond over the "Black Community Racial Consciousness Core" for their own usurpation.
If you care about "THE LEAST OF THESE" - please detail what YOUR system of control of American Blacks are doing for THESE "LEASE OF THESE"?
What are the chances that those who are not protesting the bombing of Africa by American and 3 African Colonizers are going to be in a conscious mental condition to do something about this situation in the Horn Of Africa? Especially since they are planning to attend the opening of the King National Monument, after having invested their money to obtain "racial respect" per the placement on the National Mall.
There was $2,000,0000,000 transacted in a "Black Farmer's Settlement" for racial grievances. How much of this money will leave the pockets of the aggrieved and go toward "The Least Of These"?
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