Tuesday, July 5, 2011

How The Progressive-Fundamentalists Plan To Unite Black And White To Have The "Equal Black Ballot" Nullified From The Results That Our Community Is Suffering Under The Progressive Hierarchy

I have to yield to my fiend Chauncey DeVega and attest that Commander In Chief Barack Obama indeed is a brilliant man.

He has been able to get the Black community to fuse its "Black Equal Ballots" with their "Black Community Consciousness" - wrecking all Black Institutions that dared to retain a measure of TRANSPARENCY in the process. The "State Of The Black Union" gathering is no longer necessary. Obama is able to invite those same members of the "Obama Fist Bump Black Press" to the White House. The best that Tavis Smiley was able to do was to get all of them who sat on stage with him a free Coca Cola product - given to them for free per their sponsorship.

As the 2012 campaign in the "American Political Domain" gets into full swing and a flurry of Republicans wage attacks upon Obama - we now see why it was so important for the Black Racial Services Machine to enforce their vow of silence in criticism against Obama - despite all of his molestation of the Progressive principles that had been itemized in the book that resides on their shelf or "Audible.com" audio book account: "The Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man".

If they were heard "Speaking Truth To Power" only to be followed by Republicans hitting upon the man in power - with the goal of replacing him - there would be a tear in the progressive ozone. When given the choice between remaining true to their ideology, calling out the violations steaming from the White House - just as they did when an enemy president was in power - they chose to hold their noses and soon began to convince themselves..................in the SECOND TERM - Obama who doesn't have to run again - is going to REALLY bring us progressive "Hope And Change". Thus they strung some "self-chum" upon a pole and dangled it in front of themselves.

As you watch this video please be mindful of how many times Papantonio  and DeVega:

  • Make direct references about the harm that Herman Cain is causing
  • Make direct references to what the sitting President Of The United States is doing.  NOT in reference to Cain but with regard to his POWER per his official capacity.
The present tactic used by the left to KEEP YOUR ENEMY ON TRIAL SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO JUSTIFY THE ACTIONS OF YOUR FRIENDS - as you grieve - is in full effect right now.   It is so obvious but it shows that their PERMANENT INTERESTS is POWER and not the actual attainment of "Social Justice" as they would like you to believe. 

I wondered out loud - How is it that the "Black Racial Services Machine" tentacles going to get past:

  • A 16.2%  Black Unemployment rate in places where the politicians that had already made promises to Black people decades ago enjoy no Republican threat within their district which might topple them because of so many under-utilized Black resources.  Knowing more assuredly that within the Black Community is no one that will punish them for their policies which have not worked.
    • They have Blacks focused on the SOCIAL JUSTICE that will come once the "Ocean Boils" and the corporate enemy that is denying Blacks jobs and stealing our houses are reigned in.  Also long as Blacks are focused on this big picture - per the messages streamed from those who coordinated the outline of their article on the back of the napkin given to them by Obama at the White House - the Black Equal Ballot is in the bag.
  • A withdraw of the label "No Child Left Behind" that included a removal of the pretense that a leader of the Chicago Public Schools that managed to graduate only 51.2% of the 409,000 student Chicago Public School System that has 87% Black and Hispanic student body is going to come to Washington DC and raise the academic proficiency of the 15 million or so other Black kids in the nation
    • To most the endorsement by the Teachers Union of Obama's reelection a few days ago is seen as EVIDENCE of his "job well done".   The only problem is that these same Blacks, per their present consciousness will never ask "Job Well Done - BASED ON WHO'S INTERESTS?".  Most certainly not their own
  • The US Justice Department Civil Rights Division - having their "shudders removed" and yet this means nothing in support of the murder that takes place on the streets of Black America today.  With all of the binoculars looking out for RACISM, receiving feeds from "The Southern Poverty Law Center", The NAACP and MSNBC - this coverage means nothing to the most popular mode of Black lives taken too early via a violent slashing because the individuals rendering the attacks make it so that the attack is not a "Hate Crime" nor a 'Civil Rights Violation".
    • In as much as these youth are indeed would be  "pillars of the Black Community" who suffered from benign neglect - as those who God charged with molding them were instead operating the binoculars facing outward - a person like me who is doing forensic research WITHIN the Black community must resign ourselves to the hopes that those who are misappropriating our consciousness will TIRE of the conditions within that they will refuse to go along with the congregational complicity. 

If they call an EDUCATED Black Man named Herman Cain IGNORANT............................I assure you that Mike Papantonio and Tim Wise are not going to tell you what they say in closed quarters when the results of the the Standardized Tests are released for many metro areas and the Inner City Schools that then candidate Obama warned us about show a disturbing truth.

Do you notice that a White Progressive Snarling Fox is willing to call a Black ideology ADVERSARY "Stupid".
When when it comes to masses of BLACK PEOPLE who are pulling up the rear academically - you never hear them publicly question our INTELLIGENCE.

Sports Writer Mike Lupica calls Black Football Player David Tyree "Brainless" For His Opposition To Gay Marriage.  Lupica has no record of calling White Catholics the same.

It is funny how the 'Clarence Thomas Negro' is seen as the "Agreeable Negro" but in truth that prize goes to the "MSNBC Negroes" who are far more abundant and have more direct access to the Black community consciousness core than Clarence Thomas does. .

Instead - the Snarling Fox will NEVER do anything that will upset Black People where we will withdraw our EQUAL BLACK BALLOT from his bucket.
Instead they hire people like Chauncey DeVega, through which they convince the Negro that if we stick with them..............................the SOCIAL JUSTICE will one day appear in our public schools and make us free of the oppression that denies us our desired academic outcomes.

I don't blame the Snarling Fox for doing what he needs to do to perpetuate his species.
The fault resides with the EMBEDDED CONFIDENCE MEN - who so devalue themselves - that they remain SILENT over the last few cycles of promises that failed to come through for the Black Community's Permanent Interests.

The sell out of ONE BLACK MAN named "Herman Cain" is but a nanometer that stands next to the basketball sized number of "Progressives Who Are Black" that are made to act in the stage play that has been erected - each of them playing their functional part. 

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