I was going to do a chronological analysis and rebuttal of Mr Madison's arguments. Instead I have to prioritize two bits of amazingly corrupt arguments in which BLACKNESS was so intertwined with leftist-Democratic dogma that it was clear that he has no shame to his game. With the balance of Black people agreeing to allow OUR "Black Community Consciousness" fused to the American Political Domain - we are going to continuing seeing WINS by the joint-venture partnerships that the Embedded Black Fox Confidence Men tie us to but LOSES WITHIN THE BLACK COMMUNITY in the areas where it counts the most.
The LOSS in this case has nothing to do with the present TRANSACTION. This present Debt Limit debate is not the evidence of our LOSS as a community. It is the lack of ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT after years of our INVESTMENTS that is the key indictment in which the so called leadership must be questioned.
The greatest benefit of operatives like Joe Madison is that he will lead the chorus of Black people who AGREE TO BLAME THE ENEMY WHITE CONSERVATIVE is the reason why the WEALTH PLATE IS SO LIGHT FOR BLACK PEOPLE. As a result we continue to invest our resources as the next election cycle comes up in the American Political Domain.
To my surprise Dr Francis Cress Welsing called into the show in the midst of Madison's "Keeping The Republicans On Trial". She argued that
The RACISM behind Eric Cantor's "disrespect" of the BLACK President Of The United States was explained to the audience: | These White Folks know that they are the genetic minority on this Earth. When they see a BLACK MAN in the position of President Of The United States their sentiments of WHITE SUPREMACY kick in and they know that they have to BREAK HIM and are willing to DESTROY THE UNITED STATES if it takes as much to do is. They want to perpetuate THEIR genetic stock and see people of color as a threat. | THE DARK-MATTER POSITION As you listen to the arguments of Black Progressive-Fundamentalists-IF you don't carry the argument through to its logical conclusion then you will be taken. THUS - These White Progressive Fundamentalists (who love Black people) are NOT worried about their Genetic perpetuation. They prioritize SOCIAL JUSTICE FOR ALL over their continued "Whiteness". They stand with Black Progressive-Fundamentalists because they see the light and have renounced their GENETIC perpetuation goals. It just so happens that these group of "I Love Black People" White Folks perfectly line up with Progressive Democrats - just as the balance of the Black Community is. As long as the Black Community does not key into the DELIVERY of our PERMANENT INTERESTS - this sounds rational. |
Dr Welsing - The most likely LONG TERM outcome of this Malcolm X Football Game Between The White Liberal Snarling Fox And The White Conservative Wolf Is As Follows: | Indeed You Are Correct About The Strong Desire Of Genetic Perpetuation. Your Projection Forward Is Wrong. As Demographic Changes In America Take Place That Vaulted "White Privilege" that you and Madison always talk about is going to be eroded. What you don't see is that the WOLF and the FOX are going to SEPARATE INTO THEIR OWN LAND. They are going to CONTINUE THEIR IDEOLOGICAL FIGHT ----- they just are not gong to have the NEGRO and the HISPANIC co-conspirators in the game. | Thus the real question for YOU, Joe Madison And The Rest Of "Black Racial Services Machine" is: WHERE IS THE ORGANIC COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT that you can point to WITHIN the Black Community as you show that you were focused on this eventuality INSTEAD OF being the best Progressive-Fundamentalist starting runningbacks in the Malcolm X Political Football Game Classic? You are not protecting us. You are EXPOSING US - leaving us more vulnerable than ever as a community. The most disappointing thing about listening to Black Progressive-Fundamentalist Radio and Political Commentary is that DESPITE ALL OF THE USE OF "BLACKNESS" - it is the strength of BLACKNESS that is the LEAST of your concerns. RACISM is used as an INDICTMENT for the advantage of your "Progressive Team". |
Joe Madison - The Black Eaglecrat | Rebuttal or Expanded Argument |
"When you have a mortgage payment, an electricity payment and a Sirius XM Satellite bill to pay each month YOU NEED TO PAY YOUR BILLS. What the Republicans are doing is going to wreck America's credit rating. | Mr Madison - please keep the term "ORGANIC COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT" in mind as a reference. As I study the Progressive-Fundamentalist I have learned that this is one of the two components that is going to cause Black Americans to begin to "Put YOUR IDEOLOGY On Trial" after having run through several cycles of following your ideology and agenda toward our "salvation". We are generating a lot of movement as we follow you - so little of it is actually PROGRESSION per the statistics. The reason why your statement is flawed is because - in the Congressional vote to raise the debt ceiling you can't point to ONE SINGLE ORGANIC ELEMENT OF GROWTH in the US Economy that backs this expanded access to money...............to pay your bills for that month. Is there any new Productivity? Is there any new Gold that we have found that can be traded? It is ONLY the generation of more of our FIAT CURRENCY where "Magic Money" is produced to allow us to move forward. What you are suggesting is that you take out a Credit Card Cash Advance - to pay for your present month's DEFICIT. I can even agree with you that it is all a CONFIDENCE GAME - so why now should the GOP take the debt limit seriously? The problem is that you focus in on the present TRANSACTION for your primary RACIAL INDICTMENT. It is the LONG TERM POSITION OF BLACK PEOPLE after so many transactions strung together that is the biggest evidence of your flawed agenda. I do not need to provide you with an ALTERNATIVE STRATEGY. I ONLY need to show you the great amount of INVESTMENTS that you and other embedded confidence men have compelled our people to make WITH SO FEW RETURNS. Worse than a depreciated DOLLAR is the depreciated "Black Equal Ballot" and the "Black Community Consciousness" which is clearly for sale. The best that you can argue, sir, is that you are merely pushing back the day of reckoning. AGAIN I ask you: "Please show evidence of the ORGANIC COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT" that you and your allied friends have developed for the Black community as you took over our KEY HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTIONS so that when that fateful day comes with regards to America's credit worthiness (AND IT IS GOING TO COME SOME DAY) - how have you utilized our KEY INSTITUTIONS to prepare us to mitigate the terminal damage done? |
When the 30 year old White male from Texas laughed at you when you explained "Entitlements" to him - YOU said that it was his"White Supremacy" which disallowed him to take a lesson from a Black man (twice his age) | Mr Madison - I AM A BLACK MAN!!! I was LAUGHING as well, not at these specific comments but at how your show and your ideology is a HIJACKING of the BLACK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CONSCIOUSNESS as it is fused upon Progressive Politics, The Obama Administration and the Democratic Party. You are forced to stick with narrow talking points as a means of putting forth your arguments. If you notice the majority of your Black callers are calling in to support you and Obama on YOUR FIGHT. They have been sucked into the "Malcolm X Political Football Game" and are "proud" that "THEIR SIDE" has stood up to the "Republican Side". The Republican side is the Proxy For White Supremacy. Again, Mr Madison - as you look above. Do you believe that the White players on "your side" have purged their "White Supremacy" OR is it worth their while to subdue their tendencies because the EQUAL BLACK BALLOT is a worthy possession for the to not raise their elongated lips in a snarl? When the Black man called in in the second hour and said "OBAMA is trying to get everyone back to work by AUGUST and the Republicans are trying to stop him" - WHY didn't you bother to "True Him Up" with reality? It seems to me that you are more pleased with callers who cheerlead your position EVEN IF they are in fact CLUELESS as to what is going on for the long run. Instead your goal is to keep your enemies on trial. |
Statement: "Bush promised that TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH would create jobs but after 8 years he left office with A NET ZERO JOB CREATION number" | Wikipedia - Presidential Job Creation numbers Mr Madison - I am going to yield that debate on Bush's job creation numbers and instead bring it closer to home. When it comes to PROGRESSIVE TAX POLICIES - We can look at High Tax Cities & High Tax States and not only dispel the notion that tax increases create jobs - but they don't even seem to ensure a balanced economy.
Is it possible, Mr Madison that one benefit of the progressive "Keep Your Enemy On Trial" meme is that you don't ever have to justify your own positions? Can you show me any region of the nation, at present, in which a the victory of your favored machine has translated into sustained gains for Black people - after so many of us have invested our "Equal Black Ballots" and then agreed to allow people like you to fuse our Black consciousness with this effort? If after 4 or 8 years President Obama has a ZERO job creation number - Mr Madison will YOU act as a:
"Eric Cantor's interruptions of the President Of The United States 3 Times During The Meeting Was A Sign Of RACIST Disrespect For The Man Who Is President" | Mr Madison - I am going to take this one in an entirely different direction. Like it or not - we see what the Republican Party is willing to go to the mat for - avoiding increased taxation upon the wealthy. As I hold this week's "Final Call" in my hand with the title "Stop Bombing Africa!" "Thousands protest U.S. military strikes as anti-war movement grows" - and as I acknowledge your visit to the christening of the nation of "Southern Sudan"................. Exactly what issue would trigger Black Progressives - who invested their "Equal Black Ballots" and allowed our "Black Community Consciousness" to be fused into the American Political Domain - to be angered to the point of RESOLUTENESS as you all are compelled to "Speak Truth To Power" - just as you did when your favorite reference - BUSH - was in office? I am forced to assume that all of the investments and (mis)appropriations have a certain intention in mind. At what point, sir, do you temporarily disconnect from your gridiron play and begin to look inside of the "Community Collection Plate" and begin to demand EARNEST MONEY along the way in the journey that you are traveling per your methodology? Is there any violation of (what was THOUGHT TO BE) a "Sacred Trust" of the Black community that the present establishment power could execute that would get you acting as you did when your nominal ENEMY was committing these transgressions? Failing to do this - one could say that the forces that are the "hidden hand" of power" in America saw that the benefit of placing a "Favorable Black President" into power is the procurement of your SILENCE. If indeed Eric Cantor is motivated by the perpetuation of his genetic seed..................please enumerate WHAT you are operating upon - with the evidence of the contents of our "community collection plate" to justify your continued governance of the strategy? |
Obama's Press Conference (after your show was recorded) argued that "We Are In This Present Place Because":
Sources: 10 year cost of Iraq War $704 billion US & UK Over 10 years: $2,653 billion in the hole based on Obama's indictment The ANNUAL BUDGET DEFICITS in the past few years: Mr Madison - I have a strong suspicion that when the next budget year comes and goes (at Oct 2012) and there is a $1.4+ TRILLION deficit - you are going to be the one shifting responsibility off of Obama and over to your adversary. None of your loyal callers are going to see the shift and the slight of hand. |
How We Got To The Present Situation From 2001 | The Pew Center reported in April 2011 the cause of a $12.7 trillion shift in the debt situation, from a 2001 CBO forecast of a cumulative $2.3 trillion surplus by 2011 versus the estimated $10.4 trillion public debt we actually face in 2011. The major drivers were:
The General Subject Of "Entitlements" and "Redistributive Economics" as "Social Justice" | Based on a news analysis show that I listened to today it appears that the new strategy is to show all Americans how "dependent" they are on government programs that they don't realize are "government programs":
The actuarial charts on the key programs that are used as the biggest feathers in your ideological hat - as well as the long term federal debt outlook forces the question of - "WHO in their right mind will look toward these programs - beyond 2022 (Medicare insolvency) and 2042 (Social Security insolvency) without showing evidence of the development of more local "competency development" within the ranks of people that have matriculated through the key institutions that you control? Why is it that the short term question of the debt ceiling is a greater indictment than the grand fatal strike in the moderate term horizon when you KNEW what was going to happen but there is no evidence that you have prepared the people that you CLAIM to be protecting? About 5 years ago when I attended the "Fiscal Wake Up Tour" they warned of a serious correction in 2016. They had no idea about 2008. If 08 is a relative speed bump - what is going to happen in 16, 22 and 42? |
White Supremacy & Black Inferiority | In your view point the sight of "White Conservatives" "disrespecting" a Black President of the United States is evidence of the power of WHITE SUPREMACY. From MY perspective as I keep an eye out on "What Makes The Black Racial Services Machine Tick" I see that Black Inferiority is at the heart of your movement. The fundamental avoidance of considering the healthy investment of "Black Equal Ballots" and "Black Community Consciousness" into the movement that you favor and then - as we stand at the end of a cycle in which our community was promised certain positive benefits from these investments - instead of a person like YOU - making note of our investments and then the results - beginning to SOUND THE ALARM against the CONFIDENCE GAME that is going on at the expense of Black America's Interests...................you and your friends are seen engaging Black people into yet another TRANSACTION so that we will struggle forward. The grand disrespect that you show for our people Mr Madison, et al - is that you were NEVER really intending to deliver for our people IF we made the investments of these key resources that we have under our control. You were ONLY interested in advancing your IDEOLOGY and your PARTY. (The fact that you have officially departed the Democratic Party and are now an Independent - does not mean that this is NOT where your loyalties reside. In as must as MY DEFINITION of the "Black Community's Interests" calls for people to stop the application of remedies which have FAILED TO CURE OUR PEOPLE - you appear very content to have our people to continue to ingest a scheme which has indeed advanced Democrats and Progressives - but which has our people remaining as "The Vulnerable Masses" this despite the control that this Joint Venture that you are a part of has over our key Human Resource Development Institutions. The Black Inferiority comes from the failure to build up ORGANIC ALTERNATIVES. Instead we are linked to a capitalist scheme that is $14T in the hole and growing. You seek to make the debate about taking yet another credit card cash advance so we don't receive a mark against our credit report for failing to pay our monthly mortgage. |
The Jewish Boy Was Killed By A Jewish Man In The Community. In An INTERVIEW With A Resident Of The Community - The Person Expressed Shock That A Person FROM THE COMMUNITY Would Violate The Sacred Trust Of The Community. When Joe Madison Analyzed The Story He Asked "When Black People Are Killed By Other Blacks - Do You Hear The Same Statements?" "Why do journalists believe that Black people don't care about the murder in our community when we are actively concerned?" | This segment hurt me more and showed the light upon Joe Madison than anything that was discussed about the Debt Limit. Madison took a commentary from a COMMUNITY MEMBER who was describing the DIGNITY of his own (Jewish) community and then PROJECTING this upon the Black Community as he asked "Why don't THEY value our community as such". In his slight of hand - (and tendency to KEEP OTHER PEOPLE ON TRIAL) Mr Madison could not bring himself to scour the community FOR STATEMENTS LIKE THIS - instead of looking toward the local beat reporter to make such a comment. A few months ago - I told about a civil rights leader who was in a radio interview. As I listened I heard the two set up their classic SCHEME. They exited the "Bloody Summer Of Atlanta 2011" and chose to venture down to Mississippi where in 2010 a BLACK MAN WAS FOUND HANGING FROM A TREE. This civil rights leader knew full well that Black people value a murder at the hands of a White person - motivated by race than a string of Black on Black murders that keep the undertaker busy. There is no consensus disposition within which says "That MESS is not going to transpire in our communities any more - from this day forward!!!!". This would fundamentally require an ORGANIC and INTERNAL focus. The present prevailing "tool" for change within the Black community is ill-equipped (and unwilling) to produce such an outcome. In as much as I heard 2 different "Prison Radio Reports" after listening to WRFG "The Progressive Information Station" - they are not going to place a governance overlay upon the Black community that would tend to root out such violence. They typically seek to get Black people mad and focused OUTWARD as the impetus for dropping the lateral fight and unifying behind a (progressive) cause. Achieving certain outcomes BECAUSE this is the dignity and desired outcome for our community proves to be far more difficult. |
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