The thing that angers me - my anger as a cover for the tears that flow on my "conscious eye" upon seeing what my people have devolved to - is that much of what is spoken in response to the FEIGNED RACIAL OFFENSE that is being transacted in the AMERICAN POLITICAL DOMAIN is being done by BLACK PEOPLE who actually believe that all they are doing is being done in the NAME OF BLACK PEOPLE and the authority that they have been given by congregational consensus to do so.
I am at the point where I am going to disconnect from my "transaction monitoring" activities. There is nothing beyond the scope of predictability that can be observed. I already have the framework of my model of "What Makes The Black Community Tick In The American Political Domain". Now it is time to make more exacting measures of the COST so that better decisions can be made in the future - after all of the facts are on the table.
The American Political Domain Was Sold As The FIX The Points That Michelle Bachmann Used For Her Own Interests Inside Of The American Political Domain - The Feigned Angry Response From Black Progressive-Fundamentalists Are Merely Reactions By The Offended Salesmen
I repeat my warning.
The gun battle between the White Conservative Wolf and the Embedded Black Fox Confidence Man has ONLY ONE WINNER!!!!! The White Liberal Snarling Fox Joint-Venture Partner who will have a walk-in safe full of "Equal Black Ballots" with some Negroes wanting him to keep their "Black Community Consciousness" buckets along side of the ballots for safe keeping.
I am frustrated because it is so easy to see that when it comes to the important affairs of the Black Community.....................ACTUALLY FIXING THE POINTS THAT BACHMANN HAD THE AUDACITY TO BRING UP......................the Black Racial Services Machine is more interested in combating the inclination to SPEAK OUT ABOUT THE CONDITION OF BLACK PEOPLE - WHEN the talk of our INFERIORITY is not used to set up a transaction for our recent of some "Social Justice" benefit from the redistribution of the national care and concern into our system - using the taxation and apportionment of the federal government to do so.
To be clear - the Black Progressive-Fundamentalist is not offended by talk about the Black condition in America. He does it all of the time.
The issue comes with the FLOW OF THE INDICTMENT regarding WHO is culpable for the conditions of far too many of our people.
Republican Michele Bachmann stirred up the hornets nest of Progressive bigots as she dared to suggest that it was PROGRESSIVISM, adopted in large measure in every nook and cranny of the Black community HAS FAILED to provide for the structured outcomes that it was sold to us as a sure-shot remedy.
I stated previously that this is an erroneous analysis of our condition because it fails to include so many of the forces - both outside and WITHIN who's loads upon our collective body render the aforementioned results.
Still - while it is legitimate to question the concern and authenticity of Mrs Bachmann's laser focus upon the Black community - from where I stand - the forces that received the benefit of the investment of:
- The Equal Black Ballot
- The Fusion Of The Black Community Consciousness
in the grand "Quid Pro Quo" scheme that was given voice by Bayard Ruskin in 1968 - in which the fusion took place - the orchestrators of this cold fusion deserve to be called out, but by BLACK PEOPLE.
The JingOists In The "Obama Fist Bump Black Press" Have No Shame And No Credibility
Quick - which of the two lines of indictment can you imagine a JingOist saying in response to my challenge to them?
- "So YOU think that it is fine for the Black community to be used as political pawns as White people are allowed to use us as fodder to get what they want? Where is your dignity for your people"
- "In comparison between what Michelle Bachmann means to the Black Community condition and our need for clarity on what we need to do to manage our community affairs - I am not going to bite on anything that this woman says. It just doesn't resonate with the concerns on the streets of Black America".
As for ME - I look at the #1 question and point out that INDEED using Blacks as political pawns is the standard fare in the American Political Domain. The Republicans are called out for it. The Progressives - both Black and White use the "Urban Strategy" in which Black grievances compel people to vote a certain way, far more effectively than the "Southern Strategy" ever was. While several places are up for grabs between Democrat and Republican - mostly based on the RESULTS that have been garnered.....................if you read the pages of the "Obama Fist Bump Black Press" and their coverage over the conditions in three areas important to the Black Community:
- Local Economics (jobs)
- Education
- Public Safety (protection and a fair hearing in the criminal justice system)
............you would swear that Herman Cain and Michelle Bachmann were the co-presidents of the United Staes because the fist bumps in agreement show put the enemies who threaten Obama's power ON TRIAL for having a history of failing Black people - while NONE OF THESE same forces of propaganda dare enumerate the desires of Black people as Obama ascended to power and where we stand presently.
They know that this same model of shortfall is also the case at nearly every rung of government where the "Equal Black Ballot" was fused with our consciousness. If they were to call out the truth nationally - they would be compelled to investigate the entire scaffolding of the scheme, right down to the local level.
Michelle Bachmann does not have a damned thing to do with the state of the Black Family in America today.
Spend your time focusing on those who DO HAVE THE POWER to sculpt our future in this area. Make sure that the blueprint that they have is valid then make sure that the construction is up to spec.
Everything else is a benefit for someone in some domain outside of our community.
I fear that some people don't know the difference.
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