Friday, July 22, 2011

Community Development Via Management Science: How To Rebut A "Race Warlord" When You Challenge Him On His Misappropriation Of Black Community Consciousness For Ideological And Political Gains

The Black Community Consciousness Nucleus - one of the most exploited spaces in the human intellect.

Those who have close proximity to it know the power that they can wield upon our people IF they work their way into to our good graces by appealing to our sensibilities.

Today - far too many forces do their handiwork inside of this sacred space, fusing their "extra-curricular" agenda in as they convince the masses of our people to fuse our community interests with their scheme because their scheme is "OUR SCHEME FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT" - "The BLACK AGENDA"!!!!

Those who are most tired and frustrated and denied hope are also the ones who are most at risk.  After years of being called "The Vulnerable Masses" and being offered "PROTECTION" from the forces that the congregation has agreed is the EXTERNAL THREAT - the embedded operatives have developed a hearty reputation.  

He can sell Black people the METHODOLOGY on how we should STRUGGLE to achieve a better future by tapping into what he has done to engage them in the PAST - as he provided this protective cover.

Instead of him being an INCUMBENT and thus accountable for the problems that have not been fixed - he is "THEIR VOICE" - fighting against the forces who have denied the Black community from obtaining our glory.

We should be THANKFUL for what he has done.   FOR IT HAS WORKED!!!


For those within the Black community who are not on the bandwagon but instead dare to apply a bit of management science to the effort are in for a major rebuke.

The development of a more formal framework for all to comply with is A THREAT TO HIS PRESENT POWER.   This power was generated in the vacuum of leadership with regard to the problems WITHIN the Black community that were specific to a given time.   They have less interest in accepting that the conditions have changed.  Their primary interest is in their observation that Black people RESPOND favorable to perceived RACIAL THREATS!!!!!    The RACISM CHASER is strongest when he draws Black people into a defensive posture.   The "Equal Black Ballot" will be yielded for the defense.

Upon fixating in on the duplicitous agenda of the embedded confidence man - those of us who seek to have all of our people YIELD to a TRANSPARENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ORDER - also realize that there is going to be a fight in attempting to force those with present POWER to yield - so that the whole can prosper.  

Despite them selling "equality" and "democracy" - They are going to attack the STANDING of a "little person" to challenge their authority.

Despite the fact that they claim to want all Black people to stand tall and erect - they are going to strike down any critic of their machine - stripping the clothes off of his back and giving him a public beating.  NOT for the sake of inducing pain on the victim - but to show any other individual in the flock who has the same ideas the CONSEQUENCES of challenging the "congregational authority".     (I would use a slave reference here but my own standards force me to deny the use of slave references).

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