Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Fight The Power Radio - The Bigotry WITHIN The Black Community That Prevents Organic Development

On "Fight The Power Radio" (WAOK AM Atlanta) yesterday the grand dysfunction that is abundant in "Black Progressive Political Discourse" today was on full display.    I already posted my notes on my analysis of the "Bev Smith Show" which came on right after the "Fight The Power" radio show.  This post is about the interview with former congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and her views on Libya.

Since this was a long interview it is best to break it down into pieces

Cynthia McKinney - The Evidence Of Genetic Cleansing Of Black Africans In Libya By The Rebels

In phase one of the interview I was with Ms McKinney.
She stood firm on her belief that the NATO attacks on Libya were not motivated by "humanitarian" motivations.  She believes that the European and American powers are well aware of the wealth that is contained within the country.  They fomented factional rivals as a means of creating an entre' by which the nation which was slowly building up its own riches could be destroyed.

McKinney pointed to a Wall Street Journal article which noted the attacks upon towns that are populated by Black Africans at the hands of those who are called "rebels".  As Gaddahfi invited other Africans to come to Libya to assist him in building up the nation - Black Africans from Cameroon began poring into the nation.  They worked in Libya and sent money home to their relatives in their native country.  This was a "win win" for both nations.

With the Rebels unleashed some of their factions have reportedly attacked these Black Africans.  There have been several reported massacres of their villages.

McKinney also noted the propaganda operations by the world press.  Al Jezeera had reported that the Libyan government had attacked a town on the very day that she and her contingent were present.  She confirmed with her party that this attack did not in fact happen.   Al Jezeera was forced to withdraw the claim.  They had actually used footage from a town in Iraq.

As I listened into the conversation between McKinney and "Fight The Power" I noted:

  • She referenced "NATO" but not "The Obama Administration" 
  • He said "The LEADERS of this nation told us that this was a Humanitarian Operation" but did not say "Obama told us that.............."
I have to admit that without an opposition American President to focus upon the Black Progressive-Fundamentalist is able to focus upon a more world view of the forces that seek to impose capitalism around the world and steal resources.  Absent the screw to turn on their domestic conservative enemy in the "American Political Domain" their conversation is made more broad - but no less conspiratorial.

NATO Out To Steal African Wealth And Keep The People In Chaos

"Fight The Power" asked Cynthia McKinney - "What is the real motivation for the NATO attacks on Libya and now Somalia?   People tend to lose focus on issues that are not on the front page.  Are the bombings stopped or is it getting worse?".  

McKinney said that NATO is getting more brazen in their attacks.   

Libya is a wealthy nation.  Not a poor African nation with starving people.
  • $123 Billion worth of gold (from my recollection of what she said)
  • Abundant water resources in a region that is experiencing desertification
  • Oil
Western forces are motivated to disrupt the ability of Africans to order themselves and leverage their resources.  "What business of the United States is it for the Libyans to use their own money as they see fit?"

A caller commented: "Ever time people of color around the world begin to express any notions of independence - the world powers seek to destroy them."

McKinney noted the importance of us retaining our conscious awareness of what is going on and for us to remain united.

The Zionists Have A Stronger Hand In Libya Than (Apparently) Obama Has - I Would Still Vote For Obama In 2012

This is when the conversation turned loony.
I noticed that the organic conversation between "Fight The Power" and McKinney kept focus upon NATO and general references to the powers in the United States.

It was the callers that forced the words "President Obama" out of their mouths.

Cynthia McKinney stated that the finger prints of the Zionists in Israel are all over the NATO incursion in Libya.  She noted the initial plans to put a "Jewish Homeland" in Libya rather than in "Palestine".  

As a caller finally did try to correlate all of these American actions with the present COMMANDER IN CHIEF - the cost of the IDEOLOGICAL BIGOTRY of the Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chaser came shining through.

You see - despite the references to "Free The Land" that one might hear among the Black Progressive Afro-centrists their commanding construct says that "The ALTERNATIVE To Obama is even worse".

Think about that for a second people.   
  • Reagan fired a limited set of cruise missiles into Libya - killing a family member of Gaddahfi - the Black Establishment protested the act of aggression on Africa
  • 30 years later Obama - launched an all out attack on Libya - killing hundreds of people in the name of a "Humanitarian Mission" seeking to assassinate a recognized sovereign leader

Yet the progressive fundamentalists are unable to look at the COMMON RESULTS.
Instead they look at the METHODOLOGY that each respective Commander In Chief went into the operation with.

CLEARLY the same elements that motivated the "All White Jury" to selectively apply their (what they called) JUSTICE based mostly upon the attributes of the person who sat before them - are present within the "Fight The Power" audience.

In the same conversation that Cynthia McKinney and "Fight The Power" were outraged over ETHNIC CLEANSING of Black Africans - they both said "I PLAN TO VOTE FOR BARACK OBAMA".

Why Did Rep Shelia Jackson Lee Look Past Her Instinctive Opposition To The Bombing Of Libya And Instead Vote To Fund The US War Effort Through NATO (According to her former college Cynthia McKinney)?


The Fake References To "We Need To Build Up A Black Third Party"
On both the "Fight The Power Radio Show" ("Too Much Truth With Derrick Boazman") and "The Bev Smith Show" that followed - references to the need for Black people to understand politics and form our own party (like "The Tea Party" was to the Republican Party) were made.

I don't pay attention to these "plans" any longer because I realize that they are not serious.
There is not ONE OUNCE of evidence that these progressive-fundamentalists have produced ORGANIC COMPETENCIES within the communities that they dominate.

Their resolve is NOT in "building up a strong Black community".  Instead the vast majority of their energy is spent in having the government (scaling up to the national government) to redistribute "social justice" to the Black community - to PROVE that they see us as an equal human being.

Withholding the "Equal Black Ballot" from the Democratic Party and thus triggering a loss is not an option.  Every White Snarling Fox Liberal KNOWS THIS.   As long as the Negro is compliant with his wishes for their ballots - he need not tell them his real feelings.

I am forced to say that Cynthia McKinney DOESN'T CARE that Black Africans are being summarily murdered by the events that NATO has set forth.   A primary architect in this military operation (Obama), who sent a signal to Black Americans that he gave his blessing (when he said that this was a "Humanitarian Mission" - thus nullifying the would be protests) - has not committed an offense large enough for her to REFUSE to comment on her VOTING plans for 2012.   If her political enemy did the same military action she and Fight The Power would have used this as more proof that they hate Black people and "WE" need to fight against them.

There is no plans to build up an alternative.
A DEPENDENT CONSCIOUSNESS fears a decoupling to his nutrition source - least he dies from exposure.

The most ironic thing about all of this is that during the incubationary period (I just made up that word but you understand) in which a new "Black Nation" is seeking to stabilize into a system of wealth generation - it is most vulnerable to OUTSIDE ATTACKS.  If Black Americans can't get it right on the Modern Day Libya - as it relates to the bombings by NATO and while a Black President is at the helm of the United States - please find me a scenario in the future by which there will be a consensus to LET THE SPLINTER GROUP OF AFRICAN AMERICANS ALONE - allowing them to live as they wish because THEY ARE NOT A THREAT TO THE UNITED STATES?

You have just set the precedent for your own future destruction - all due to the IDEOLOGICAL BIGOTRY
that you possess in the American Political Domain.   You deserve what the future holds because you have done everything necessary to bring it forth in your present actions.

As we digest the question from Rep Shelia Jackson Lee which asked "WHY THIS PRESIDENT?  What is different about him?"
This is the question that needs to be asked of the Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chasers who are so blinded by their commitment to the 'American Political Domain' that they can't see that theirs is a IDEOLOGICAL-RACIAL BIGOTRY just the same.

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