Monday, July 25, 2011

The First Ever Unarmed Winner Of The "Bishop Henry McNeal Turner Self-Defense Award"

"Street Pirate Social Justice Violator" Who Sold Drugs Out Of A Barbershop While The OWNER Was Away Gets The Only Talking To That A Street Pirate Understands

After years of callus having been built up on his "common sense receptors" in his brain it takes a man with responsibility and something to lose over the unchecked behavior of the "Street Pirate" to give him a good "talking to" that he can understand.

Lifted from the Booker Rising blog

This Man Is Smiling On This Day For The Integrity Of The Community Has Been Enforced

Bishop Henry McNeal Turner (1834-1915) does not enjoy the same notoriety of a Frederick Douglass (1818 - 1895) or Booker T Washington (1856 - 1915).

As a strong community leader who stood within the breach - he deserves as much credit as the rest of them.

In the face of "Dirt Road Pirates" making nightly runs through the Black community - reigning terror upon the citizens to keep them in their place - Bishop Turner had the consciousness of mind to understand that the same man who's consciousness would have him shoot a grandmother in the community in the back is not a man who can be reasoned with.  He surmised that with some people of a certain consciousness - the only language that they understand is one that used the VIOLENCE or the threat there-in to establish limits on the actions of those who threaten one's own community interests.

The FAILURE to speak the language that the marauder understands because of your enshrinement to some esoteric theory of how JUSTICE should be.  In doing so Bishop Turner would have indeed stood his "moral ground" but would have lead his people to a certain death.

"Speak 'Christianity' to those who are committed to follow the 'Christian dogma in their own lives", picking up the bible that he is carrying and debate as such.  When you see a terrorist that operates on the cover of "Christianity" but is seen leaving his pulpit in the middle of the night, grabbing a hood and his shotgun to come terrorize your community - the wise man will look at his own hood and gun and choose one of those objects that will best defend himself from that so called 'Christian' who left his bible at home.

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