Monday, July 4, 2011

Five American Holidays Which Showcase The Fate Of The Present Day Negro

A vital element in the study of the American Negro of today is to consider how they respond to and or have incorporated various American holidays into their unique relationship experiences with America.  In as much as I am presently appraising the key forces upon the Black Community Consciousness - on the eve of the American Independence Day provides an opportunity to conduct such an appraisal.

The sentiments of the Black American can be heard:
  •  In conversations among themselves
  • On radio talk shows
  • In newspaper opinion pages
  • On the new Black news and opinion aggregation web sites that have a FaceBook account and a Twitter feed to augment their reach into the Black community.
  • In the context of the racial proxy war that American political campaigns and jockeying provides as a platform
All of the holidays listed below, besides Kwanzaa are officially recognized government and or generic cultural holidays.  Indeed for all of them the relationship of Black people to America provides the framework from which the Black community and its opinion sculptors apply to each of these holidays. 

HolidaySentiments Expressed The Needed Closure
American Independence Day
July 4th
The 4th Of July - the day that the nation that would later become "The United States Of America" declared its freedom from the oppressive policies of mother Britain prompts a good portion of activist Blacks to draw out the hypocrisy of a group of people who demanded liberty from the colonizer of European ex-pats on Native American lands while they held captive hundreds of thousands of equal human beings that they had stolen away from the continent of Africa.  The arbitrary assignment of a subhuman status allowed those who demanded independence for themselves to look past their own oppression of the African.

Leading up to Independence Day the speeches given by Frederick Douglass about the hypocrisy of America are given airplay by these activists.  July 4th stands above all other holidays as the point of convergence of their modern day indictments against America and its present hypocrisy (per their view) on race, economic equality, education and their favorite term - "social justice".

As other Americans, White, Asian, Hispanic and Black don their star-spangled garments, eat barbeque with family and later go watch the fireworks in thanks and appreciation of the freedoms in the land that they live - the "Anti-America Americans" who are full of resentments figure on how they can turn their resentment of their ancestor's past treatment into strategic ideological and political advantage today and in the future.
The solution to the mental disconnectedness and resentment of the "Anti-America Americans" activist is, ironically, also taken from Frederick Douglass' own words:

"What Shall We Do With The Discontented Negroes, Who By His Own Hand In Choosing The Governance Of His Own Community, Promotes Those Who Focus On Advancing Old Grievances In The Name Of Their Ancestors While Serving Up Benign Neglect To Their Progeny - After Having Taken Over Their Culture, Schools and Disciplinary Affairs - So That That Which The Youth Has Been Incubated With Within The Community Is Cast Outward For All Others To See When He Is A Free Standing Citizen On His Own  - DO NOTHING FOR THE NEGRO FOR YOU HAVE INJURED HIM ENOUGH!!"

In regard to the colored people, there is always more that is benevolent, I perceive, than just, manifested towards us. What I ask for the negro is not benevolence, not pity, not sympathy, but simply justice. The American people have always been anxious to know what they shall do with us.... I have had but one answer from the beginning. Do nothing with us! Your doing with us has already played the mischief with us. Do nothing with us! If the apples will not remain on the tree of their own strength, if they are worm-eaten at the core, if they are early ripe and disposed to fall, let them fall! ... And if the negro cannot stand on his own legs, let him fall also. All I ask is, give him a chance to stand on his own legs! Let him alone! ... Your interference is doing him positive injury.

Frederick Douglass, The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro

Like the bible, they usurp the words of Douglass that fit their arguments but ignore his entire body of works.   Douglass, above all, was an ANTI-CORRUPTION advocate - as he saw that the grand lie of "Negro Inferiority" as a subhuman status was the lie from which all other lies that were enforced had flowed from.

Today's central corruption in the activists who claim to advocate for our community but who just happen to express more benefit in the area of politics - with little to show back at home - is that today's Black man is centrally INJURED FROM THE SLAVERY DURING DOUGLASS' TIME.   This is the core for their present day struggle.

In their blindness and bigotry they can't accept that:
  • THEY DO DAMAGE - as they allow our Black Children to be consummated in Black male/female relationships that are suboptimal to the known benefits of:
    • Long Term, Committed Relationships
    • By Mature Parents
    • Who Have Education
    • And Enjoy Employment 
  • They agree with the check list above but these attributes are sought FROM the government - as regulated upon the society - BEFORE a positive change can be noted within our ranks.
    • THIS struggle is  the core of their SOCIAL JUSTICE struggle
  • As we consider how much of these ends are ORGANICALLY developed for our people - as a competent management scheme is enacted within our communities - the painful truth is shown.   They don't have the fortitude to coordinate these higher standards within the domain that they have exclusive control over.  They are more inclined to yield that the masses of Black people are too much in a damaged state from the oppression of modern RACISM to be able to accept upon their backs such an additional burden.
    • Black Inferiority and Victim Status as voiced in the term "The Least Of These" ensures that our people will accept this fate but that politicians, far into the future, will receive our votes by making promises about how they will feed us - despite the sight of the barren fields in our communities which should be housing organic gardens.
Sadly the hypocrisy of America that Frederick Douglass had pointed out has been infused in the cultural consciousness of a good portion of his descendants today as they have accepted their full status as an American - having received their missing 2/5ths. 

If America suffers a calamitous economic fate in the future - the American Negro that failed to heed Douglass' advice of growing stronger stems so that he might hang on to the tree of organic development will realize his mistake of the strategy of strength through redistributionist policies. 
Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr Day
3rd Monday In January
Shortly after the Christian holiday of Christmas and the good cheer of New Years - comes the solemn reminder of the Oppression Of The African In America.  The black and white films showing:
  • Marches
  • Police Dogs
  • Fire Hoses
  • Condiments Wasted At Lunch Counter Sit-ins
are shown to all Americans to remind us of the society of hatred that was once targeted to individual souls based upon their skin color.

These films of the past provide those who "struggle" today with a baseline understanding of how their community got to be the way that it was handed to them.  That the fix to their community will come at the hands of a struggle against POWER - akin to that which was seen in in this historical footage.

Martin Luther King Jr Day - in the past has evolved into a day that is a proxy for the RESPECT of Black America by White America.  The point of contention for MLK Day 2011 was  that several school systems decided to use this day as a snow day - after a Southern ice storm had the schools closed for the entire week just prior to this strategic day.  When the (White) school board chose to open the schools it was seen as a disrespect to Black people.   The NAACP voiced their opposition to the plan where ever such audacity was shown.

The spirit of Martin Luther King Jr has been hijacked today.  August 28, 2010 had two political and ideological adversaries on the National Mall in Washington DC.  One side stood at the Lincoln Memorial proclaiming their intention to return America back to its founding values.  The other side, who did not get the permit to the memorial grounds later came via a march.  Though they made use of the name "King" as their cover the  spirit and a tone that they voiced from the stage had little to do with King and had more to do with modern day American politics and their ideological biases.

As we analyze the present day problems within the Black Community and how old, tired models of activism has failed to mitigate them - there is a need to correct the central notion from which the present hijacking of our interests flows.

  • The Black Community Today Suffers From Forces of Corruption Far Broader Than That Which Is Motivated By Race
  • The Residents In The Black Community Today Suffer From Assaults Upon Their CIVIL RIGHTS That Would Be Called "Civil Rights Violations" BUT FOR The Race Of The Assailant And The Context Of The Assault
    • If there is no strategic advantage to the agenda of those who render indictments in the name of "Racism Chasing" - they choose to remain silent on the attacks upon Black people
During Dr King's day corrupt men who sought to retain their power and the corrupt system did what was necessary to retain this entrenched system.  In as much as Black people are 100% equal - the very same motivation to retain systems of power remain.   In both cases the Black community is left as the unintended victim of their schemes.

That which was a "Civil Rights Struggle" due to blatant racism against Black people - today needs to be a REFORM movement - which seeks to align the internal governance culture of our community with the necessary reforms in government, both of which are necessary to produce the desired outcomes.

Ironically  - until the bigotry that is present within the Black Community is trumped by a coordinated, effective and sophisticated management scheme - the Black Community's interests will continue to flail in the wind of hope and political opportunism. 
Memorial Day / Veterans Day
Tributes To Fighting Men & Women Who Have Served Their Nation In The US Military, Memorial Day Recognizing Those Who Have Given Their Lives
These two days that are primarily used to honor the memory of our fighting men and women for America are used by many Black Americans to remember those of our people who fought for our nation - despite the treatment received from this nation.  They were forced to see past the ignorance and the slights that they received to show that a "uniform" could not hide the color of the man within. Instead they had to fight for a greater vision of America than what the bigoted men who ran the government at the time were able to see as America's true greatness.

The discipline and order in the military and the "Department Of Defense Schools" has functionally closed the racial achievement gap for the offspring of American servicemen and women.  If the same Black kids that are seen struggling in inner city schools are placed into a more structured setting and are seen performing with excellence then it is rational to conclude that the problem at hand is with the system - as it reacts to the child in the seat and not the child himself.  The parents in the military are compelled to participate as managers in their child's education.

We often hear about how the US Military lead the way in integration.  This was largely because the command and control system of the military allowed the organization to more easily enforce standardized policies throughout.  Organizational policy compelled the individuals who were ensconced within the system to prioritize the investment in their own children.
Father's Day
3rd Sunday Of June
The most important aspects of Father's Day for Black Americans occur in the days before the 3rd Sunday in June and the days following.  The subject of Father's Day draws out some painful truths in the discussions heard among Black people.

On this day we hear how the Black male, separated from his family - is the keystone of the problems that our community suffers.
  • The strained relationships with his Black Female Mate
  • The lack of self-confidence that his Black daughter suffers absent a loving father who tells her that she is beautiful.  From his relationship with her mother - she learns what to expect from a man that she is in a loving relationship with
  • The absence of his positive impression upon the young Black male son of his - ensures that the pipeline from the community into the prison will continue - making the "for-profit prison" industry happy
On this blessed day we hear more unmitigated truth about the condition of our people and clarity on what "WE" need to do to change it.   From this expression of the countless number of stories of people who call in to report their personal pain of the relationship with their father or their "baby daddy" comes the one time in which the ORGANIC call from the Black Community to advance our interests which is thought to be more powerful of a force than any of the adversaries efforts that are documented in the latest conspiracy theory. 
Father's Day in the Black Community can achieve its maximum benefit when the community not only holds up the evidence of the pain of fractured relationships as evidence of the need for change - but chooses to move several generations forward and lays out the clear picture of the state of our community that is in a healed state.

The challenge for those alive today becomes the creation of the "operational tasks" that must be enforced and repeated each and every day which will one day express itself via the delivery of our people to this state.

With the image of the pain suffered by Black people used so frequently in the "American Political Domain" to attract our "Golden Pot Full  Of Equal Black Ballots" - the governing forces within the Black Community (the rank & file) must reform the present system so that it promotes our Permanent Interests over the Political Methodology which we are told are the solution - that is always one election cycle away.

It is our 3rd generation in the future that is certain to come into existence as well.  The question is about the condition that it will be received in the world.
A 7 Day Cultural Holiday Starting The Day After Christmas
  • Umoja (Unity): To strive for and to maintain unity in the family, community, nation, and race.
  • Kujichagulia (Self-Determination): To define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves, and speak for ourselves.
  • Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility): To build and maintain our community together and make our brothers' and sisters' problems our problems, and to solve them together.
  • Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics): To build and maintain our own stores, shops, and other businesses and to profit from them together.
  • Nia (Purpose): To make our collective vocation the building and developing of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness.
  • Kuumba (Creativity): To do always as much as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it.
  • Imani (Faith): To believe with all our heart in our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders, and the righteousness and victory of our struggle.

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