Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Operative David Swerdlick Asks Black Republicans To Sell Themselves To Black Progressives And Become A "Black Ronald Reagan" Despite The Dislike Of Ronald Reagan By Swerdlick And 'Tired And Retired' Jack White

Above is the pictorial evidence of the field trip taken by an array of "Black Progressive Blogger Understudies" to the Obama White House.

Whereas you see the (racist) Republicans today visiting the White House to put their foot down and draw their "Permanent Interests" out of "The Power" - ignoring the taunts that come from this "Right-Wing Watch" that is assembled.....they went to meet with Commander in Chief Obama - largely to coordinate their 2010 campaign advertisement agenda on behalf of "Standing With Obama".

From this The published Cord Jefferson's multipart series "What Obama Has Done For America....And Its Working!!".  See Chord Jefferson's pick up truck that I filmed below.

I kid.
This is not The's Chord Jefferson's truck.   It belongs to The Michael Arceneaux.


One has to understand the "Jedi Mind Trick" used by the Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chaser before you read too deeply into Mr Swerdlick's analysis of the "Black Republicans".
First wipe your mind of the observations that the has run more negative stories on:

  • Rep Allen West (R-FL) - Assumed Office January 2011
  • Rep Tim Scott (R-SC) - Assumed Office January 2011
  • Herman Cain (R-GA) - Never held an office where he had POWER to impact Black people
  • Michael Steele (R-MD) - Was at the helm of the Public Enemy #1 threat to Progressivism and thus a threat to Black people - per the world view of The
Than they have bothered to run critical analysis on ........
  • the Commander In Chief Barack Obama - Assumed Office In January 2009
  • the Black Progressive Agenda For Community Control - Voiced By Bayard Ruskin in late 1968

When Commander In Chief Obama was elected, with 96% INVESTMENT of the "Equal Black Ballot" this was merely the "Cherry On Top" of the fortress that has been built, stemming from the Black community and then upward into every rung of government where the Black Equal Ballot, in a joint-venture partnership with other progressive organizations, could be used to alter election outcomes - for the benefit of the Progressivism, the Democratic Party - and the juice that was left in the cup after they had consumed the bulk of the contents................the BLACK COMMUNITY.

Do You See The Problem With Your Analysis, Mr Swerdlick?

In order to understand why Mr Swerdlick lacks credibility and standing to ask these "Black Republicans" SELL THEMSELVES to Black America and they might get "some of this" - we need to go beyond the TRANSACTION - the "2012 Election"   (as if the same editorial bias that has them unable to talk about the 16.2% Black unemployment rate and include Obama and the CBC in on the problem - is going to put the 2012 election in the perspective of the best interests of the BLACK COMMUNITY.  But I digress).

Mr Swerdlick is not of the consciousness to look at the "Black Stanley Cup" and note the etchings of "victories past" by the Democratic Machine in receiving with open arms the collection of "Equal Black Ballots" as he stands as the INVESTMENT ADVISER OF BLACK AMERICA and defends OUR INTERESTS rather than the interests of his IDEOLOGY - who's transactions are all over our past statements.

(Hey wasn't Michael Wychoff Williams and investment banker?  She should know about protecting the assets of his clients rather than strong arming them into throwing good assets after bad.  Why did you go to Jack White's journalism school and lose the consciousness of your fiduciary obligations to who YOU WORK FOR?  Then again WHO DO YOU WORK FOR???)

Mr Swerdlick - as with The and Tom Joyner's Black America Web EXPECTS that Black America is going to look past its INVESTMENTS that have been made thus far and instead stay focused on the CARROT that the "Obama Fist Bump Black Press" has taped in front of our field of vision.

Or what did Tom Joyner say:

 I believe most of us share a common goal - to re-elect President Obama. That can only happen if we take all the time and energy we’ve been using to debate, defend - and yes, digress (Tavis didn’t patent that word, did he?) and move forward.

But, let’s look at the big picture and remember that if he’s going to win, he needs all of our votes -
every last one of them.
At one time, I didn’t see the harm in the public criticisms from black leaders, but
That’s when I knew that more harm was being done than some people realize.
Forget that that’s a lie - that he has done plenty for African-Americans and will do more if he gets the chance to serve another term. Forget that bin Laden was captured and killed under his watch. Let’s not even deal with the facts right now.
Let’s deal with just our blackness and pride - and loyalty.
When is the last time we did more than talk about how much we support the president? When is the last time you mailed a check to his campaign? When you hear people who claim to represent you and black America saying things you don’t believe or support, you ought to light up the phones, send emails, tweets, write blogs, fax. Every little bit helps. Don’t let hate, pettiness, jealousy, whatever, overshadow truth.

Mr Swerdlick:
In my world view this passage from Tom Joyner is worse than anything that you can point that Rupert Murdoch has ever done to Black people.

RUPERT MURDOCH has NO "Black Equal Ballots" that he can speak of.
Worse yet RUPERT MURDOCH has not the ability to HIJACK THE BLACK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CONSCIOUSNESS as Tom Joyner just did - fusing our BLACK CONSCIOUSNESS to the DEMOCRATIC PARTY - using BARACK OBAMA as the moving decoy.

Mr Swerdlick MY COMMON GOAL is:

  1. Safe Streets - So that the fabric of community bonds can be built up in a secure place
  2. Quality Education - So that our young people can grow into the key "Professional Service Agents" that our community needs to live at a HIGH STANDARD OF LIVING
  3. Thriving Local Economies - where our communities provide the marketplace for our intelligent people to apply and hone their talents and the goods and services that we need as a community can be acquired there in
  4. Healthy Lifestyle and Relationship outcomes - so that we can all live rich, rewarding and pain-free lives, passing the consciousness onto the next generation.
Do you see that Tom Joyner is about a defined METHODOLOGY - "Re-elect Obama.......oh yeah and I PROMISE YOU that NEXT TIME you are going to get even more than the last time..............IF we get those Republicans out of the US House and governor's seats".

I can't accuse Tom Joyner of USING Black people
Tom Joyner (and Commander In Chief Obama0 is merely EXPLOITING the voids in our Black Community institutions that would prevent him from USURPING our "Black Consciousness Core" for his interests.

Tell me again how Tom Joyner differs one bit from anyone in the Fox News line up (or MSNBC - which is more to your liking)?   He, unlike they operates in the GUISE of Blackness.

I Feel Empathy For Tavis Smiley & Dr Cornel West
Imagine these two fellow progressives - otherwise favorable to you..  They at least had the forethought to understand that they need to at least put up the GUISE of having a methodology by which "The Power" can be spoke TRUTH TO.    

Even when they through up a PROGRESSIVE MEASURING STICK - Mr Swerdlick - the collective Black Progressive Attached Machine snatched that sick and beat them aside the head with it.   "Don't you know that our PROGRESSIVE STICK is only used to INDICT the OPPOSITION?  What is wrong with you two?"

The letter from Tom Joyner shows the truth of what Smiley and West were dealing with an UNABRIDGED IDEOLOGICAL BIGOT!!!!

In the letter he removed his mask.  
The same people who asked WHITE FOLKS "Can WHITE PEOPLE put aside their RACISM protectionism and VOTE FOR THE BETTER CANDIDATE?".

Shamefully, Mr Swerdlick - this is now seen as not a forthright request but merely a DISARMAMENT strategy.  
Having gotten what they wanted this first time - the Black Progressive Bigot today has no MASK about what his intentions are.

Here is why I have little respect for your operation Mr Swerdlick (OK - besides Tired And Retired Jack White..........) upon reading this pronouncement by Tom Joyner you felt him INFERIOR to that of:
  • Sean Hannity
  • Bill O'Reilly
  • Rush Limbaugh 
  • Glenn Beck.....
IF THEY were to take off their masks and ask WHITE AMERICA to "vote their RACIAL PRIDE in taking the White House Back".

But Wait - Are We Really "Voting Our Blackness"?
Mr Swerdlick - I read your pseudo-news blog (Hey Dr Burton!!!).  I read your counter parts.  I watch Democracy Now, "Obama's Rolex Watch With Roland 'Thurgood' Martin And Smokey".   I am hurt that Border's Books is closing because my best research of your bunch came from my purchases of (White) LEFT WING MAGAZINES.

They give far, far clearer architectural pictures of where the "BLACK EQUAL BALLOT" fits in within the Progressive-Fundamentalist Movement.    

I suggest that this is not a BLACK VOTE.
  • There is no surprise that the NAACP has now taken up "Gay Rights" 
    • they are too arrogant to admit that this transition means that the low hanging fruit of "Black Civil Rights" is gone.    
    • They are NOT GOING TO label "Street Pirate Social Justice Murders" of Black people as the Civil Rights VIOLATIONS that they are
  • There is no surprise that the Black Racial Services Machine has adopted an "Anti-Anti-Illegal Immigration" stance - choosing the outside corner angle of "Civil Rights Violations" from "Racial Profiling" than to note the economic displacement of Black people as more heads compete for the same job
  • There is no surprise that the "Black Farmer's Settlement" was seen as a "Civil Rights Victory" while not one damn Progressive suggested that this money should be channeled for famine relief in East Africa.
    • Tom Joyner will not be setting up a cruise by which the Black farmers can use a part of their $50K to go over to this part of the "Motherland" to set up irrigation, farming techniques and bomb shelters to protect them from US drone strikes
None of this is a surprise - not even your pseudo-Black opinion blog's unwillingness to put the BLACK PERMANENT INTERESTS as a TRANSPARENT item - separate and DISTINCT from:
  • The Obama Administration
  • The Democratic Party
  • Progressive Fundamentalism

I Am Not A "Black Republican" Mr Swerdlick

I would not doubt that the Republican Party in their desperation for "Equal Black Ballots" to be invested in to their coffers would take you up on your offer to MARKET THEMSELVES to you.

In my view - it would be as worthwhile as a Black man in 1940's Mississippi believing that if he looks each "All White Jury Member" in the eye and says in his humblest tone "Good day sir" - that he might convince them that he is not guilty.    
The fact that HE LOOKED THEM IN THE EYES pissed them off!!
The fact that the baby produced from the "rape" came out WHITE" was of no consequence.  The Black man "Got justice" later that night via the expert knot maker who was once a boy scout.

If you were serious with your request for "The Black Ronald Reagan" - Mr Swerdlick - you would first voice your CONTEMPT for Ronald Reagan!!!!!

It is a common Progressive-Fundamentalist talking point to place the start of the collapse of the beloved "Mission Accomplished Cities" at the feet of the policy of one Ronald Wilber Reagan.  You all make use of Reagan's name more than does Sean Hannity

The Defenders Of The Black Community's Permanent Interests Would Be Seen First RECAPTURING THE BLACK COMMUNITY CONSCIOUSNESS

I have "trust issues" with you and your band, Mr Swerdlick.  

The best way to understand your true character is to LET YOU ALONE and see how you scheme.

With the present conditions of Black America as they are - after DECADES of investing our KEY ASSETS - our "Black Community Aggregate Value & Wealth" urn is a "glass half full" with a big azzed crack in the bottom.   With the forward ticks of the clock - it will soon be as parched as the Somalian farm lands.

In your pseudo-news analysis quest to web site (Again - Hi Dr Burton) you seek to stoke the Black community with YOUR VERSION of "Good News".  
A person like me who dares to break through the B.S. is considered NEGATIVE.  

The truth is that by mere CONGREGATIONAL AGREEMENT you agree upon what is NEGATIVE and from those same pews comes the messages that are deemed POSITIVE - with a spittoon passed around to clear the congregation's mouths of the cherries that they have picked.

Not that it matters to you - but - your CREDIBILITY as a news operation hangs in the balance with this next election.  

Place the seat of the COMMANDER IN CHIEF as a SUPERIOR entity to the REPUBLICAN PARTY.   Place the INTERESTS OF THE BLACK COMMUNITY as your interests superior to your PROGRESSIVE-FUNDAMENTALISM.

Then tell me, in clear conscious - WHY any Black person should take another step forward - in the path cleared by the BLACK RACIAL SERVICES MACHINE and his "Snarling White Cheshire Fox " joint venture partner.

I can't return the "Obama 2012 T-Shirts" that you are giving out as gives to the Chinese man at the store who made them and receive cash credit in my "Black Community Aggregate Value & Wealth" bucket.  I need more TANGIBLE benefit than "HOPE that has Leaned Forward Into 2013-2016". 

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