Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sorry Dr Boyce Watkins - Until All Of The Accoutrements Of The "Street Pirate Social Justice Violators" Are Repudiated By The Black Community You Must Accept Congregational Complicity For The Results

Sorry Dr Boyce Watkins - Until All Of The Accoutrements Of The "Street Pirate Social Justice Violators" Are Repudiated By The Black Community You Must Accept The Congregational Complicity Of The Results

Dr Watkins - YOUR priority of which of these 3 logos should be dimmed is not the priority that is held by the average Black American.   In fact - they would say that Fox News IS the Klan's network.  While "Media Matters" and "Color Of Change" doggedly keep an eye on Fox News (and recently registered as their accomplishment of the year - the departure of the progressive's nemesis  Glenn Beck).  And while the Southern Poverty Law Center keeps a careful eye on the Klan...........the people keeping an EYE on BET are the Black people who are consuming the content as a key source of their information about the world. 

Unlike Michael Vick's DOGS - the Black people within our community are equal human beings.  We are rational human beings that can make the right choice - when the variables are presented to us in a transparent manner.  Our problem today is with those forces that have the SLIGHT OF HAND.  Their knowledge of Black people afford them the ability to USE our hatred, anger and resentment for their own profit.  THEY are the capitalists that you need to be studying for their steal raw material from the Black American that is far more valuable than any assets buried in the soil of Africa. 

I believe that you bear some responsibility in all of this because you are a faithful member of the "Black Racial Services Machine.
  • THE KLAN remains a handy wild card to affix to any political and ideological threat to progressivism that must be tarred with the badge of racism.   We are told constantly that the "Tea Party" - the enemy of the Democratic Party and the Progressives are the "Klan Of The Day".  Though far more Blacks are murdered and denied a quality education by forces that have never wore a hood - the mention of the Klan is able to place Black people in a highly predictable - defensive posture. A person in such a position will yield his valuables in the name of her own personal safety and that of her loved ones.
  • FOX NEWS is the network who YOU say is "racist" and that you will not set foot into their sound studio ever again.  Sorry to tell you, Dr Watkins - when we do an enumeration of which network has collected that which is most valuable to the Negro - it is MSNBC - the "Un-Fox Biased Biased Network" which has gotten inside of the Black community's "Granny Panties" far more than Fox News can ever hope to.
You are an academic who studies and discusses "capitalism".
I am a analyst and a business modeler who studies people.  While my profession is to study human resources in the context of them doing business operations - the "Black Community" and the forces that bear down upon it can be easily modeled - just the same.  I am studying you and the rest of the "Black Racial Services Industry" operatives.   The graphics that I put up in the course of my analysis are "open source".  Please borrow them as you will for the edification of your own understanding.

When I model the antics that are done in the name of "Black America" but then call out the hijacking that takes place - please believe that I take no pleasure in making predictions that the coalition of complicity produces the undesirable results that I rail upon.  Your present concern about "Hip Hop Voice Of The Street Pirate" and its damaging effect is merely another item on my list - per the assignment of a label and associated graphic.

The reason who MSNBC "The Black Progressive Agenda Network" is a bigger threat to the ORGANIC Black Permanent Interests than is Fox News is because - they - the White Liberal Snarling Foxes now have successfully FUSED the "Black Equal Ballot" with the "Black Community Consciousness" - as brokered by the efforts of the Embedded Black Fox Confidence Men (like Progressive Political Preacher Al Sharpton).

Fox News may indeed be RACIST - according to your tastes but they do not have nor will they ever have these THREE VALUABLES that are the exclusive purview of the Black Community - having been cleverly yielded to them by many of the operatives that you keep company with.
Now Fused With The Interests Of The Progressive After Integration - There Is No "Organic Black Community Development" Agenda To Speak Of

Necessarily Bonded With The Progressive Political Struggle As The Primary Means By Which The Negro Would Hand Over His BALLOT - Thinking That He Is Advancing His COMMUNITY When He Does So

The Grand Prize Is Hidden Under The Grannie Panties.  Once Her Loyalty Is Won There Is No LEAVING HER - She Will FOLLOW ALONG - Forsaking Her Own PERMANENT INTERESTS To Do So


Dr Watkins - please give me a chance to go back to my blog posts from the late summer/fall of 2008 in which BET ran a political analysis of the then upcoming Presidential Election.   This show was CORRUPT.  It was presented as a transparent expose' of the important issues to Black America.  It amounted to a campaign video for then Senator Obama.  It passed over the previous sales job upon Black America that successful acquired control over the key institutions that provide our community with the prime civic services.  Undaunted with having to detail its past benefits - it kept SELLING US ON THE FUTURE.  I don't blame political operatives for doing what they do Dr Watkins.  I instead look WITHIN the Black community to find any evidence of PROTECTIONS from operatives without and WITHIN. 

After blanketing the "King Compound" with these fliers put upon every car - the White Democratic underdog for Senate needed to do something to GET OUT THE BLACK VOTE!!!  Can you guess who he turned to in order to gain some "Street Cred"? - The people that YOU are calling out

  1. TI
  2. Young Jeezy
  3. Ludacris
  4. Rev Durley - Providence Missionary Baptist Church, Atlanta
  5. Dekalb County GA Sheriff Thomas Brown
  6. Out of camera shot - most of the top ranking elected officials in Atlanta
NONE refused to appear on stage with the forces that you are now calling out

Worse than any "Hip Hop Voice Of The Street Pirate" video shown on the ill-fated "BET Uncut" show are the antics of the EMBEDDED CONFIDENCE MEN who have full access to our Black Community Racial Consciousness Nucleus - free to molest our protectorate for their own purposes.  Or more specifically - for the benefit of the joint-venture partnerships that they have forged with external forces.

Don't you see, Dr Watkins - the very same solution that I recommended to stop the "Donkey Fight" between Sharpton and West is the solution that is appropriate HERE.    YOU and other Black Progressive-Fundamentalists must lead the masses of Black people in enforcing the SEPARATION of "Black Consciousness" and the "American Political Domain".

This ain't CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK talking - this is straight up MALCOLM X!!!

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