Monday, July 4, 2011

Thank You President Barack H. Obama!!! You Have Caused Infighting Among The Black Racial Services Machine - My Suggestion On How They Can Move Forward

If you fail to understand the different between the Black Community (the Black Rank & File) and the overlay of Ideological Tongues Translators that serve as intermediaries so that our people might be made to understand what is going on which is beyond the rational grasp of 'The Vulnerable Masses" it is understandable that some will see my observations of this shooting war between "Embedded Black Fox Confidence Men" as a battle of 'Black Leadership'.  

Instead I see this as an easily predictable result of a fraudulent coalition that has thus far successfully placed the "Black Community Consciousness Development Hopes" into the bucket of the American Political Domain, needing everyone to go along for the ride IF it is to endure the normal challenges of the ebbs and flows of a PRESIDENTIAL TERM.

Few of them are going to ask if it was legitimate to placed the BLACK COMMUNITY INTEREST is the American Political Domain.  Their goal was to achieve the maximum advantage of the immediate situation.  I predict their battle will be resolved - just in time for the Presidential Elections in the American Political Domain - as the Black Community's biorhythm has now been synched with Americas bi-annual poltiical menstruation cycle.

I am going to spend a bit more time in explaining the diagrams that I create as a model of the antics that take place in the "Black Racial Services Machine". It might help those who are late in "getting it" to understand the inevitable circumstances that certain "joint-venture partnerships" build on mutual agreement on compromised standards bring us to.

Narrative Diagram
The cost recognized by the Black Community for living vicariously through Obama as an adopted "Permanent Interest".

The other "Permanent Interests" that were in place long before Obama came on the scene are necessarily put on the shift of forbearance because the goal of not upsetting the "Permanent Friend", bothering him with our community's "Permanent Interests" would cause him to fall in the polls -- thus risking his reelection loss.

Fear not because already the sound of Negroes telling the masses that the SECOND TERM of Obama will be more fruitful for Obama because as a lame duck he won't have to risk a reelection loss represents the next Progressive sales job upon the Black community to remain silent and ideological loyal.

This merely indicates to all others that what is claimed to be "Permanent Interests" of Black people can indeed be "bought and sold" via congregational consent.

The Cost Of Living Vicariously Through Obama
Those who are incompetent at MANAGING the human resources that are present within the Black Community realize that - in as much as their main goal is to extract:
  1. The Equal Black Ballot for investment into a favorable bucket
  2. The Black Community Consciousness Loyalties which allow them to engage Black people into a "Permanent Struggle"
.........they experience no consequences exerted from the Black community as they compel Black people to bind our racial pride to Obama rather than making transparent appraisal of not only Obama but the entire stack of "Favorable Elected Officials" that came to power based on promises of the benefit received by the Black Community if we remained united.

The Modern, High Stakes Expression Of "THEY Cannot Chose Our Black Leaders" - Proving That There Is No Longer An "Organic Black Community Development Agenda" - It Is Only A 100% Political And Ideological Struggle - Malcolm X's Warnings Be Danmed
"Hope And Change" was an excellent campaign slogan to get Americas to invest their ballots for the mission at hand.  Obama is not to be begrudged for doing what he needed to do to win the election.  At worse he is an opportunitist.

INSTEAD we as Black people should cast our eye to the BLACK COMMUNITY INSTITUTIONS and begin to ask questions of them.

  • Did they prove themselves to be transparent in their ability to retain their integrity - in pursuit of the community's interests, rather than totally subsumed by the whims in the "American Political domain?  (NO)
  • Did they define sufficiently that which the Black Community demanded as a condition of the investment of our "Equal Black Ballot" and the far more valuable investment of our "Black Community Consciousness"?  (Of Course Not - Defeating the enemy and promoting a friend was prize enough)
  • Did these institutions, purporting to represent the Black Community's interests - develop a framework to which ALL Presidents would be held accountable to?  (Smiley attempted to do so but he was stripped naked and beaten by his Progressive friends - who believe that only an adversary President should be scrutinized as such)

Obama Eclipses The Traditional Black Racial Services Machine Elements

(The Obama celestial body came on the scene and proved that an entity that exists in the AMERICAN POLITICAL DOMAIN can pick off and compromise a far greater array of Black Institutions than any covert Black Conservative operative could ever hope to do.  Thus proving that just as it takes a diamond to cut a diamond - only a Progressive can cut down another Progressive)

This second scene shows the damage done to the "Black Racial Serices Machine" as Obama exits the scene in 2013 or 2017.  After they all showed their true character and ability to be compromised - no future President need worry that they are "Unbought and Unsold".  They are merely Progressive Opportunists - advancing their ideology and party over the interests of the Black community.

In the future a 16.2% Black Unemployment rate that triggers protests can be countered by showing the surveillance cameras in front of the White House in early June 2011 - when there were no protests.
The battle between Sharpton/Joyner/Harris-Perry and Smiley-West/Dyson-Watkins must be understood as an intramural battle between PROGRESSIVE-FUNDAMENTALISTS.  There is no policy OUTCOME that any of these intercessor disagree upon.  They only disagree on which PROGRESSIVE-METHODOLOGY should be used in the execution of the "Black Progressive Agenda".

As a Black Conservator I am spirited to know that any personal attacks upon me should be placed in its proper context.   When a fellow Progressive warrior is stripped naked of his degree in the public square - the progressive whiffle ball bat that he attempted to bash Obama upside the head with is stripped from him as his fellow fighters beat him upon his back until he is silenced.

Again - Progressive Indictments are best served to enemy conservatives.  A fellow Progressive should be negotiated with behind closed door, allowing the "Obama Fist Bump Black Press" to do its duty in explaining away:
  • The Black Unemployment Rate
  • The Colonial War In Libya
  • The Failings Of The Local Establishment Machine In Making Us Less Vulnerable To National Downturns

Here is a model of the battle that is before us.
There is indeed a COST that is borne by the Black Community as it is appeased at the sight of so many Black opinion writers and bloggers focus more on what the Republicans are doing than they care to keep track of the forces WITHIN the Black Community.  

The Left Wing "Obama Rolex" Watch

The Solution

The one who focuses most WITHIN the Black community - as the primary agent for our uplift as a people is the one who should be seen as possessing the most heartfelt attempt at fomenting the necessary change in our community.

How can one proclaim to desire a fix to:
  • That which they rarely talk about, their enemies proving more interesting?
  • That which they call "The Least of these" or "The Vulnerable Masses"?
  • Silence on the assaults suffered within because no "interesting target" has committed the assault

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