Sunday, February 6, 2011


Television is not about providing entertainment, it's about presenting audiences to advertisers.

Anyone who has studied mass media knows this. You talk to TV people and they don't even try to hide it. That's the hustle. Period.

And that's why I've always had a hard time really getting into the Super Bowl. Super Bowl Sunday is Madison Avenue's big orgy day. Personally, I'd rather just get on with the game than have "mini movies" running the day.

Did you know NFL games are timed to the commercials? It's true. There's a guy on the sideline who signals the officials that the ads are over and that the referee may proceed with the game. If that's not the tail wagging the dog, I don't know what is.

And anyone who says we need advertising to have telecasts or great football or anything else is wrong. Organized sports have been around a hundred years longer than TV. And TV could exist -- good, fun, healthy TV -- without advertising dollars. BUT, the corporations that own TV networks wouldn't make enormous profits. It's the same old story.

We really need to reclaim the airwaves (which we own) but I shan't digress on that today.

I don't begrudge anyone their fun. I really don't. I actually prefer happy people. I say: Get your joy where you can. But it makes me a little sad that so many people look forward to the commercials on Super Bowl day -- and are pumped up to do so by the media. It's like Madison Avenue has pulled off it's greatest trick: make the interruptions the de facto stars of the day. And if you still don't believe me, check the Internet tomorrow and see all the stories of the cleverest/cutest/funniest Super Bowl ads.

Is that really what our entertainment has come to? And do we have to demean our sports like this? For a long time, sports were my life. Now it's all money and BS and I can't get as excited about them.

That's my take on Super Bowl Sunday... and I wish it weren't. I wish I could just watch The Game. I wish it wasn't so lost in the noise of consumerism that hounds us every other day of the year as well.

But Madison Avenue isn't about to allow that.

So give the devil his due... but just remember who he is.

Take care (and, seriously, if you watch the game I hope you have fun!),
PS: Go Packers! (Did you know they are the only NFL team owned by their fans and not some billionaire puppet master?)

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