Saturday, February 5, 2011

No Unheard and Unheeded Means ...Rape!

The debate over whether or not a woman should have the right to choose when and if she will bear children may never end.  Both sides have valid, emotionally charged positions that merit respect.   Currently,  federal dollars can not be used for abortion except in cases of rape, incest, or when the woman's life is in danger. A newly proposed bill seeks to further limit government funded abortions by ...redefining rape!       On January 20, 2011, New Jersey Republican Congressman Chris Smith, introduced a bill, "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act", also known as H.R. 3. that would narrow the allowance of federally funded abortions to "cases of 'forcible' rape but not statutory or coerced rape."  
My mind is flooded with images of women and girls who were raped with no outward indicators, no smeared make-up,  torn clothes or broken bones;  women and girls whose lives were smeared, whose hearts and spirits were broken and whose minds and innocence were lost just the same... The lack of consent means no.  No unheard and unheeded means rape.  I can respect people who disagree with me, even those who feel that abortion is wrong no matter what.  Redefining rape in this way, however, is a cruel and cowardly assault on countless women and girls who are raped in ways Mr. Smith and the 173 members of Congress who co-sponsored his bill find unworthy.  

To join me in signing the  Move On petition asking Congress to oppose H.R. 3, the bill that would narrow the definition of rape as it pertains to federally funded abortions, Click Here!  

To find out if your congressional representative co-sponsored the bill, Click Here! (Then let him or her know how you feel about that.)

Thank you for reading my blog today.  Please be kind to yourself and to others.  Support the people and the businesses that support you and your community.  Strive always to leave each place you visit the better for your having been there! - TCK

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