Friday, February 4, 2011

Psalm 18

Bible Reading Psalm 18:1-24

Who is God to you? David recognised God in his worship, to David He was his rock , his fortress, etc. We can only be able to define God in our lives when we take refuge in Him, because that is when we draw from Him, that is when we see Him working in our lives.

Instead of turning away from Him, we take refuge in Him and by that we will be allowing God to work in our lives. When we allow God to work He shows us that He is our only Saviour, our provider, shield, strength when we have none left in us and so on...
In our difficulties do we call upon Him? Because only then He will answer because He hears when we call.
Can you hear when no one is calling? No! Someone has to call out to you and you will hear. With God is the same, we cannot say 'God knows'. Yes He knows, but when we call on Him, we show Him our total dependence on Him, we are saying to God, 'Lord I need your help', when we call on Him, we are saying 'I want my help to come from you'.

The earth trembled and quaked, and the foundations of the mountains shook; they trembled because he was angry...” v7-13
One thing we need to understand is that God would go to an extreme to save a soul! So why not cry out? Speaking to friends, family, colleagues is one thing, but crying out to God is something else greater and that will come with an answer from above. David said in his song to God, “He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of of deep waters...” v16
God reached down to David and He has reached out to many of us and will continue to do so as long as we never stop to cry out to Him.
I always say, “As long as we make time to pray to God, He is always ready to hear from us”.
Its us that need to make time for Him, so lets cry out!

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