Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans Day!

I met a woman recently whose husband is serving in Iraq.  I told her that I hope the president bring him home soon; that I hope they could all come home soon.  She said I should support our troops.  I told her that I do support them.  A soldier needs to believe that he or she is doing a job for some good reason.  To not think that is a dangerous thing.  It's easy for us to say otherwise, but that's not always possible.  In my lifetime, a great many brave men and women served in Vietnam and were treated terribly when they returned - they people who sent them (as is the case now) were not held accountable, but the people who risked and gave their lives, were. is asking that we celebrate Veterans Day by asking they we pledge to honor the brave and selfless Americans who served in Vietnam:

"During the Vietnam War, over 58,000 men and women never came home to join their fellow veterans and many are still missing. Their names are written on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in Washington, D.C. to remind us of their sacrifice, service and uncommon courage. 
Today, we ask you to say “Welcome Home” to these unthanked warriors -- and pay honor to all the veterans of our country -- by signing our pledge. "

I do not support war, but I support and appreciate those brave enough to serve.  To sign the pledge in supports of Vietnam veterans, Click Here!

Happy Veterans day to all who have served!

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