Saturday, July 2, 2011

Series: The Carjacking Of The Black Community Consciousness By Progressive-Fundamentalism

I have another post saved in draft form in which I detail how the control of our society is a function of those who control the messages.

Those who used to say that the CIA was responsible for firebombing the Black community with drugs in order to destroy Black people are now saying that the law enforcement efforts to root out drugs from our community is the reason for the downfall of several Black communities.  If nothing else - you should make note of the external indictment that is retained despite the change in the target.

 We are told that the law enforcement agents and the subsequent incarceration that DESTROYED the Black community.  As usual there is no mention of the MURDER that arrived hand in hand with the crack trade within the Black Community.  We should pretend that there were no Black victims who suffered great loss who demanded that the government "DO SOMETHING!!!!" to stop the gun violence and terror on our streets.

The comedic approach to public policy might be entertaining for some people but for my tastes it leaves too many facts out to be taken seriously.

The one thing that we can all agree up (as I realize that we won't agree that Elon James' affiliation with the ACLU is problematic) is that Mr James asks NOTHING of the "Street Pirate Social Justice Violators" to alter their behavior so that our communities are not destroyed as they exploit certain vulnerabilities within.

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