Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hold Your Tongue / Hold Your Water

I met a woman once who shopped quickly for groceries because her neighborhood store did not have a restroom they would allow their customers to use. When I asked if she had addressed this issue with her ward representative, she told me that she was 'not political.' I was saddened but not surprised. 

I've met many people who shy away from addressing  the  unnecessarily unpleasant conditions in which they live, and others who pat themselves on the back for casting poorly informed votes once every four years. I suppose that people either do not make the connection between their choice not to engage in 'politics' and the resulting inconveniences, hardships and outright horrors of their 'political' inactivity... or they don't care. 

There is no such thing as not being political. You can avoid voting. You can avoid all discussions of elections, the elected officials who represent you in the city council, the congress, the state and national senate and in the White House; and all related issues, measures, and legislation. But you can not avoid the results of those elections or of the actions those elected officials take on your behalf (or lack thereof).

So unless you want to go through life holding your water... don't hold your tongue! Don't withhold your pen! Don't withhold your vote!

**** If you haven't already done so, please register to vote! If you are registered, please get someone else to register! If everyone you know is registered, start discussing the issues that will be on your ballot! ****

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