Friday, October 8, 2010

Stop Military Recruitment of Children is asking that we protest the recruitment of children into the U.S. military.  Joining the military, especially in war time, is an extremely serious decision - one that should be made only by people who are mature enough to decide whether or not they are ready to kill, (to torture and be tortured) and to die for their country.  If adults wish to serve our country by joining a branch of the armed forces, that is of course their right and their privilege.  But the currently ubiquitous recruitment of minors by the United States military is an activity that should be discouraged with the same energy given the discouragement of any extraordinarily dangerous endeavor by minors:
"Our military services have no business recruiting children under the age of 18.  Each year hundreds of thousands of kids in the US are actively recruited by our military, and each year well over 10,000 of these kids under 18 join the armed forces.
This petition asks our elected officials to pass legislation barring all forms of military recruitment of children by the armed services, including the Junior ROTC program.  It also asks our representatives to change existing legislation to prevent schools from releasing student contact information to military recruiters."

To sign the petition protesting the recruitment of minors into the military, Click Here!

 **** If you haven't already done so, please register to vote!****

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