Friday, October 15, 2010

If It Weren't for KPFK...

If you've known me for more than a week, you've probably heard me quote something that I heard on one of my favorite radio stations. KPFK is a Pacifica station, founded on the principles of disseminating truth and promoting peace without the influence or interference of corporate sponsorship.  
If it weren't for Pacifica stations like KPFK I might still think that CNN was my only source for actual news; I wouldn't know what really happened to Amadou Diallo, Sean Bell or Rachel Corrie or what's been going on in Haiti long before the earthquake;
I would have no idea that Monsanto has been genetically engineering foods (they won't serve their own employees) and destroying organic farms in the process for more than a decade or that the U.S. is dumping our toxic waste on the land and shores of Africa;  I would rarely hear more than well funded sound bites from people (front) running for public office and I would likely never have heard of Nom Chomsky at all.  

If it weren't for KPFK, I don't know where I could go to hear world news in the morning, world music in the afternoon and worldly thoughts at night; I don't know where I could hear health information not sponsored by drug, insurance and processed food companies, economic information not sponsored by banks, environmental information not sponsored by oil, car and chemical companies, or war coverage not sponsored by those benefiting from war.  If it weren't for KPFK I would have not have heard the shocking evidence that absolutely refutes the U.S. government's official position on the 9/11 attacks... 

If you live or travel outside KPFK's the listening area (90.7 FM ~ Los Angeles), you can always listen online at  As I mentioned in an earlier blog, the station is currently in their fall drive.  Help me support KPFK in any way you can.  
They need volunteers all of the time, but especially during the fund drive...  money too.  Phone in to donate one weekday morning and I just may answer your call! 

To listen to KPFK now, Click Here!
To donate to KPFK, Call (818) 985-KPFK  (818) 985-5735
To volunteer at KPFK, Click Here!  

**** If you haven't already done so, please register to vote! ...If you are already registered, please get someone else to register!**

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