Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Does Progressive Political Preacher Rev Al Sharpton (D-NY) Have Any Credibility To Talk About Herman Cain's (R-GA) Policies

The  Al Sharpton - Your Policies Are A Joke Herman Cain
(Do you ever wonder why The Grio-Root never argues from a pure Black Community perspective but instead gives voice to the Embedded Confidence Men who lurk within our community?)

Progressive Political Preacher Rev Al Sharpton, paid substitute for Ed Schultz on MSNBC - The "Black Progressive Agenda Network" rips "Republican Who Is Black" Herman Cain on his policies.

P.P.P. Rev Al Sharpton, former Democratic Presidential candidate and now acting as the voice of the Obama Administration into the Black Community has some policies that he espoused when he ran for he Democratic nomination in 2004. Its just that few people remember what they were. I believe that it is fair to say that his policies are strangely similar to the "Mission Accomplished" cities where Black people are departing for greener pastures.

If you watch various Progressive-Fundamentalists you soon understand that they are forced to "keep their adversaries on trial so they don't have to stand trial for their own results". In the case of various "Progressives who are Democrats who are Black" - for some strange reason Herman Cain - a man who has never held elective office and never received the investment of 50%+1 of the "Equal Black Ballot" as a sign that he has obtained their CONFIDENCE - is particularly disturbing to them.

When such a man is able to provoke the "Obama Fist Bump Black Press" and all of its affiliates to write more hit piece on this one Black man than they are willing to do against the sitting President Of The United States as they "Speak Truth To Power" - you know that something is askew if you dare to use TRANSPARENCY to make note of the perversion of this situation and the irony.

In as much as they can be heard detailing the problems and grievances in Black America as we suffer:

  • Economically
  • Academically
  • Public Safety-wise
not only are they transparent enough to start a conversation which questions the actual benefits delivered to our people after such an investment of our key resources (Equal Black Ballot and Black Consciousness) and agree that we as a community must PROTECT OURSELVES from ever "opening so wide" in the future.

With this in mind - I will put forth an analysis between that which was found "offensive" to P.P.P. Al Sharpton as compared to "Republican Who Is Black" Herman Cain.

The Offenses Of Herman Cain Against Black Progressives As He Attacks Obama
The Offenses Of The Black Community In Living Vicariously Through Obama As The Black Community's Permanent Interests Are Attacked
Economic Offense Suggested That "Minimum Wage" is not necessary In The Mission Accomplished Cities - What Is The Black Unemployment Rate That The Black Community Should Be OFFENDED About?

Summary: Those who are UNEMPLOYED would not benefit if the Minimum Wage was lifed to $50 per hour.  They don't have JOBS to allow them to express their government assigned minimum worth per hour.
Various "African" References That Are Offense To Black People "Obama grew up in Kenya" as a means of appeasing the "Birthers" Obama giving the order to Bomb the African nation of Libya using the forces of American imperialism in conjunction with 3 African Colonists:

  1. France
  2. Britain
  3. Italy
American Lead Bombing Of Libya Called Successful

Religious Oriented Offenses "No Muslim will be allowed in my cabinet" Muslims are no longer being tortured under the Obama Administration after having been captured on the field of battle.  Instead with the increased use of unmanned drones they are killed and thus their lungs that had been "water boarded" are now blown to bits as the bombs that are dropped allows Obama to "Do Justice".

But this above paragraph is not the "indictment".
With all of this said - Obama has the BRILLIANCE to convince Black people to NOT participate in any ANTI-WAR PROTEST MARCHES to rebuke the US Military Actions.  They know that if they see the same effigies of Obama at a parade today that had been shown against Bush - they'd have to call their Progressive-Fundamentalist friends "RACISTS".  It is better to not attend any protest rallies to avoid it all.
EDUCATIONAL ISSUES  Herman Cain has never held any elective office and therefore he has not presided over a failing, predominately Black school district. While President Obama has never presided over a Failing Majority Black School System - he said "Your Doing A Good Job Arnie" as he promoted the former head of the failing Chicago Public Schools up to the US Secretary Of Education.  

  • While Duncan announced his plan to return America to the top spot for college graduates in the world - the fact that Chicago has a high school graduation rate of 51.9% and a Black and Hispanic student population of 87% did not provoke any Black Activist to wonder if the Obama Administration's "Return To The Top" included BLACK PEOPLE
  • When Arnie Duncan appeared on the "Obama Rolex Watch With Roland 'Thurgood' Martin And Smokie" and said to his face 'Hurricane Katrina was the best thing to ever happen to the New Orleans School Distirct" - Mr Martin said NOTHING about this slight
  • On the Presidential Campaign of 2008 when then candidate Obama warned America about the pitfalls of leaving Black people all alone by ourselves in inner city schools - these same Black Conscious Activists did not call him out on "Inferiorizing Blacks"
Nefarious Associations Herman Cain is down with "The Tea Party" who are today's KKK and who don't like Black people. Various "Hip Hop Voice Of The Street Pirate Social Justice Violators" are down with Obama.  Despite the fact that their products of work contain so many references to the tools and situations which are the most prevalent vector for MURDERED BLACK PEOPLE TODAY .........................these forces seem to not be able to say or do anything that can rise to the level of what the Superior White Conservative adversary can say.

The Root: Philly 32 People Shot In One Weekend
(If the Philadelphia Police Can't Protect Black People Then Call In The Feds?)

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