Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Need For Organic "Social Justice" Creation Within The Black Community Series - The Battle Over Public Schools

The Civil Rights Pharisees have mastered the tonal qualities that each link in the chain that they rattle makes as they resurrect the ghosts of the Civil Rights Movement Past  to provide cover in all that they do today.  Even when their analysis of our preset situation does not closely approximate the past struggles of our people - they know the power that certain terms and images have upon the Black psyche.  They prove that they are not interested in actually delivering salvation to our people.  The INTENTION to do so has a greater gravitational pull in line with their agenda for ideological unity in the name of struggle.

Who Would Have Guessed That Black On Black Could Be The Basis Of Separate But Equal?
I am convinced that unless these points are plotted out graphically - our people will miss the gross irony of the positions held by many Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chasers.

While Black people were seen visibly upset that White students in Virginia had received "Brown v Board" scholarships - few of these same people will make note of the HIJACKING of "Separate But Equal" that the NAACP did as Black kids who attended a school labeled a "charter school" were deemed to be advantaged over their Black neighbors who attended the traditional government operated school.  Apparently the Charter school Blacks received the benefits of "Structural Racism" that is typically reserved for WHITE FOLKS.  

The issue of over-crowded schools has been debated since compulsory education first became a goal for America.  There has been and always will be a lag between the social service demand for education and the facilities to accommodate this demand.  In addition migration patterns of students and their family make the challenge of capital infrastructure development an impossible task.  These swings in population and the demographic realities also impact the local tax base from which these funds for capital improvements are primarily drawn from.

Is there a difference between an over-crowded public school with staggered lunch hours as the confined space in the lunch room is shared among students who are ALL attending the government operated school?  What is there now outrage when these same poor Black students are labeled as "charter school students"?  CLEARLY this is NOT ABOUT THE STUDENTS.  There is a greater agenda afoot by the NAACP and the Teacher's Union.

The Academic Challenges of some of these schools were present.  But there was not yet a coordinated national commitment to provide prime focus on the issue.

The Over-Crowded School
In the "Good Ole Days" - school over-crowding was addressed with the addiition of portable trailers that were affixed on the school grounds.  A portion of the school students reported to classrooms in these facilities and went to other classes as required inside of the school building. This served as a temporary solution as the School Board developed its capital infrastructure strategy and then raised the necessary money, typically via a property tax increase and/or a Municipal Bond release to the investor community.

The key point to understand is that these new facilities remained under the aegis of the Government Operated School System and its unionized teaching staff.  Thus despite the relative discomfort of these portable trailers (as compared to a traditional classroom) all of the parties pushed forth because a long term solution  was being developed to provide relief.

The issues of school capacity and school performance are two different conversations.  While these alternative building solutions addressed capacity - there were some newly built public schools that brought their instructional techniques, parents with limited interest in managing their children's academic careers and finally students who's consciousness was molded after the adults who lacked vision - all of whom came to a new facility but ultimately produced the same failed results.

(Note: I just went to "" to look up a high school in Georgia that fits this model.  Brand new facility (about 5 years old now) but same failing results as they are only "4 out of 10" in their academic performance).

Traditional Solutions For School Over Crowding
The present day debate about Charter Schools throws together two very contentious topics and allows for those with no so hidden agendas to exploit the issue:
  1. The Policy To Address Failing Schools
  2. The Constrains On School Facilities At A Time Of Economic Crisis In Funding
It should come as no surprise that the Teachers Union, in partnership with the NAACP has an issue with Charter Schools.   

Charter Schools are a part of a larger initiative of "School Choice".  The School Choice Movement - despite the claims of nefarious intent (typically the word "Koch Brothers" are thrown in at this point) is fundamentally a struggle by the PARENTS of otherwise at risk children to be EMPOWERED with options on how they might provide the best possible opportunity and advantage by providing their children with a quality academic setting.  The basic character of the school's eco-system and the impact of the collective consciousness of the fellow parents and their progeny all come together to define the academic and social experience that a child will be exposed to.

The Threat That Parent's Demand For Quality Educational Alternatives Might Displace The Teacher's Unions From Their Present Base Of Power Has Prompted The NAACP To Bring Forth Terms That Had Been Used To Describe SYSTEMATIC RACISM AND OPPRESSION - This Time Using Them To Fend Off THEIR Perceived Enemy Of "De-Union-Fication".

If The NAACP Were Not So Blind And Ideologically Bigoted They'd See That The Real Enemy If SQUANDRED INSTITUTIONAL POTENTIAL Where The Previos Rise To Power Via The Placement Of Favorable People Into The Institutional Seats Of Power Has Failed To Translate Into The Promised Benefits

If The NAACP Were A Transparent Organization They'd Be Investing Their Time Into Studying How The Black Community Was Left EXPOSED And VULNERABLE To The Manipulation Expressed By Those Who Had Us To Invest Our Hopes In The Previous Strategy That Fell So Short.

From This The NAACP Would Be Forced To Sign A Consent Decree That THEY WILL NEVER AGAIN Play The Part Of Manipulation Of  Black People As They And Their Joint-Venture Partners Had Done Previosly

The narrative  by Karen Finney of MSNBC (The 'Black Progressive Agenda' Network) is merely yet another sales attempt by Progressive-Fundamentalists to tell us what WOULD HAVE HAPPENED if America did as they had suggested.

Notice that Ms Finney does not acknowledge that the school systems in the places were Black people live in our highest concentrations are dominantly controlled by favorable Progressives.  With this being the case Ms Finney and other Progressives are forced to move away from the inspection of the competence and REAL INTENTIONS of these forces that are in control and instead do what they always do: NATIONALIZE THE INDICTMENT and make it about NATION REDISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS.

From the Finney article:
A McKinsey study released earlier this year showed how growing academic disparities doom our economy to failure. McKinsey analyzed data that suggest America’s academic achievement gap “imposes on the United States the economic equivalent of a permanent national recession.” The study suggests that closing the gap between black and Latino students and white students between 1983 and 1998 would have raised the GDP between $310 billion and $525 billion by 2008. Had we closed the achievement gap among income groups in the same period such that students from families with income below $25,000 a year had been raised to the performance of students from homes with incomes above $25,000 a year, then GDP in 2008 would have been $400 billion to $670 billion higher, or 3 to 5 percent of GDP.

The current budget deficit talks raise significant concerns about our ability and willingness to close these gaps among all children. The budget proposed by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) would cut an additional $1.3 billion from federal education spending, which means less money to states and cities at a time when most have already made significant education cuts, letting go of teachers, increasing class sizes and eliminating other resources needed to target interventions for struggling kids. The Ryan budget not only widens the gaps by unfairly focusing on ways to give more to the wealthiest 1 percent; it leaves everyone else, particularly middle- and low-income families and communities of color, fighting each other for the scraps.

A lawsuit filed by the NAACP, United Federation of Teachers and local political leaders in New York City provides a dramatic example of the trickle-down impact cuts in federal funding can have. Budget cuts have hampered the construction of new school buildings, resulting in a practice called “co-locating,” where city-owned school buildings (taxpayer-funded) house more than one school. Co-locating has resulted in overcrowding and increased class sizes. In one example in which a public school and public charter school co-locate, it has created unequal access to facilities including the library, gym and cafeteria. On a daily basis, two children entering the same building spend their days in very different educational realities: one with new materials, laptops, priority access to shared facilities, and the other with peeling paint, outdated materials and lunchtime at 10 a.m. Parents have been pitted against one another as they understandably fight for their kids’ education.

It is important to understand what Ms Finney is attempting to do.  While discarding any acknowledgement that TODAY is the finished line from the LAST STRUGGLE that the forces that she is aligned with had erected - she desperately seeks to nationalize the indictment and show the threat that external conservative forces pose in the way of federal spending cuts.   Ironically - despite the fact that over the past 20 years - the federal educational spending has greatly expanded - Ms Finney makes sure that she focuses on the $1.3 billion in spending cuts that the Paul Ryan plan would translate into.  Clearly she took a page out of the Rachel Maddow notebook.
Note the relatively small amount of Federal Money is involved in public education.  Also note how proportionately small $1.3B is in the big scheme of things.   Why doesn't Ms Finney choose to look at the squandered ORGANIC INCREASE that should have translated in to several trillions of dollars in increased productivity IF her previous plans to grab POWER had translated into the benefit of students rather than the MACHINE that she is a part of.

For the life of me I just don't understand this one contradiction:  The very same people who claim that "Education Is The Great Equalizer" are also the very same people that use this notion as an EXTERNAL indictment against those who have failed to "treat the least of these as they treat their own".   Thus, the present power that these favorable people have over the school district and the municipality and the economic regulation of what happens within is rarely connected together to express the OPPORTUNITY COST that has been squandered as they have been promoted into power.   The Black community that had been lead to believe - as I heard growing up in Philly that "Once we get favorable people into power, who love Black children and care about the Black community......................things will change for the better".   Having achieved this end - by all possible measure - we now know that they can't be held accountable for the failures..........................AMERICA, via its bigotry, failed to provide the adequate funding to these favorable people.

In this slight of hand the key issue that is avoided is the one about ORGANIC INCREASE that did not transpire.  If their sales job had come true - the favorable people would have made the necessary tweaks to the school system that allowed better academic results to come forth.  Those who had been oppressed by the Rizzo Administration were now allowed to shine brightly - using their academic preparation to matriculate into roles within the newly thriving economy.  Where there were not jobs - they'd use their academic preparation to create some.

For Ms Finney - they realize that the Progressives ultimately will suffer no consequences for having WON but the Black community LOST where it counted.

As they erect the notion that the results that remain elusive will finally come IF a certain minimum threshold of funding (national redistribution) is obtained - I am still using the skill of "interpolation" that I learned in 2nd grade to look for the INCREMENTAL INCREASE that is reasonably expected in relation to the relative increases in spending and the presence of favorable leadership.

In conclusion the forces of Progressive-Fundamentalism seek to use the issue of Quality Schools to advance their agenda for more National Redistribution of Funding and the projection of POWER by the Adult Actors in the school system.  The main thing that they hope to avoid is BEING PUT ON TRIAL TO EXPLAIN THEIR PAST PERFORMANCE.  Doing so would prevent them from their 2011 sales campaign.

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