Monday, June 27, 2011

NAACP Applies "Separate But Equal" To A Black On Black Situation

(Side Note:
QUESTION: "Why is he always targeting the NAACP, SCLC, Concerned Black Clergy in his posts?
ANSWER:  Because I WATCH THEM!!!!    I can't see how any serious minded Black person who makes a transparent attempt to understand why certain "inferiorities" for Black people are perpetuate DESPITE having assumed operational control over the key "Human Resource Development" institutions that influence our community - can't see that our problem as a community resides in the fact that our "community consciousness core" is left OPENED and VULNERABLE to a set of operatives who:
  1. Ultimately have no accountability for the results -after having compelled our people into a STRUGGLE
  2. Have no plans to self-impose some organizational discipline by which the METHODOLOGY of choice (ie: Progressivisim) and the VEHICLE of choice (ie The Democratic Party) and the DOMAIN (political versus community & cultural)  is kept separate and distinct from the CORE PRINCIPLES that are sought out for attainment. 
In this undisciplined the operatives with the most influence are allowed to run roughshod over all of the important institutions that must be PROTECTED from such molestations.

It is so easy to predict how these organizations will respond.  When given a challenge that requires INTERNAL COORDINATION From Black People so that we might consume the community benefit OR manipulating Black people into a state of IDEOLOGICAL UNITY as we roll up in a RACIALLY DEFENSIVE POSTURE and stand together to fight an EXTERNAL THREAT - for short term but diminishing benefits - it is clear that these groups are going to MANIPULATE our people rather than MANAGE toward better outcomes.
NAACP Kim Keenan, General Council Of The NAACP - Separate And Unequal Is Still Wrong

 As I was analyzing the situation about the successful attainment of quality education for Black people I concluded that nothing will change until the educational activists - such as the NAACP - are given operational control and thus are placed on the hook to DELIVER rather than ADVOCATE.

In truth their "operational control" is not necessary.  From a functional state - they already have it.   Gone is the fire breathing bigoted mayor and school board who sees Blacks as janitorial and house maid candidates.  In the places where Black people live in our highest concentrations exists an eco-system of favorable Progressive authorities.    The NAACP has been engaged in loosely coupled "Joint-Venture Partnerships" with these groups as they ascended into power - displacing the obstinate inindividuals that were systematically picked off as the tide of opinion and demographics have changed.

These officials in the school boards of NYC, Philly, DC, Atlanta and Chicago don't have a "racial discrimination" problem.  They have a resource limitation problem.  The combination of an eco-system that has not sufficiently retained its state as a base for "consumers of labor" to settle - thus producing jobs and revenues AND school systems who, despite receiving double the funding than they did about 30 years ago has retained its voracious appetite for financial resources.

The charter school in question is like the other charter schools in New York.  It was founded as a means of discovering new volumes of "educational best practices" while the main line system continues in motion - the quantity of forward movement being the question.

The actions of the NAACP show clearly that the rhetoric of "progress" isn't as free from "embedded interests" and their desire to resist reforms which threaten the loss of power.

I, for one, do not blame the teachers or the teachers unions for the situation in the schools.  The teachers don't get to choose the parents and the students and the communities that they have to deal with. They have to work with what they have.   The activists, on the other hand - introduce a measure of provocation among the parents and community.  In addition worse than the "Conspiracy Theories" that some of them operate off of is their guilt in NOT shutting down the "Conspiracy Theorites" that they know to be a lie.  When New York NAACP representative Hazel Dukes made the claim that those Black parents who were standing against the lawsuit filed by the NAACP and teacher's union to stop the school closings and the formation of charters - she said they were doing the work of their "slave masters".

NAACP leader Hazel Dukes blasted a pro-charter-school parent from The Bronx as "doing the business of slave masters" in a shocking e-mail defending the civil-rights organization's lawsuit against city plans to expand charters.
Dukes made the stunning attack in response to a Hispanic woman who wrote a heartfelt letter urging the civil-rights leader to pull the NAACP out of a lawsuit aimed at blocking the expansion or co-location of 19 charters in city school buildings.
"If you and the NAACP continue on this horrible lawsuit against my daughter's school and the fellow 18 charter schools," Janette Ramos said, "it will not be the best legacy to leave behind."
For some strange reason the image of the "Koch Brothers" came to my mind upon first reading this reference to "Slave Masters".  The best way to get Black folks to follow a prescribed pathway is to evoke some reference that will put us on the racial/ideological/political defensive against an insidious attack from an enemy.
Sadly that which "works every time" are merely short term scare tactics which often fail to place our community in line with our LONG TERM needs.   
The best rebuttal that I can offer to Ms Dukes and Ms Keenan of the NAACP is to ask them to consider the amount of time that their organization and related "Joint-Venture Partners" have been seeking QUALITY EDUCATION for Black people and then make note of all of the "favorable people" they have amassed into power based on this struggle - as they SHOW ORGANIC INCREASE among the elements of the Black community who had the fortune of their protection for so many decades.
In as much as the "little Black boy" who now attends first grade was born in 2005 - what are the conservative forces that have pressed upon his family and derailed his progress as an equal human being?

Is there anyone who is as committed into defining the PROPULSION that he needed for uplift and how much his community via its leadership have failed to provide it?

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