Monday, October 11, 2010


The real fanatics of this world never cease to amaze me.

I have just been visiting various websites to see their Columbus Day coverage and posting my comments along with the address to my own Columbus blog post. (People obviously care because the traffic to my post shot up immediately.)

Then I went to the Fox News site and got exactly what I expected: bigotry and lies.

At the Fox site I found a story called "Let's Take Back Columbus Day" by one Thomas A. Bowden.

Now, one would think that such a title would be reserved for the indigenous peoples of this country. But no, Mr. Bowden thinks that the white guys have copped the grim deal over the whole Columbus Day thing.

Bowden makes a red-white-and-blue hurrah for Western Civilization. We didn't invent slavery or warfare (his word for genocide), he argues! Well, whether we did or not, we don't have to celebrate such things, mkay? Oh, and along the way, we kind of did PERFECT those things, as the lead warmonger nation on earth.

[I particularly "liked" this nugget: "By demonstrating how wealth can be created in abundance rather than stolen by armed force, America and the West supplied a moral alternative to the bloody tribal warfare of past eras." Hmm. Well, yes we supplied an alternative, but it was called "Total War" and I'm not sure how moral it is.]

Bowden's argument has more holes than the economy and is another disgusting example of Fox's unending propagandistic, revisionist swill. Anti-intellectualism and anti-humanitarianism at their most lurid. It's one ugly pitch.

But here's the kicker: Comments for the October 8 story were closed. I couldn't add my comment! Huh? What's the problem? Is the Fox tech boy out at a Columbus Day parade somewhere?

If this is such an important story, why can't we bloody comment on it?

That's your mass media, ladies and gentlemen.

In the name of fairness, (well, somebody has to be), I am including the link to Bowden's moronic, racist rant HERE.

Now, if you'll forgive me, I have to go and be sick.

Take care and bring all liars to heel,
Adrian Zupp

IF THIS BLOG WAS OF INTEREST TO YOU you might like to check out my original Columbus Day piece SHOULDN'T WE CELEBRATE CHARLES MANSON TOO?

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