Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sisterhood: Letting the Lord's perfume exhale among the old

Spiritual Task: Letting the Lord Jesus' perfume exhale among people who are most of the time, abandoned by society.

The beauty of a woman of God is that she considers others other than herself.”

When was the last time you received a gift? What was your reaction when you opened your arms to receive it? Were you happy, sad that it's not what you wanted, wished for something else, thought it was better the person gave you nothing than what she/ he bought for you?

There are people that expect a lot, some have a list of gifts prepared and sometimes if you don't have a gift- you are not welcomed. On Saturday I got an opportunity to spend time with the most beautiful and loving people who expected nothing and when they received and saw the little they received they were more happy like a child who does not even know what is in a gift pack, the only difference was they could see what was in the gift pack and yet they still appreciated much more. This was a group of old men and women, who I believe are not only old but wise with age and experience.

The first thing we (Sisterhood Pledges) had to do was ring the bell, which was a sign that all those who were in their cottages have to come to the dining area. As we walked around ringing the bell I spotted one mama standing alone. I went to speak to her, when I asked her why she was standing alone she said she was just thinking and I could see sadness in her face. “I don't have peace inside of me and I am constantly bothered by the pains in my womb,” she said. When I asked her why her womb was always giving her problems she said, “I have four children and I gave birth to all of them through operation. Since these operations I have never had any comfort but am always in pain with no peace inside,” she concluded. I began counselling her and pouring out God's perfume as I spoke to her. I made a prayer for her right there outside and spoke about God's love and power.

When we were inside after giving the gifts and praying I went to speak to another granny, when I got to her I hugged her and my right hand remained at her back and immediately she told me of her constant pain in the back, immediately before I could even speak more to her I made a prayer for her and rebuking the back pain.

One thing that amazed me was the welcome from the old, mostly the appreciation for the little things that we brought for them. Their actual words were, “what you brought today for us today is very big, the money you spent thinking about us and buying for us, the time you took to remember and come to us is more precious than anything, even if you brought one sweet for each one of us it would still be a lot!”

Honestly I was touched because sometimes we think this is small, but they received something they had no words to express their gratitude. They did not know we are from a church, but somehow got touched them to speak openly about their problems and we offered prayer which they accepted and believed that God was working in their lives.

Maybe we should ask ourselves again, how is our appreciation to the little things we receive as gifts. I normally say, it is the thought that counts. The fact that a person took time to go and buy a gift for me, means that that person had Me in mind and that is more precious that anything – the gift is an addition to the blessing of being considered and kept in mind!

Ladies, I hope you learned and took a lot with you from our Spiritual task. I know I did!!!

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