Friday, June 3, 2011

"Can The 'Obama Fist Bump Black Press' Be Trusted To Represent Our Community's Interests?" Series - President Obama Is Not Going To Save Black America

Have you ever observed a person who is bound by oath to a given organization or ideology?
You realize that he sees the very same things that you see BUT, due to his captive state he is not able to speak as freely as you are - though you know that he too sees the obvious.

A corporate spokesman or a press agent for an otherwise corrupt politician comes to mind.  At a certain point you move from respecting that "he has a job to do" over to open contempt for him because he has never separated himself from his JOB - his own integrity being more important than the weekly paycheck for a "job well done" on behalf of his sponsor.   Yet when the corrupt employer strikes again, injuring more people - all must agree that the spokesman who provided cover has complicity as an ENABLER.

This is my assessment of the "Obama Fist Bump Black Press".
They too have witnessed the same stories this week about our nation's eroding economic fortunes - yet - for no other reason than their "Bind To One Man" - they are unable to accurately represent the situation to their body of consumers - Black People who prefer the Progressive filter over their eye glasses as Polaroid lens still let in too much glare.

I told you that over the next 6 months - Herman Cain - a man who has never held an elective office would be scrutinized by the "Obama Fist Bump Black Press" MORE than they have ever thought to cast a critical eye at Black folks WHO ACTUALLY DO HOLD OFFICES OF POWER - especially the present Commander In Chief.

The best way to understand Mr Swerdlick and other like-minded individuals is that they are forced to PROJECT upon Herman Cain that which they want to and should be asking of Barack Obama - but for no other reason than their own ideological bigotry - they can't.    Herman Cain is a "free range Black".  It is their duty to attack him as he is a threat to their party and ideology.

Contrast this with the debate heard just a few short weeks ago on the permissiveness of Black people criticizing the President Of The United States.

You have to understand one thing - you are NOT going to hear this type of comparative analysis on most other Black Progressive-Fundamentalist blogs.   Just as I have told you in the past - they'd rather accept an otherwise ignorant Black person who agrees with them than they care to tolerate a Black man who not only disagrees with their position but also tells them how they are strategically painting themselves in a corner in following their present course.  I believe that this focus on the unelected Herman Cain over Commander In Chief Obama is merely an expression of this same primitive group enforcement tendency.   It is the force of "enforced ideological unity" that affords them the opportunity to consider the outcomes that fall short of their expectations yet blame them on external forces - thus allowing them to continue forward - unchecked.  

The  David Swerdlick - Herman Cain Can't Save The GOP

For this latest delivery by David Swerdlick which was thrown on my porch, putting another dent into my screen door, the subtitle proves to be more instructive than the main title or the content of the article:

The Pizza Man won't be president -- but can he deliver black voters back to the Republican Party?
I would like to raise Mr Swerdlick one better and make the case that:

  • The question of WHO will be the next President Of The United States
  • WHICH Party the balance of Black people will choose to vote for...............................
are two of the most IRRELEVANT questions that will determine the ultimate fate of the Black community over the next 50 to 100 years.

Why is it that Mr Swerdlick and other members of the "OFBBP" never submit to testing their theories by going into 'Mission Accomplished' zones where:
  1. The leadership is to the liking of Black People - per our present consciousness
  2. The enemy has been diminished and is irrelevant?
Shouldn't we logically see Black INCREASE in these zones?
Increase - IF - all that Mr Swerdlick promotes as the crown jewel of having received the "Black vote" is true.

The most perverted part of Mr Swerdlick's analysis is that he is forced to look at how the Black vote will benefit Herman Cain and the Republican Party more than he considers the truthful question:  "How has the Black community been lifted up ORGANICALLY after our Equal Black Ballots have been cast as prescribed?"

The composition of the articles that we do see and the reluctance by the "OFBBP" gives hint to their real agenda.  They are mere ideologues and political operatives - more committed to the Progressive Orthodoxy that is INTENDED to help the Black community - more than they ever intend to be "analysts with an ink pen" - doing transparent observations and analysis so that the course that the Black community walks can be aligned with the actual attainment of our Permanent Interests.

They take the true axiom which says "The learning received along the journey are more important than ever reaching the end point" and molest it for their own purposes.  This is used to string along Black people - fusing our Community Consciousness with THEIR agenda within the "American Political Domain".   They have no shame about themselves.

Either we are forced to conclude that - man for man - Herman Cain is SUPERIOR to Barack Obama - in that - despite his official standing with no power - what so ever - to influence the present or future position of Black America


that the Obama Fist Bump Black Press is merely an ATTACK AGENCY for the Commander In Chief and the "Black Racial Services Machine" and the "Snarling Fox Joint Venture Partnership" that they are attached to.  Their job is to crush all threats to the machine assembly - NOT report upon the function of this machine relative to the interests of the Black Rank & File.

When the highlight of your career was going to the White House in the company of the President
no one should be surprised to see that one's weekly article is a gift wrapped present to the man who
granted you access to the "White House paper napkins" that you have framed and sitting on your mantle
to remember the visit.

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