Friday, June 18, 2010

"My Feet Are Off The Ground"

"My Feet Are Off The Ground"

This morning I awoke and was so frustrated about all of the stuff that I'm dealing with in trying to get this studio open. I was about to open my mouth and start complaining when I remembered something that happened to me about a year ago.
On that day, I was walking to my car when this woman who appeared to be homeless started walking towards me. I'm ashamed to say this but I thought, "I don't feel like being hustled today."
I felt guilty so I started digging in my pocket for some money. As she got closer I noticed that she had the kindest eyes that I had ever seen. As I was reaching into my pocket she started to speak. I thought, "Here goes the sales pitch". She said "Excuse me sir, I need some shoes. Can you help me?" I was taken aback...instead of the sob story this woman had asked for something she genuinely needed.
I took her inside the studio and had my wardrobe people find shoes in her size. As she put the shoes on she started crying, praising God and saying, "My feet are off the ground! My feet are off the ground!" Several of the wardrobe people started crying. I was crying. But I never forgot those words. "My feet are off the ground!"
I thought, "Wow! All she wanted was some shoes." She quickly disappeared and never asked me for a dime. I realized that I still had the money in my hand so I went out looking for her. She was gone just that quick so I looked all around the neighborhood for her.
I found her standing on a corner looking down at her shoes, still crying. I was so touched. I asked her how she had gotten homeless. She told me that she had AIDS and that she was waiting to get into a shelter. She said that her family had turned their backs on her and that she had no place to go, but she knew that God would make a way for her.
I said to myself, "He just did." Her faith and her praise moved me. I took her to a nearby hotel and put her up until she was able to get on her feet. After about a month or so we lost touch, but I never forgot her.
This past summer, this woman walks up to me smiling. I didn't recognize her face, but her eyes were familiar. She had on a really nice dress and her hair was done. She introduced herself to me and lo and behold - It was her! She told me that the little help that I had given her had changed her life. She was in a house now and doing very well.
I said all of that to say this:
After I met this woman, every time I think about complaining and mumbling I remember, "My feet are off the ground!"
I wanted to share this with you just - when you say you are thankful  - mean it.
When you say you are blessed - mean it.
Remember that there are many people whose feet are NOT off the ground so be grateful that yours are!

From Tyler Perry: writer and actor

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