Saturday, September 18, 2010

Guard the Great Outdoors!

The Wilderness Society is asking people to sign the follow letter to President Obama:
I want the next generation to enjoy America's great outdoors too. That's why I am asking you to seize this opportunity to create, expand and better protect America's shared outdoor spaces, including wilderness, monuments, wildlife refuges, parks, forests, trails, wild and scenic rivers and historic sites.

To ensure that future generations will always benefit and enjoy our public lands, please consider these priorities for America's Great Outdoors:

- Address Conservation at a Large Scale
- Protect our wilderness
- Improve Watersheds and Wildlife Habitat
- Connect people with Nature
- Provide Increased Access and Recreational Opportunities
- Fully Fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund

Thank you for your leadership in shaping a bold conservation strategy for the 21st century.

I signed their letter, adding the following personal message: When I sit like so many / too many Americans, behind my cluttered desk day in and day out, I am calmed by the potted life in my plaqued and computered room / the green bits of earth magic that remind me - there is breath and beauty in the world just beyond my office door.  As we continue to cover with concrete all that sustains us, let us remember to save some portion of what God made for generations to come...

To sign their letter, click here!

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