Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I just saw the aftermath of what had to have been a fatal accident.

I was out for an evening walk and at a nearby intersection a motorcycle had speared into the side of a van. It was still wedged in there somehow, upright but unmanned. The cops were still on the scene but the ambulances had been and gone.

It was just one more reminder of how brief and unpredictable life is. Who knows what'll happen next or how any of us will end up? This much I do know: You have to make it count.

I believe in what Bill Hicks used to say: "It's just a ride." We shouldn't take ourselves or the daily minutiae or our pursuit of goodies too seriously. We're not on the planet for long enough for any of that stuff to matter. And last I heard it was eternity that went on for quite a while.

But like Hicks I also believe that we should care about each other while we're here. Having a good time and not "sweating the small stuff" doesn't mean we shouldn't occasionally sweat some of the big stuff. That's why I write this blog.

There are a lot of people in the world who don't even get to enjoy the ride. They need our help. They're poor or ill or oppressed or locked up without reason. They lack some of the fundamental things that you and I have. Sure, we have our own pretty decent problems too from time to time. Granted. But you know what I'm saying.

So live well but don't live selfishly. Besides, the more you give, the more you get.

And you'll certainly enjoy the ride for however long you're on it.

[Watch this clip. It's under 2 minutes long and will be the best 2 minutes you spend today: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZkhR8suCF4]

Take very good care, especially when you're behind the wheel,
Adrian Zupp
PS: On another note, this month has seen me set my own personal record for blogging. I'm kinda proud of that. My own little ride. [IF YOU LIKED THIS POST, you might also like A ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR THE FABULOUS BILL HICKS!]

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