Thursday, September 30, 2010

Spotlight: PETA

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) recently celebrated thirty years of tireless work on behalf of the world's animals with a gala honoring activists and celebrity supporters of their outspoken organization.  Some of PETA's actions have been criticized for being over the top, but as the literature of their "Give McCruelty the Bird" campaign states, "sometimes being polite just doesn't work."  If not for their sometimes line-crossingly rude anti-fur campaigns, many people would never have even considered the lives of the animals slaughtered for fashion.  If not for their Sexy Celebrity Vegetarians campaigns, many people would never have considered a vegetarian or vegan diet... cool.  If not for their anti-cruelty exposes on animal farms, animal experimentation and meat manufacturing, many people would still have no idea how severely animals are abused and tortured, and therefore how truly unhealthy many meats are by the time they reach the dinner table.  
As a long-time PETA supporter and vegetarian for more than twenty-five years, I applaud their efforts and their results!  So here's to thirty years of bold work on behalf of our animal friends who rely on us to speak up for them.  If you would like to know more about PETA or becoming vegetarian or vegan, Click Here!

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