Saturday, August 20, 2011

"Obama Is The Best Worst President In History" / "Obama Is The Worst Best President In History"

Absent the limits that your own integrity confines what you say and sans a desire to enforce your own credibility - what does it matter what you say?

As I listen attentively to 'Black-Wing Talk Radio' it is clear that the intent of a good portion of the callers is to EXPLAIN AWAY the grievances that the Black community suffers during our "Mission Accomplished" period.  When they are paired with a fellow 'Self Chummer' the conversation takes on a rather comedic character.

Obama Should Not Be Blamed For Black Unemployment.  The CBC Has Introduced 40 Jobs Bills And The Republicans In Congress Has Shot Them All Down

Thanks to the wonders of technology - I found a web site that told me that the "112th Congress" came into office on January 3, 2011.   This was 230 days ago - as of August 20, 2011.

The self chummers on "Black-Wing Radio" are convinced that the blockage of these 40 jobs bills that were put forth by the Democrats is the reason why Black unemployment is at 15.9% and the national rate hovers at 9%.

Remember I told you that the TIME LINE is the greatest friend to the Progressive-Fundamentalist when he is shooting out indictments and is his greatest enemy when someone tries to rationalize his antics?   There is no better evidence than this.

I can toss away my more longitudinal analysis of the 'Bayard Rustin Black Community Development Scheme By Voting Democrat".  45 years is too long of a time interval.  230 days is sufficient analysis.

For the speaker and the listener (the Black-Wing radio host) - IT DOESN'T MATTER if the claim has veracity.

Their only goal is to pass the hot potato of indictment upon their enemy.  Once the "Negro Mind" is fixed on yet another reason to hate his enemy - this clique of Black people can converge into their struggle - fully justified per their moral authority in the name of "Progressivism".

There Are Two Types Of Black Progressive-Fundamentalists

  • Those Who Are Hate-Filled And Will Use Their Bigotry Against Their Ideological Adversary To Believe What They Are Told To Advance Their "Pro-Progressive /Anti-Black Organic Development" Agenda

  • Those Who KNOW BETTER (The Embedded Confidence Men) But Realize That A Misguided Black Progressive Will Still Invest His "Equal Black Ballot" And "Black Community Development Consciousness" Into The Cause

When the unified group is too bigoted to see that, despite their build up of 'Progressivism' - the Black community's development remains stagnant - then those who are seriously interested in development of our community continue forth - we must accept that, when given the choice, they chose their ideological enforcements over their interests in their own community. 

"Where Are The Jobs For Black People........Black Elected Officials ...............President Obama..................Tea Party???!!!"

It goes without saying that I know that most of you know the scheme that is going on with regards to the "Politics Of Black Employment".

Despite the fact that the majority of the Black Progressive Democrats having been placed into power for the purposes of:

  1. Educating Us

  2. Protecting Us

  3. Providing For Our Nutrition And Well-Being

  4. Employing Us

the one thing that is increasingly clear is that the main investors in their cause have no plans to demand an accounting in an effort to find evidence of "INCREASE". 

In a rather perverted example of "Perpetuation By Self-Chumming" the congregation convinces itself that those who stood against PROGRESSIVISM is the greater cause of the lack of increase than those who took over the key Black Community Institutions yet proved that they were not up to the task - per their ideological bondage. 

Ironically - the continued inferior relative standing of Black people provides additional impetus for them to STRUGGLE MORE!!!!     They need MORE "Truth Fighters" encamped on "our side".  This is not a time to have a "No Confidence Vote" based on the latest transparent report from The US Census which documents the vital statistics for Black people and all others. 

The recent Congressional Black Caucus Jobs Fair In Atlanta - which brought out a reported 3,000 people to search for jobs was evidence of great desperation among Black Americans who are in need of money and a sense of belonging & contribution that employment affords to people.

John Lewis: Blacks Are Frustrated With Unemployment, Not Obama

The very same "MSNBC Negroes" that are heard asking the Tea Party "Where are the jobs?  The Tea Party supporters were tricked and lied to"........are the very same people who have never been heard asking the very same thing in regards to the "Hope & Change" they invested into nor the "Bayard Rustin Community Development Program" that they have supported for 45 years.

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