Friday, August 19, 2011

A JingOist Says The CBC Should Walk Lightly On Criticizing Obama Over Black Unemployment - The Scope Might Get Turned Upon Them

I might be seen "ROTFLMBAO" when I listen to some of you on the "Black-Wing" talk radio or read your blogs.  Please know this - I AM CRYING INSIDE about what I read from many of you.

I believe that I am a reasonable man.
I am in tuned to what Black people are thinking.
I go out of my way to not only marinate myself into "Black (Progressive) Political Discourse".......I even invest my "capitalist" money into purchasing the mainstream progressive magazines that your viewpoint clearly comes from.

You think that no one is watching you.
Just as those Chinese/Korean owned stores in the Black community did not pop up magically sans careful analysis of the antics of Black too is the case that your ideological and political antics are so easily to decipher.

The diagram to the left represents the loss of institutional credibility that will be the case as various "Black (Progressive) Institutions" unmask themselves per their attempts to defend Obama.

I AGREE with Daniel Belton that "those who throw stones had better watch out lest they get cracked in the dome".

From The Black Snob
As I was telling a friend and long-time support of this blog, Joe V., Rep. Waters and other CBC members are in a precarious situation where their voting public is angry, frustrated, struggling and wants action. But there is a serious political risk if members like Waters and others if they are perceived as too aggressive.

Obama has only been in office three years. Many CBC members have been around since the Clinton Administration or longer. And many issues dragging down the African American community are systematic issues that have lingered since -- quite frankly -- forever. But when it comes to the current economic crisis, it's been at a "Depression" level for African Americans since George W. Bush's second term as president. Any critique of "Why isn't Obama doing anything?" can easily be turned around back on them and they can be asked, "What has the CBC been doing for the last 20 years?"

Why Didn't "The Black Snob" Take The "Next Logical Step?"

My critique of Ms Belton's analysis is that she fails to note the:

  • The Federal "Congressional Black Caucus" (except the two who came from "majority White districts because no Black progressive district would elect their "Harriet Tubman" behinds)

  • President Obama who promised Hope And Change

  • and Approximately 10,000 Black Elected Officials - the vast majority of them Progressive Democrats................

were actively placed INTO POWER so that the year 2011 would not be like the year 1991 - 20 years ago - or 1968 - when the grand scheme was vocalized by Bayard Rustin.

If left unchallenged - Ms Belton's "Don't Hate" strategy merely forces all of these "favorable people in power" to remain silent because the collective has fallen short of the promises.

My argument is that the "Favorable Politician In Power" IS NOT "The Black Community".   They are a REPRESENTATION of the METHODOLOGY that the Black community has chosen in pursuit of the attainment of our PERMANENT INTERESTS.

For many of you - this is "Malcolm X Football Season" - and you are unabashed in your active fusion between the affairs of the Democratic Party and the "Black Community Development Consciousness".

When, by all logical accounts you have won at what you have set out to do yet the Black community has sustained both "tremendous loss" and unacceptable stagnation - the real question must be asked of your real agenda as it relates to our "Permanent Interests".

When the "Institutional Credibility" is not enforced - as those who received the word of the "favorable politician" and then acted as stenographers rather than skeptics - demanding clarity on what we are purchasing in exchange for our "Equal Black Ballots" and our FUSED "Black Community Consciousness" - we now see that that last lie must be replaced by a new LIE - to keep the Black rank & file focused outward.

With once beloved Black Progressives being attacked like they were "Clarence Thomas' confidants" (from your leftist perspectives) - do you think that I - a self proclaimed Black Conservator - who is STUDYING YOU - worry about any names that you might call ME?

Anyone who takes the names to heart is a fool.  They are merely non-credible incisor marks from an "Attack Sheep Dog", seeking to send a message to the rest of the flock on what they can expect if they dare stand up for "Permanent Interests" while putting aside the "Permanent Friend's feelings". 

When those who coined the term "Speak Truth To Power" now have to ask permission to SPEAK - that oft head term "THEY ARE TREATING THIS PRESIDENT DIFFERENT FOR SOME REASON........." needs to be asked of yourselves. 

We all know the reason why, indeed.

If you don't maintain your INSTITUTIONAL INTEGRITY - who do you think will?
Should those external forces to your community that you seek to hold up to your "Social Justice" standards seek to abide by your common value when you can't even ask this of your own?

It seems that inside power has indeed contaminated you.

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