Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Root.com Interviews "The Urban League", Never Analyzes Its EFFECTIVENESS In Addressing Black Community Issues

The Root.Com Interviews The National Urban League's Marc Morial 

I find the most effective means of understanding how the various cogs in the Black Racial Services Machine (depicted on the left) functions is to sit back and allow them to operate within the context of their natural tendencies.  The answer will be fairly evident.

It should come as no surprise that all of the cogs in the "Black Racial Services Machine" are ideological left-wing Progressive.   As such one need only prove their progressive credentials and their INTENTIONS on helping the Black community through its present struggle.  From which the Black Press (depicted as the engine and the regulator of all of the other cogs) will fortify their progressive agenda with an article that is really a "press release", allowing the operative to speak in a relatively unchallenged manner.

Ultimately it doesn't matter what the dimensions of the "Black Problems" are, the Black press agent is going to allow their partner organization to run through their "check list" of all of the good works that have been done.   Never are they going to attempt to reconcile this list against the scale that is necessary for the "salient temperature" of the Black community to move within the comfort range.

This interview was not a failure for The NUL.   Their leader spoke his peace and got his message across.

The failure was at the hands of Joel Dreyfuss, the man who conducted the interview.

Maybe I am wrong about the role of "The Black Press" but, in my estimation anyone who CLAIMS to be an agent of "progress" for the Black Community needs to have some agent of enforcement to that end.  A producer can't slap the label "Champagne", "Organic", "Vidalia onions" or "Wisconsin Cheese" on his products without an official vetting by the entity charged with maintaining the veracity of the brand.

For the term "Civil Rights Organization", few labels have been more molested and stretched beyond recognition than this one.   Again - absent the entity to enforce the brand - those who are operative within the mix are merely doing "self-reporting".

What Mr Dreyfuss apparently doesn't understand is that with these labels which accord a certain trust, confidence and respect among Black people also comes a measure of complacency.  This is where the Black community is seen letting down its guard.  In as much as the operative which seeks to embed itself within our "Community Consciousness Nucleus" as a "good guy" working in our favor - the litmus tests having been made lax - allow those with ulterior motives to run their mischief in an unabated manner.

The outright complicity shown by the "SubPrime Predatory Black Progressive Journalists" in promoting their favored joint-venture partnerships must be seen in contrast to their disproportionate focus upon "threats" that do not have the same sort of access to our consciousness core.  The lack of proportion to the real world with both friend and foe is telling of the agenda at hand.

Did A Warning Light Flash On The Dashboard At The National Urban League Prior To The Collapse In The Mission Accomplished Cities?

The city of Detroit is synonymous with the powerful NAACP chapter there.   I will yield my focus upon that city as it my very well be that The NUL did not have a strong presence out of respect for its sister organization and instead was more firmly planted elsewhere.  As I recall Los Angeles is a stronger base for The NUL.  Unfortunately the key "misery index" measures remain below the point that our community needs for more wholesale prosperity - regardless of which "Civil Rights Organization" stands at the top of the heap or even if they all conspire together (See Atlanta).

The point remains, however, that the data points collected by The NUL in their annual "State Of Black America" report should have triggered an alarm as to what is going on in the cities that have a large and growing Black population.  The question for The NUL is "Beyond collecting the data, printing the report and taking it to the federal legislature - What did you do as the warning lights were flashing on your dashboard telling you of the peril that was building within the Black community per the engine sensors?"

Three years ago the Black community was told that the investment of our "equal Black ballots" into the appropriate pot was going to usher in fundamental change for the betterment of our people.

Correct me if I am wrong but I don't recall The NUL hedging their bets and telling Black people to not invest our Black Community Development Consciousness into this one pot (The American Political Domain).

In fact I recall sitting at a dinner table as the Marc Morial came to town at their local chapter's large fund raising event.  Morial told the mixed audience that America's future is that of a "Majority Minority" nation.  He placed the responsibility to prepare the future work force on the present establishment.  He NATIONALIZED the mandate that we all work together.  He carefully avoided the fact that in its previous iteration - his progressive movement had promised Black people that the take over of the LOCAL INSTITUTIONS would bring us prosperity.

Today they appear unaware of their past campaigns in which the Black community's pockets were emptied as we were made to fuse our struggle with those who now hold the balance of power.  In the disposition of "selling the future", Morial was heard binding our fates together while never displaying any contrition for the misappropriations from the past.

Excuse Me For My "No Confidence Vote" Of Skepticism

Those who identify a problem that needs to be addressed have not proven their own competency in leading the fix.

In fact "activism" and "management" are far too often very different disciplines (as Community Organizer and Commander In Chief Obama is finding out rather painfully).

Activism has the tendency to sooth the masses by ordering their angst in a laser-like focus upon a unifying target.   Ultimately it does not demand an actual fix.   It is easily satisfied with an immediate victory per the terms that were established by the leaders of the group.  (Thus we have "Mission Accomplished Cities" that in some cases are more threatened than before - unable to stand up on their own)

Management often requires the "decider" to make unpopular decisions for the long term best interests of the entity being governed by which will have him called a "scoundrel" and "turn-coat" by those who have the activist spirit with no patience for governance and long term positioning.

The present "Black Racial Services Machine" has the main fault that it is not ultimately held responsible for the results that impact the Black community after it has directly advocated for their adoption.  The running indictment against America (for its past and the opposition conservative ideology of the present) allow this machine to keep running forward - without fearing a "No Confidence Vote" by the Black rank & file.

In the article Joel Dreyfuss and "The Root-Grio" were not interested in applying the radiant force that the NUL yields into the larger picture of the actual NEEDS for warmth that the Black community now has.   As long as that energy is "progressive energy" - The NUL is a cog that is turning the proper way.

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