Monday, August 1, 2011


As I mentioned last time, I'm using Zuckerberg's billion dollar baby for activist purposes -- like millions of other activists.

I decided some of my recent posts would make a decent blog. Snippet-truisms and observations.

1/ No offense meant to decent Americans, whom I love, but honestly, just how long has it been okay for politicians to feed us the line "This is the greatest country in the world" without anybody standing up and saying flat out: "Hey, that's really arrogant and, well, quite wrong, d***head!"?

2/ COMMON CONVERSATION IN D.C. THESE DAYS: "U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, Amendments, Pledge of Allegiance, Patriot Act... Listen you guys, people are starting to wake up to the old crap. We need some NEW crap that we can twist around and confuse em with and get em saluting our bull***t."

3/ To those people who are too frightened or apathetic to speak up to power, how about doing it for the next generation? If we don't stand up to power, it might be the LAST generation.

4/ Final thought for the day: If you can't say something nice about someone, you're probably talking about a politician.

5/ I live in the States because I have a son here and there's much about it I love. I have a green card/permanent residency and have paid a truckload of taxes but I'm not allowed to vote. Should I stage a revolution over that? Wouldn't be the first time it happened.

6/ QUESTION: Why is it when the American government announces the occasional worthwhile reform, troop withdrawal, cessation of hostilities, repeal of an odious law etc, it will take effect in 30 days, 90 days, a year, two years...? I'm not saying outright that there might not, in certain instances, be a good reason for the delay, I'm just saying that we have a right to know what the hell that reason is. A lot of people can be slaughtered or starved in 30 days.

7/ "The more you can increase fear of drugs and crime, welfare mothers, immigrants and aliens, the more you control all the people."
- Noam Chomsky

8/ Did anyone see the story about the huge racial divide in wages/salaries in America reported this past week? Not to mention the still-present gender divide. Meanwhile, the WASPs on Wall Street, who are just robber barons, are still cleaning up like champs.

9/ Whenever we need leadership in America, our "leaders" seem to go missing. Meanwhile, crop circles continue to mysteriously appear. Coincidence or connection? You be the judge. :-) (You have to admit, it would be much more fitting to call Congress, "those crop circle dudes.")

10/ We must not allow the elites to set the language of public discourse. For example, we do not have "defense spending." We have military spending, war spending, invasion spending, OFFense spending.

11/ [On the recent debt debacle] The answer to this is simple and obvious and many people know it: Cut military spending and take health "care" out of the hands of corporatio­ns. Those two things alone would cure the debt.

12/ Washington finally signs off on a debt deal: "Screw the people!"   

13/ CHEVY CHASE'S IMPERSONATION OF AN AMERICAN POLITICIAN: "It takes a big man to admit when he's wrong, and I am NOT a big man!" 

14/The way "our" [the U.S.] government is going, they'll have to build border walls to keep us IN before long.

Take care,


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