The various blogs, streaming radio Internet audio and Psuedo-News/Progressive thought aggregation sites have given me easy access to the waves of propaganda that are so closely mapped to the changing seasons of the "American Political Domain". I cannot imagine that Malcolm X ever envisioned that that which presents itself as "BLACK political thought" would ever show its true character as "Progressive thought in Black face". Its particular distribution channel adding the proper "soulfood seasoning salt". You know us Black folks think that White folks' food is a bit too bland.
The pattern is clear. There is a multi-channel blitz of opinions being streamed to our people. The goal is to enforce "ideological unity". In the redistricting battle in Georgia it is no surprise to hear Rep John Lewis protest that his district has been carved up as he argues "Elimination of multiracial coalitions was not and has never been the goal of the Voting Rights Act," Sadly Rep Lewis can't see that he has hijacked the law to do the affirmative as he sought political power for his ideology and party.
As long as Black people are fooled into assuming that the "Black Best Interests" are evidence by a "favorable person in power".........."Representing our interests" then it logically follows that when the scheme falls short the masses will also be prone to believe that the ENEMY was most responsible for the failure has he proved more
When you read between the lines of Earl Ofari Hutchinson's latest column on The Grio - owned by MSNBC - you are forced to come to the conclusion that the entire scheme that was labeled 'The Black Agenda' was not to meant to organically build up our people. Instead it had the goal of building up a "Redistributive Social Justice Framework" by which our people would consume the resources that enable to live up to our desired standard of living and have our "Equal Black Ballots" and ability to form political joint-ventures - UNMOLESTED by systematic racism.
As I read unchallenged Black Progressive Thought - it becomes clear that they don't mind Black people being "IN RECEIPT OF these benefits", not caring about the production source.
As Huchinson recounts the conservative spirit that President Clinton and other Democrats go during the term they passed 'Welfare Reform' he can't bring himself to notate the "organic competency development" that should have taken place within our ranks after the joint-venture began to take over so many institutions in our community.
Indeed there will always be poor people. The most credible measurement of the "Black Agenda" needs to be evidence of the reduced proportion of Black people that are counted among "The Least of These" - they having been developed into the "Un-Least Of These" not merely greater consumers of a living standard that their ecosystem of production has not produced and cannot sustain.
While the bible says "The Poor will always be among us" it seems to me that the Progressive-Fundamentalist public policy that you support should be judged on it utility to Black folks by how many Blacks it makes the "UN-least of these".
Your article was reaffirming to my assumptions about Progressive-Fundamentalist policies. Despite the appearance that you all seek to "uplift Black people" - it is all too clear that you are more interested in a "Social Justice Safety Net" than you intent to insure that a numerically significant fewer number of Black will be dependent upon it.
So you say that Clinton accepted the "Conservative Kool Aide" and went after Welfare.
Why is it that the "anti-matter" argument that seems to always lurk along with most The stories is never articulated? That dark-mater question is "How has the Black community fared in accepting the Progressive-Fundamentalist sugar water?"
You say that people don't have the skills to obtain better jobs and there is a scarcity of jobs in the first place? I thought that by adopting Bayard Rustin's political guidance Black people were supposed to have control over our schools and the quality education that came with it?
To see Rep Maxine Waters - et al telling corporations to "Not bother coming to the jobs fair if they have no jobs". Why don't a substantial amount of Black voters tell their Progressive representatives to "Not even bother appearing on the polls IF they don't show evidence of jobs and economic prosperity in the Black community"?
Where is the pay off to our people for the policies and political machine that the Black community has invested our "equal Black ballots" - having fused our "Black Community Development Consciousness" to this political effort?
Did you notice, Hutchinson, that the same people who had been selling us on the "Clinton Surplus that Bush squandered" are able to gain personal satisfaction in the "Malcolm X Political Football Game" that they are starters in. Yet when it comes to them having claim to this same money and how it was used to fill up the storerooms WITHIN the Black community - so we are not now 'Catching the Flu" - we all see how empty their antics are when needed the most
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