I listen to right-wing and left-wing talk radio (Black-wing radio is a part of 'left-wing radio').
Along with the flashes of logical and brilliant thought is a heavy dose of ignorance. Many people like to point out the hatred and bigotry and ignorance of the other side only because they are not attuned to identifying ignorance that breaks in their favor.
I don't believe that talk radio is the proper forum to change the minds of the listening audience that has gathered. With a few valuable minutes to get your point across and the host having control of the telephone switch hook - it is unlikely that any souls will be redeemed after your call. (I do admit that I tried to call the WAOK morning show to set Dr Simon straight the other day, upending her propaganda. The phone was busy).
Martin Luther King Jr Was A Black Republican
Worse than the occasional Black Democrat that calls into Medved or Limbaugh or Prager is the Black Republican that calls into Black-Wing Talk Radio and makes foolish comments.
"Martin Luther King Jr Was A Black Republican" tops them all in foolishness and stupidity.
Take away all other arguments and lets center on the primary fact - TODAY THERE IS NO "ORGANIC BLACK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE. Thanks to integration we have POLITICS as the primary vehicle. Even if it was so that King had supported some Republican candidates over time (I am not saying that he did or did not) the fact is that he did not seek to implement change to this nation or for Black people THROUGH the American political party system. This is NOT THE CASE today. Those who call themselves "Civil Rights Leaders Today" are all "Party Operatives" and Ideologues (but for a few who have not committed as such).
The ignorance in this position about King being a Republican is that it never gets beyond the point of gratuity. Neither this or "Black people used to be Republicans" or "Lincoln - a Republican freed the slaves" matters today in resolution of the problems that we need solving. (Neither does the note that "Black people built the Pyramids in Egypt". One thing is for sure - they did not have Workers Compensation, unions or a Defined Benefits Pension Plan).
I reject the attempts by Black Republicans to channel Black people through their doorway as the means of correcting that which was not solved by herding us through the doorway of the Democratic Party. In both cases they only seek to compel Black people to give a vote of confidence - investing our "Equal Black Ballot" to the larger national cause of POWER for the respective party.
The Black Republican is at a disadvantage. He has the entire "Black Racial Services Machine" conspiring against his party. 90% of what is claimed to be "Black Political Discourse" is actually ANTI-REPUBLICAN strategizing. The most fun that I have is listening to radio host Bev Smith first play a clip from "The Congressional Black Caucus" and then for the sake of DIVERSITY allow some Black Republican entity give their viewpoint. As the Republican segment is queued up Ms Smith adds some point of editorializing: ".........Here is ...............if we can stand listening to those bastards!!" (OK she doesn't use the word "bastards").
In order to compete with the Progressives who are Democrats who are Black - the Black Republican who is bound to his party machinations is forced to attempt to convince Black people that the ravaging of the Progressive-Confiscatory Social Justice platform is the wrong way to go. That they need to join with the people who most Black people hear from the Media Matters Twitter stream.
The antics of the Black Republican to win favor are laughable at best. They are the featured players in various embedded Black Progressive showcases as to why "we can't allow these Negroes any traction within our community". The reason why I wanted to confront Dr Simon is that she promoted Rep Allen West as a threat to the Black community per his plantation comments and attacks on a
The Black Republican is wasting his time. He is ultimately the same threat that the "Democrat Who Is Black" is to our community development. The true test for both of them is to look at how much they stand up for our community when their scheme FAILS. Getting the people who they handed over our "Equal Black Ballots" to as an investment to listen to the Black community concerns is not the valid response. Instead we need to look at how much of our "Community Development Consciousness" has been diverted into this channel without an outlet OUTSIDE OF the "American Political Domain".
They should be fired for that reason alone.
The Black Republican has merely been less successful than his Democratic counterpart
President Obama Did A Lot Of Things For Black People - Go To My Web Site And See The List
The words of Andre Michael Eggelletion - guest host on the "Al Sharpton Keeping It Real For The Democrats" Show. Since I went to Mr Eggelletion site and couldn't find the "Obama Did These Things For Us And We Should Thank Him Every Day" list I have decided to use a more reliable source of "All Things Obama" - the 3Chics Political site. They make it easier to do research on Obama. If you go to Google, type in "3Chics Politico" you will see a URL below the search results showing Obama's accomplishments.
3 Chics Political - Our Long, Long Checklist Of Obama Accomplishments
"Obama is an 'accomplished President yet we are depressed with the condition of Black people. We plan to get Black people motivated by keeping an eye on every Republican candidate that threatens to stop Obama from increasing his 'Accomplishments List for Black People' 2013 to 2016 edition."
Just as I pointed out to TheGrio.com (owned by MSNBC) that a poster on their site has been crafted into their ideal consumer - don't expect too many members of the Black Racial Services Machine to believe that 3Chics are a bit overboard, possibly having their "Permanent Friend" held above their "Permanent Interests".
You see their presentation of "All That Obama Has Done For Black People" does not speak to "All Of The Needs That Black People Have - THAT WE HAVE INVESTED OUR EQUAL BLACK BALLOTS INTO THE AMERICAN POLITICAL DOMAIN TO RESOLVE".
I stated previously that the biggest enemy of the Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chaser is the time line. In this case he seeks to have Black people's attention focused on two intervals of time so we will not pay attention to the more important interval:
- The Last 234 Days In Which The Tea Party Was In Control Of The US House
- The Number Of Days For The 2012 Election
With the Tea Party - we are supposed to believe that there is a RACIAL threat to Black people. They are waiting to find some Black people strung up from a tree to use as a campaign rally. In truth they know that the Tea Party is a threat to PROGRESSIVE-FUNDAMENTALISM in the context of "Black Political Consciousness" having been hijacked by Progressivism. I am not arguing that the 'Tea Party Is The Friend Of Black People'. I AM ARGUING that the people who are embedded confidence men are not friends of Black Progress either. When a Florida congresswoman can stand in front of a room of unemployed Black people who are desperate to find a job and can divert their angst away from the local machine that she came up through the ranks in which has failed to produce sufficient jobs and have them yell out at the Tea Party - the real enemy of Black people's interests has shown its face.
From The Current Edition Of "The Final Call" - Black People Are "All Good" And The JingOists Are Satisfied As They Show "All That Obama Has Done For Black People - For He Is Worthy"

From The Current Edition Of "The Final Call" - Black People Are "All Good" And The JingOists Are Satisfied As They Show "All That Obama Has Done For Black People - For He Is Worthy"
Inside Hospitals In Libya - Corpses Pile Up | ||||
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No Black Person Has Ever Been Fired From Our "Racial Consciousness Core" For Promoting Obama Over The Black Community Permanent Interests
I am not naive.
I know the dynamics of group behavior.
My argument is about the HIJACKING.
What is put forth as a "Protection of Black Community Interests" is in truth a protection of an ideological and partisan interest in a domain that is OUTSIDE OF THE BLACK COMMUNITY.
Credit must be given to the Embedded Confidence Men. (I didn't say respect I said credit). They used their knowledge of Black people and what makes us tick to slowly integrate our community's desires for uplift with their goals inside of the American Political Domain.
As they stand on stage at what should be a NO-CONFIDENCE VOTE in their leadership - they use their adept knowledge of our people to rally the forces into supporting another obfuscatory charge ahead against an enemy that they have stood up before the crowd.
In my view a "Black Agenda" is that which is HALTED by our common consciousness when it has been shown to have FAILED. The majority of the political discourse that can be heard from Black people fail this measure.
As evidence - as this machine aggregates more power along with their joint venture partners - the Black community's condition does not change.
They want us to struggle around an IDEOLOGY and on behalf of a PARTY. The Progressive ideology is the methodology through which we are to receive our full bucket of gold. The Democratic Party is the vehicle that we are to ride upon.
They count on Black people to not look backward on the stack of investments of ballots and conscious loyalties that we have made. They only want us to focus upon the next battle that we are marching to.
Yesterday on a rebroadcast of the "Keeping It Really Progressive With Al Sharpton Show" the guest bigot in the chair received a call from a self-proclaimed Black preacher. He said that if King were alive today he would want us to teach all Black people how to VOTE. This pastor - who usually proclaims the words of "Jesus Christ" was arguing that Black people double down our development investments into the investment vehicle that the balance of our fortunes are already in. He too talked about how the Tea Party must be fought against. This same preacher could point to no evidence of a domain that is outside of American Politics that Black people and Christians might hew their fortunes, wealth that is less subject to the whims of man. With this he affirmed that the SYSTEM and SCHEME that we Black people have been sucked into is worthy of continuance. We just need to FIGHT HARDER against the devils who stand against "our interests". From this Christian preacher I heard no hint of his having a message that resided outside of American politics. He can't see that the VOTE is an attribute of American Politics and that POLITICS is but one channel through which our interests are pursued.
Today we have a Black people that are full participants in the game that the great Malcolm X has warned us against. As part of this game there is agreement that we will DISRESPECT OURSELVES. After been sold on the benefits that our INVESTMENTS would bring - years later we see:
- A List of claimed RETURNS that only a vested bigot would affirm is sufficient
- A List of unmet demands - from past intervals - which only a vested bigot would look past
The most generous thing to do for a person who is willing to compromise his Permanent Interests as such - is to note what he is willing to market as success on behalf of a "Permanent Friend" and understand that anything BEYOND this incomplete level that he demands in the future from his enemies is merely a front. He has set the water level of the "Glass Half Empty" so let him be satisfied after revealing himself.
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