WHO among the "Black Protection Services" is monitoring Professional Progressive Political Preacher Rev Al Shaprton?
People are fooled by his verbal pugilism as evidence that he is "saying something".
Today in the 3 o'clock hour of his radio show an aggrieved Obama supporter called in and stated:
(Paraphrasing the words and the numbers)
"A year ago when I called you about the march Black unemployment was 15.4%. This year as you prepare to march again Black unemployment is 15.9%. I am not so sure that anything has changed that much in one year for it to be worth our time coming to Washington again".
"Last years march WASN'T ABOUT JOBS!!!"
"Last year we had a march about education but we couldn't do a march because Glenn Beck was at the Lincoln Memorial trying to hijack the Dream".
What Should The Caller Have Asked Sharpton If He Was Quicker On The Draw?
Rev Sharpton - Did the EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT Of Black People ADVANCE Since Last Year As You Stood On The Steps Of Dunbar High School, A Failing Majority Black School In DC? If I Told You That Dunbar Was Once Called "The Preparatory High School For Colored Youth" And Was One Of The Top Performing Public Schools In The Nation, Of All Races. If I Told You That Anna Julia Cooper Had Better Human Resource Management Skills Than She Did Protest Skills - Would This Show You That You Are Not The "Tool" That The Black Community Needs In Pursuit Of Quality Education At This Time?
If you listen to Sharpton - "The March For Jobs And Justice" and the "JOBS BILL" at the federal level is the key to Black people's salvation.
When you hear the latest talking points from Black Progressive-Fundamentalist JingOists about the "40 Democratic Jobs Bills" that were (supposedly) submitted since the GOP took over the US House - the reason why they try to make Black unemployment as a matter of a successful "Jobs Bill" is because it gathers Black people's consciousness into the "Malcolm X Political Football Game".
For you to accept their argument - you'd have to be willing to look past the 45 years+ of POWER building that the Black Progressive-Fundamentalists have assumed and instead believe that the past 7 months and 21 days have a more damning impact upon Black unemployment.
It is clear that the Embedded Confidence Men need Black people to "keep moving" in a struggle lest we start doing better analysis per our stationary position.
You have to believe that the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT creates jobs and will be the primary force by which Black people will be made whole. They already say that "There are so many Blacks in government jobs because the private sector is RACIST". Yesterday I presented the case of the Philadelphia School System which is made in to a "Minority Contract Compliance Program" and a "Jobs Program" - all the while having about 50% of their schools deemed "Proficient".
It is clear that the "March For Jobs & Justice 2011 Hijacking Edition" is a political event. Out of all of the rungs of government through out the nation the "Republican Controlled House Of Representatives" just happens to be the prime agency of scorn for the Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chasers - after all of these years of machine assembly.
The primary points of argument that I hear on Black-wing talk radio needs the listen to buy in to what is often a fake supposition.
Those who don't allow Sharpton to own the narrative of the supposition can finally pin that "Vistor's Pass" to his lapel.
"Who Are You Going To Vote For In 2012? President Obama or Perry, Bachmman Or Romney? Its Going To Be One Or The Other And I Know You Are Not Crazy Enough To Vote For Those People Who Don't Care About You"
Obama is the "Cherry On Top" of the Progressive-Joint Venture Machine build up.
Even though the majority of our government services come from our local entities - they know that they have failed to build up a sufficient local economic base and thus they need to depend on "Nationalized Social Justice Redistributionist" Public Policies. This effectively shifts the onus on job creation, provision of health care, creation of quality educational environments upon the NATION via the federal government.
The thing that people don't understand is that this is put forward by the Progressive-Fundamentalist as a demand for PROOF that the nation views everyone EQUALLY.
In truth this allows them to abstract the culture, economics and educational priorities that they put forth among their CONGREGATION - allowing them to continue unchallenged - while they put the demand upon the nation to PROVE EQUALITY - while being fundamentally unable to show that they view "The Least Of These" as being EQUAL.
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