Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The "MSNBC-Ification" Of The Black Political Discourse - Part I - Selective History Lessons

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There is certainty that if a Black Conservative brought up Slave-holding President Thomas Jefferson and referred to his anti-feminist views that he had adopted from the times but failed to talk about his views of Black people - this video would be posted on every Black Progressive-fundamentalist blog site.  They having received the clip from the "Media Matters" syndicate which feeds them the bulk of their content.

It is clear that MSNBC ("The UN-Fox-Biased Biased Network") has a symbiotic relationship with the Democratic Party as FoxNews does with the Republicans.   The only difference between Melissa Harris-Perry (and Sharpton) versus right-wing Blacks who have "sold their souls" to FoxNews is that the "MSNBC Negroes" just happen to be associated with a more POPULAR distribution than those who receive criticism.

The irony of this video clip is that Prof Perry has the audacity to talk about the American FARMER  during Slavery times.   He is an "honest man of the people" - but Prof Perry doesn't bother to interview the "Africans in bondage" by the "honest man".

This blog is not about "political gotcha".   There are plenty of blogs that you can go to for this.   I make this post because it shows that the faux outrage that is so much a part of the "Consciousness Hijacking Routine" for the Black Progressive-Fundamentalist comes from their "Media-Matters-like" focus across the fence as their eyes are cast upon their ideological enemies but never themselves.

Melissa Harris-Perry and Obama

Did anyone else get the license plate of that truck?
(Similar to Rick Perry's "McJobs" that produced 49% of Obama's 'Salvation of America............)

Professor Perry:

  • Notes the honor of Elizabeth Warren in "speaking truth to power" against the corporations

  • Promotes Obama's $1,000,000,000 campaign for 2012

  • Attacks REPUBLICAN SCOTT BROWN as a Fund Raising King from the Corporations

  • Wonders if Elizabeth Warren can compete against..........................Scott Brown's corporate fortunes?

Why didn't Prof Perry attack President Obama for his $1B war chest?   
Why didn't she wonder if the Republican competitor to Obama could compete with Obama's CORPORATE WAR CHEST?

When I read/watch the "Obama Fist Bump Black Press" these are the contradictions that flow strongest.  
They are not able to make ABSOLUTE indictments.   Instead they "Keep Their Enemies On Trial So They Don't Have To Indict Their Friends".

I wonder if Prof Perry has cut her own check for Ms Warren yet?
There is little doubt that she will be sending money to Obama's pot - to complement the free campaign advertising.

Prof Perry - did Thomas Jefferson own enslaved Africans to help him do "honest farming"?

As I stated earlier:
A Black Progressive is 100% qualified to fill the shoes of any White Progressive host.
It is also true that mainstream progressives can sufficiently represent the Black Progressive-Fundamentalist voice in the news, in the judiciary and in elective office.

This is because there is no such thing as "Black Progressivism".  It is ONLY "Mainstream Progressive Methodology" that tries a bit more earnestly to direct certain redistributed resources into the Black Community because they have a slightly greater interest in our community.  They both value our "Equal Black Ballots" for their ideological cause.

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